Love Live! School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #1594: Cute Dork Edition

Zenkai no /llsifg/! Current Events
JP: UR Kanan Scouting
EN: YouRiko Score Match

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Other urls found in this thread:

Dia is ok

For another year of cute crack!

For another year of shitting on piece of shit honkturds.


Who should be gay partner of better Umi in the all stars?


Umi is love.

Post cute Chikas!


Early start to some playing if anyone is up for it?
Tech @ :15
22k mmr

Hope they'll get more interactions in SIFAS!

IIRC that guy drew like 8 pics but only one was a birthday one.
That's why they weren't added to the collage.

I love her!

I hope we get scans of some of these! I'm going to give a friend some money and take them up on their offer to look if they go to comiket this year.


Where do you get more HonoNico, friend? I'm running out!

in the trash can!

Let me help you!
Hope it will replace NozoNico this year

Is dsz from here? Did we have a 3 roster or only 2?

Breadnigger really needs to neck himself.

Cute Aqours

tech @ :25
22k mmr

AH! I found more!

He's an user. Probably the person I play the most SM's with even.

Yoshiko looks like a pokemon girl.

Pixiv and here for general images. For doujins I've almost never been able to find scans, too obscure I guess, so I'm trying to buy them myself. It'd be convenient if some of the artists had a booth or similar but most don't seem to so it's convention or nothing.

So cute!

JAV posting doesn't belong here.

>g cinderella
>fc, 769k
>previous best fc, 813k
>#1 was 799
Curse you RNG.

one more before lunch break is over?
tech @ :34
23k mmr

sasuga techbabbies

>implying tech vs ex makes any difference if you fc each

>Sora mo Kokoro mo Hareru kara
>Sora mo Kokoro mo Hareru kara
High-level off-colour scorers on a random song are something else.

note distribution can make a difference

For canon!

I'm still playing so...

tech at :41
23k MMR

cute leaders

Well, that was certainly something.

tech at :48
23k MMR

I have nothing off color at all on any of my attribute teams, so variance is more down to scorer percentages. Sometimes "every x notes 40% chance" just happens to work a lot better or worse then average I guess. And of course you can go for URs with more or less variance.

I think for token and the like high variance is actually what you want since it'll likely result in a much top score. But for SM consistency is probably more important even if you trade off cap.

Also thanks for the fun games everyone!

>450 score difference between 3rd and 4th
>2nd and 1st more than 50% above that
>Sora mo Kokoro yet again
Holy crackers.

lagged :(

tech at :55
23k MMR

I love Kanan!

6 more

tech at :02
23k MMR

For magnets.

Oh well, might as well pop a gem then.

can you use your iphone 4g on your ipad like without fucking around with a hotspot meme

tech at :08
23k MMR

It's not like I want to play songs other than Sora mo Kokoro anyway.

tech at :14
23k MMR

Look at this fucking slut, she likes to cuck her friends and fucks her girlfriend's dog

NozoNico will exist as long as I'm here.

wow just wow

>back then
Holding hands with Riko


tech at :20
23k MMR

pos chuuni ruined her

Holding hands with Riko

whats the deal with airline food?!

Ok yoshiko

holding dicks with Riko

holding chads dick with Rikako

Ok Chika

2 more

tech at :26
23k MMR

last one

tech at :32
23k MMR

>tfw 10 out of my last 12 matches were Pure
>6 of which were Sora mo Kokoro
This is yet another one of intern-kun's schemes, isn't it?

Thanks for the games, see you in a couple hours.

Thanks for hosting, was fun!

Thanks for knocking me out of T1, /llsifg/


Next Nakayoshi when?

>let me kill you*
Thanks, /llsifg/

Furirin JAV when?


I miss nakadashi, my teams aren't good enough for score with you guys

In several months

wtf I like russians now

4 months before we can have this lewd Burd.

in All Stars

imagine cute and tiny tomori-chan crying

song of the day

>reddit zero

so dead

Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.



we have multiple shitposter and avatarfagging attention whores always stirring shit up and ruining threads
and yet Jumpman gets more shit than they do because he likes crack and has a trip

Yes because he's a tripfag

>we have multiple shitposter and avatarfagging attention whores always stirring shit up and ruining threads

You mean like Jumpman you dumbfuclick?

he literally only posts pictures
I'd love to have all honkniggers, falseflagging flips and g/makibro to have trips so I could filter them out

Jumpman is a faggot that needs to fuck off but he doesn't stir shit up.

Too bad. Jumpman is still a piece of shit.

>9 pure songs in a row
pure is my worst team but I still got 1st place

cute childhood friends

ruby a shit

Diafags are as sad as Rikofags lol


If you're still here Panagale, thank you for the account.
If you ever want it back you just need to ask.

Did you change your name? Can I add you?