/wfg/ - Warframe General

Comfy Nova Edition

Last Mission Results: >READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
GENERAL FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros NFA or the Alliance: i.imgur.com/gu5HZxZ.png
(Due to a large influx of applications, the clan is full for the time being.)

>Notable links
/wfg/ Discord: discord.gg/kYhdYFc
Wiki: warframe.wikia.com
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
Farming Prime parts: war.farm/index.php
Riven Prices: semlar.com/rivenprices
Droptables by DE (probably rigged): warframe.com/repos/hnfvc0o3jnfvc873njb03enrf56.html
WF news, Riven Calculator, Zaw and Fish parts: semlar.com/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg/aUTTyWH
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
DPS calculator and build planner No.2: warframe-builder.com/ (frames, weapons and companions)
Top guns: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mdgJUyNrsHWRMveKwFrpdMJQWyyEGE4Wpo34e8BzE74/edit
Frames and Modding: pastebin.com/D8Ckdz0c

CURRENT UPDATE: Plains of Eidolon (Update 22.8.0)
> forums.warframe.com/topic/897989-plains-of-eidolon-update-2280-hotfix-22801/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/893859-plains-of-eidolon-mirage-prime-2270/

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

first for should i take his trade?

Corinth is straight up bad. It's a dumb fotm weapon with a useless gimmick that doesn't even work if it touches anything. Old man tigris prime is 10x better.
So yes, get rid of that shit.

No matter how many times you bully or swat me away, I'll still be here cheering you on anonymous! I believe in you! Make the sale! Bend rng to your will! Grind it out! You can do it!

No lol, that Corinith Riven is worth AT least 2k plat, Euphona Prime Rivens aren't worth as much.

Gas all Corpus.

are we getting an update this week or what?

Gays,trannys,/pol/ and anime posters. You have no place here. Begone.

Another 250k focus and I will have every waybound maxed and unbound while also having all the worthwhile zenurik skills.
I will truly be free from focus then.
Just kidding I will keep maxing my cap, max out every shitty node there is and also get a healthy amount of backup focus in case DE changes things again

What does it take for you to stop playing this shit grindfest

you won't stop my positivity user, I have over 2gb of japanime reactions images! I hope you get an update though, DE is back to work soon!

i'm 250k away from unlocking my last vazarin then it's finally onto unairu and i'm done! i can feel it. can't wait to actually start having fun with naramon

and i will gladly filter 2gb of image hashs

a life either lost or given

Do you know where you are?

Keep posting, just to piss those 2 off.

what is that pic supposed to be

Is that Zephyr Graxx? Nice, hope the next Prime is her with a rework

Seems like Flappy Zephyr

zephyr graxx

I'd guess Thursday for a hot patch, nothing more.
since DE pushed damage 2.5 and Korah to 2018, I imagine they would release it at the latest possible moment in January, so they can say "We released content in January".
Lotus' betrayal will be Feb or March. What's going to happen is Lotus' got her pipes cleaned by Ballas, who stepped through a void rift and pulled her back through time. We're going to go and try to rescue her and get cool Retro skins in the process. (Bronco sawed off shotgun skin)
She refuses to be rescued and tells the Tenno that they have out grown her. Here the factions will step up to bat and we'll choose a faction leader to serve as our Guide, with Stalker offering us Umbra's in exchange for Primes. (hope you have multiple sets).

This free's up Becca to leave or stay with DE and removes their dependency on her, she would have been fired for Exilus-gate, but they could not let her go because they needed her VO acting for unreleased content.


based mari poster

and then everyone clapped

I hope Lotus won't mind farewell gift in shape of Opticor blast. I wanna kill her.

Excalibur is fun! Definitely feels like a real space ninja.


yes. and i also know where /a/ is. dont let the door hit you one the way out/

me too. And then I'll let Nidus desecrate her corpse

>hey kiddo subtles appear
>cant find kid

>fired for exilus gate
Because a community manager who presses a button to execute a script written by DEs coding guys is totally at fault for the malfunctioning software.

About how long does it take you to make a new skin?

I look forward to our relationship together user! I'll be with you always, in your filters!

im not him. but he says he works on 2 skins at a time a

>when the head of a team causes a $300,000 fuck up

She's hella professional and not a liability at all, right 10o?

>Chroma Graxx

it's okay, rebby. you'll have lots of luck in your future endeavors! (you won't)

well, at least she can always do porn as a fallback career

Nidus is new nekros is seems.

made me laugh

I love Valkyr!

>exilus gate
>300k fuck up
in what world?

holy shit why is banshee so FAT
i thought banshees were supposed to be swamp witches not fertility godesses

You better do good skins instead of the half-assed trash you keep pulling out of your ass Faven.

I'm using the word as it's usually intended, not in the in-game sense

me too!

You will never get rid of /pol/ and anime.


the DElusional world in which Steve lives, where he thinks people actually buy tomatoes with real money.

This buffs my domboner

Not bad when you just want to take corpus face and smash it to the floor till it dents.

But Veeky Forums isn't an anime board you guys!

pic related

NASA we have liftoff. Sides have reached the orbit.

Is protective dash any good?

Can Prime details be equipped on the Valk Gersemi skin?

spammed pic
actual exception
why is this here
why is this here
manages to make wfg look like sensible people
why is this here
actual exception
gonna go download that sexy looking animal thing
actual exception
actual exception
just fan art
and why is this here

Don't be a bully user.

I use her for everything. I've been formaing her lately too for the way I play her. I'm sure it's not exactly wise, but it's definitely made her stronger. If I need more or need to change some later I don't mind either. I just love my Valkyr.

>tfw steam friend and his brother started playing warframe
>bought them whatever frame they wanted
>having fun


I'm not sure being this savage is good for your health user

Playing with a new player and what he said about the index

enlighten me please
what is exilusgate

> I have over 2gb of japanime reactions images!
Upload the cute wholesome ones somewhere! I never had the opportunity to find a compilation of some nice ones since I only lurk some 3 threads on Veeky Forums but I'd very much like them.

What are the incredibles?

I'd like that as well.

Disney Pixar movie from about 10 or so years ago.


i didnt think i would ever run out of orokang cells from all that twitch shit
where do i find them?

What in the actual fuck.


I want John Prodman to push me to my knees as he whips out his massive prod.


Please no.


Why is nezha the meme big dick when nidus has a raging boner?

this bitch?

>cheapest primed continuity is at over 400p


nezhafags are insecure as fug

Pls stop, before u go to far



What mods are good for energy usage on banshee for sound quake?



BS that no one cares about outside of WFG




thumbnail instantly brought this image to my mind



I don't get it.

Ivara is cute! Cute! My operator is also very cute!


dumb frogposter


How many forma should I toss onto my main frames?



what exactly is your mainframe, user?

Is it effay? Can I run in the big fashionframe league now


As many as it takes, user. When it comes to your framefu, you don't ever settle for less than the best you can do.