/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2566


>Recent News
New Years skins are available - new skins for Lancelot, Charlotta, and Zeta
Varja, Earth Vaseraga, Ilsa, and Grimnir released
Olivia released - gbf.wiki/Olivia
AK-4A 4* released - gbf.wiki/AK-4A
Granblue Fest happened
- Day 1: pastebin.com/5W94vG7c
- Day 2: grancypher.com/2017/12/23/granblue-fes-2017-day-2-news-roundup/
Balance Update went live - pastebin.com/yMve0nK6

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for January:
12/30 - 1/9 - Right Behind You
1/10 - 1/16 - Rise of the Beasts (Rerun)
1/17 - 1/24 - Guild Wars (Wind Bosses)
1/25 - 1/30 - Miscolored Memories (Rerun)
1/31 - 2/?? - New Story Event

12/21 - 1/4 - New Year's Special (pastebin.com/d2L4VpvH
12/31 - 1/4 - Legfest

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

Previous Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


One more stone and I can use this

I only need about 250 more Champion Merits to 40 box Sarasa, should I do it?


This is why you always plan way ahead of time /gbfg/.

>No Primal
>No Good untickable summon
>No Good limited units
>Been playing for 1 year+ now

Is there a reason to keep going?

Nio bros, where we at?!

>so lazy/tired I used a gold moon for rupies
I miss being a NEET

You have been tasked by KMR to design the upcoming GW boss in such a way that Rackam is the MVP of the event. How do you do it?

this was fucking bullshit. biggest my ass


proto baha HL

help me out

This is what I've gotten from all my rolls. Is everything gonna be okay? I didn't get any summons worth using either so all I have is Anat.

Please respond.


Reminder that if you are a lucklet, now is the last and best chance to get a better account and start over!

are you talking about for porn?

Yaia is core!

altair and charlotta are both fantastic water characters once you 5* them

if you built uno as your first eternal, you'd have quite a strong water team

>that amount of horns
>no units
Unless you planned ahead to be rank 155 and have an hp pool ready I don't think you were gonna get it upgraded anytime soon anyway


Do I need a second copy of Typhon for ubahaHL or should I just uncap it?

It's the last day. Has anyone streamed or have we reconsidered sparking Dog?

Oops, you got me.

So what's the most optimal team i can make with these characters? Also, does Vas beat Papa Sieg?

Cute Zoi !!

How do people from the Foe breath on the moon?

Subskills for CR when paired with Cug?
Def down gets capped with mega mist and Cog's 1 right?

Do you really just save chocobars until you get a primal and luck into whale weapons for it? I've got 8 and counting just sitting here.

I would use: Sieg/Ayer/Mahira/Cag/DLFe

Nice name, fag

You don't even need one copy, Typhon is there for safety/low damage groups. If any summon is mandatory, it's thor

Mist + Cog is only 40% defense down.
Mist + Ilsa caps at 50% defense down.
If you want to cap with Cog, you need to play as Ely and use Dirge + Cog.

Lunarian magic, or they're actually Astrals with space magic?

Cheers, mate

Only 2 friends.
Are you me?

The only SSR I got during BIGGEST was Song. Why does KMR hate me?

I feel so tempted.



please respond

No, I'm talking about who's the better Earth buffer.

Just got Cag to 100. Does he replace Yugu?

Aw shit son.
Wish that dark boost or whatever was still up so I could use this to try for Vampy.

rip your raid

anyone wanna post their BIGGEST haul?

Rate my Fire team

Oh well shit.
What subskills, though?

Ended up with a lot of new water, what would be a good team? I imagine Altair over Arulu? Unless Yuel compensates.

30k white damage autos in overdrive.

I had 7 (would be 8 if I didn't bar my silver relic) and decided to FLB my JK dagger for DATA windmemes a while ago. I only rolled Zeph a few days later but fuck him I'm not whaling for primal wind.

Chocobars are mostly useless for a shitter with no esport summons like me.

That being said, you can still keep them separate for now just to see how your group does when you attempt UBahaHL.

Light Daria SSR.

Finally found a character I want to spark, I hope he'll be a grand like Lucio.

I have Rackam.

With Ultima Sword it's Ayer/DLF/Siegman until you can replace Ayer with Cakeboss. Without, it's Vas/Mahira/Ayer.

Too late. I'm too far from doing ubahaHL right now anyway.

I think I got about 5 SSRs from this event.

Never got more than 10 free rolls ;_;


EMPs for Ayer and DirtyCag?

Someone post the I have fear pic

What is Djeeta looking at?

I rolled against that user's judgement, and I got Vajra, Lecia, Dark Jeanne and two gold moons in 35 rolls. Don't let your dreams be just dreams!

i hope you have at least 3 love eternal

where's your yuel/10

You know, most people would just give in and silver bar the last rusted, but not me. This is what you call autism level compulsion.

Altair / Vane / C. Arulu / Yuel / idk

Romeo and Lily for on-element

Some nerd is sparking and only posted in the dead thread


did you pub it?

Rackamanon died so you could have good rolls.


I just have nothing worth stoning besides primals.


Why are cows so perfect? We need more of them especially lolis.


Could be worse I guess.

wtf are you doing nigga

I'd like so much to play this instead of Fatejew/GO but the sprites here are just so goddamn bad. What's the point of having godtier overdetailed art if the sprites are shitty lazy chibis who are almost Funko tier bad? I'm sure this game would be way more popular with better sprites.

Change the hag and the potato for Bea and Sturm and you're good, otherwise don't bother.

All members of your party are temporarily converted into a (Rackam) series of characters.

>5 ssr
>They include lucio and arulu
I've sparked and gotten less. Fluff this game and fluff you too.

is this bait? fate sprites are some of the worst things I've ever seen

Why do you think people would dama their chev swords? Unless you whale/commit to grid sparking, you usually don't have much else to use them for. If you want to wait 3 years to pull a good primal and weapons for it go ahead, otherwise who cares. Be yourself.
The usual, dirge/call/clarity.

Well if you have other primals use the stones on them but not on zeph

Twitch tv/stoike
I SAID I had no idea what I was doing

So how does doggo work on a team? Managed to get enough for a pull and got her.

Why would you care about her? Both versions are trash.

Boss breaks after 30% of its OD bar is gone. Boss loses no bar from attacks. Boss heals itself and does white damage while in OD.

Th boss resists the duration debuff(not the actual mode bar down) that it can instantly be broken from start to finish.

Why does every single fucker who gets more than 20 rolls try and humble brag about it. Like, just be happy. It doesn't console us lucklets any more if you pretend you didn't really want it.

if you want something then why not?

I meant for CR.

Should I build lucio a +99?

>implying I have them

user pls.
I’ll try rolling for them tho

Are you genuinely retarded or baiting? Hell some sprites are better than the card art and they are 1:1 as detailed.

We should remove all non-cows as this game is centered around cows. No one likes the other races anyways.

You didn't get enough rusted just farming halo?


New Years Sparkers, are you ready to save another 300 for Summer Sparkings?

Thanks user. If it's okay to ask, why no Kat?

That was a good last day.