/wowg/ - World of Warcraft General

Weekly Reset Edition.

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>WoW Token Price:

>Blood of Sargeras to gold:
US: rodent.io/blood-money
EU: rodent.io/blood-money-eu/

boards.Veeky Forums.org/vg/thread/200505264

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>have to pick between stolen reddit image and pissdough's masturbatory threads
fucking purge this entire general already

I'd rather take this one desu

mods why is this not deleted it was made later

fuck off pissman

Is it time for the weekly box of disappointment yet

Not yet


Please upvote, like, comment and subscribe.

I would if I had an active sub, friendo

>fire mage
>plays 3s
Already 8/10, rest doesnt matter

haha le epic shitpost xd

>should I level a X?
>what's better, X or Y?
>what should I reroll guys?

>1st: Retribution
>2nd: Windwalker
>3rd: Unholy

>1st: Blood
>2nd: Brewmaster
>3rd: Prot Paladin

>1st: Holy Priest
>2nd: Resto Shaman
>3rd: Mistweaver

Goblins are even grosser than Pandaren.

How goes your mage challenge completion, /wowg/?

You ARE getting every skin and proving your mastery over the game before the challenges are removed from the game FOREVER, right?

When is it MWs turn to be FOTM healer?

Is Wow TCG Loot a trustworthy site? Wanna buy the red ogre thing.

Imagine using the artifact challenge skins in BFA, that's like the retards who still use the MOP CM set after MoP.

guess me personality based on this chart

>t. skillless, friendless sourgrapes loser who couldn't do either

a retard who still uses mspaint

minimal social life - shy, bad at socializing, autistic at times, doesnt stand up for himself, puts others before him

basically an overall beta

B-but i have done mop wod and legion challenges on my main :(((

>doing any challenges other than your main and MAYBE guardian druid prot warrior and prot paladin because they're unique in nature
imagine being this autistic

hol the fuck up who said anything about using them?

Idk I'm not really a competitive person
Sorry, user

you are so fucking wrong

Disappointment soon. Time to post your weekly chest loot and how shit it is.

nah, you just have shit taste

>not getting mad daily at players that are better than you
>not accusing winners of exploiting and cheating
>not yelling at your friends on discors and blaming them for mistakes they didnt do
>not ever taking responsibility about your fuck ups
>not putting yourself at the top, thinking you are the best of the best despite struggling at 1.2k rating and/or +5 mythics

Your drawings look nothing like the in-game models, though.

>half of their faces are granny-like
>90% of their haircuts make them look like crack-whores
Female goblins are male troll level of bad

A lot of these Drawings are what characters in this game look like Canonically, the current in-game models are fanfiction

I know it sounds dumb to say, but I'd just kinda feel bad doing any of those (assuming you meant like never taking responsibility)

Any of the store pets/mounts worth picking up if I wanted to blow some money?

It's either this or magic cards. Do any of the store pets do really well in pet battles?

I was memeing, of course its bad. Its what most of the competitive community does, and thats bad both for your and your friends mental health, and your progress.

You simply cannot become the best if you rage and blame.

>Do any of the store pets do really well in pet battles?
No. I think they were meant to be mediocre because if they were strong people would shout PAY2WINNNM

How do I get a cute gf that plays Wow?

wife carrying

Anduin's heart belongs to only one race

dumb deviantart posters

That's a shame :(


almost there

black dragons

i cant believe you didint fuckin get the rarest mount and the event is now over

>main keeps getting shit loot
>alt gets huge upgrades
>alt is now only 3 ilvl under main

Just started
What should I level

>balance x2
>guardian x2
hol up

choose your favourite fantasy archetype and then choose the spec with the most appealing graphics/fantasy to you

I have a 2nd druid


I did the 5 shitty timewalks and I was on the verge of breakdown, if the mount didn't drop fuck it. I got grumpus for 100g so everything can go fuck itself.

you fuckin cancerous sniping piece of shit kys

>It's either this or magic cards
Got a Modern deck senpai?


>people are quitting raiding left and right because of Titanforging fucking up gearing
>this retard is completely oblivious to it

keep shearing those subscriber numbers, cunts

no wonder you can't report them anymore, it's too embarrassing

I already said everything could go fuck itself, what was not understood

fuck man gearing takes so long and i donth ave time to play this mmo much because i have a job fuck fuck fuck

you are a fuckin tumor upon this game and i wish your first born child to die in the incubator

you are delusional
the dozen of upset hardcore fags are nothing compared to the thousand casuals happy they can get raiding level gear for catching squirrels

>waah waah why does an mmo work like an mmo
Go back to your mobas faggot

Holy shit how many times will I repeat myself? Literally everything, every single thing, can simply, go fuck itself.

then dont play

LMAO I play 6 minutes a semester and I am 975 on all of my 40 alts, LOSER

imagine being this mad because you're too retarded to double check your auctions


Still somewhat unclear on how to unlock allied races when they come about;

If I wanna make a Lightforged, I'd have to level a regular Draenei first, right?

I got 965 shoulders from my weekly chest, what'd you guys get?

>Implying I do reddit+

r-rng and grind in an mmo???

Whats reddit about it, nigger?

Orc priests FUCKING WHEN?

get fuckin exalted you dumb nigger with every fuckin faction and have a 110 on the server


>do a single +10-15 a week
>get a free titanforged piece
reddit really?

imagine being this undergeared and friendless

>Bring your friends to Azeroth, but don't forget to go out of Azeroth with them as well
So like Outland and Draenor?

>Using the n-word
>And having no arguments



>1st: Retribution
How did Ret get so popular? Don't people call it the wheelchair/boring spec and doesn't it perform in the lower bracket for raids?

It’s still about as mobile as a two wheeled car but it’s doing pretty high damage in Burnin Throne.

That said it might be the most gear reliant spec in the game

Wrong on both counts.

Pretty shit damage, scales fine with gear and a lot better than some specs.

>be aff lock
>literally CANNOT do the mage tower challenge unless i have the slow ring, in which case it's not even a challenge at all, or pillars of the meme portal
fucking epic game design blizztard

are you a retard or bored out of your mind?

When in a heated argument on Reddit, is it poor form to downvote the person you're verbally sparring with?

>giving a shit about form

Haven't played in months and I have pretty much no order resources.

What's the best way of getting them currently?

mortal coil glitch

I don't think they're responsible for you being bad, friend

fuck off i'm not risking getting banned over a skin
you have never played a warlock. not gonna give you any more attention, blizzdrone.


>No pants
>no slot ring

ur bad

you are terminally retarded

nothing less from a weeb

>another MoP timewalking event
>Daughter of Jade is now officially mainstream
Welp time to use another mount senpaichi

>tfw t21 is loaded with your worst stats
>tfw the set bonus is too good though

No tier sets in BFA HYPE

>install World Quest List
>find out which quick WQs give resource

you are so fuckin stupid user
how can you get banned for exploiting the mage tower if nobody going to report you and have solid proof?

do you take a look at the auction house? hundreds of level 1 bots standing around and they are untouchable and you think you gonna get caught?
grow a pair you fuckin bitch made fuckin faggot ass

>cheater trying to talk down to others
get a load of this faggot
of course

>reddit spacing
>p-please blizzo dont make me play the game to get what I want ;_;

it's not frogposting if he wears a tie

>posting on reddit


what happens when you get every lego for a spec and still play with this spec loot specialization?