/dlg/ Duel Links General

Duel Links General #206

I activate and equip spell edition


Latest News
>The Battle City Duelist Chronicle event is live now. Arkana is available to unlock
>new main box out now Lightsworns, Dark Worlds and Volcanics inside
>Zane will be roaming Duel World early January
>little Yugi will be added to the gate mid January
>Dakini and MAR will be limited to 2, and lots of skills are changing in January. Check the ingame list for specifics
>expect a PvP Tag Duel event late January

Useful (Duel) Links
>Sites with good info on LDs, skills, deck lists, beginner guides, etc. (Partially outdated but it's the best we've got.)

Future content (No release date but it's in the files)
>Syrus, DINO DNA, Sartorius, Yubel, Solomon, and Tristan have the most data and are likely the closest to coming
drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B8mP_fxnqSU3NDVQ (Voice lines contain proof of new summoning mechanics)

Android emulators (or just use the Steam version)

A few tips for new players
>You can change the resolution of the Steam version with DuelLinksConfiguration.exe in the game folder
>Create and link a Konami ID to play on multiple devices and save your progress in case of a crash
>Turn your battery/power usage bar up to max in the settings menu for a smoother experience
>When sending Vagabonds, always choose the 1 card challenge because it gives the most XP.
>Decide on what deck you want to build before spending gems.
>Level up Mai, Keith, Alexis and Odion first to unlock Windstorm of Etaqua, Metalmorph, Spell Shield Type 8 and Curse of Anubis respectively.

>and equip spell



when will bamboo be banned?

I want them to add Rebecca and Blair.

leave bamboo sword to me


Drop wyvern for a Samurai Skull. Wyvern doesn't mesh with the other zombies. Probably should squeak a bacon saver in there somewhere too

>play burn
>win or lose opponent gets mad as fuck
why play anything else?

>tfw really want Rebecca in the game, but she might get burn support skills and end up becoming the new cancer character


hey guys guess which deck i'm playing

I also opened a pack from soak and got disruption, what should I take out for it, and thinks for the tip

>just opened kaiba and made a deck with whatever I had
>this memeworthy trashfire is somehow working
I will grab his structure tomorrow but this will do till then surprisingly


>play ghostrick deck
>have skelly, yuki and yeti on the field.
>Enemy knows which is which
>They attack yuki-onna
>I revive her
>They attack Yuki-onna again

but why.

>burn shitter ragequits yet the game counted it as a loss for me and denied me plat rank

Bully the ghost

rebecca is really cute i want to duel against her and lose on purpose to see her smile

I know some of them aren't optimal but I enjoy playing zombies and their few combinations.

>"lose on purpose"
not only are you a beta, but you are brainlet as well LMAO

A new box is out yet I want the next one to be here already.

so how do I polish this beautiful brick that is magically working

we lynch the pedos

is Air Neos not in the game?

>try random deck
>first 2 matches are hard counters to said deck
It keep fucking happening


>vagabond is using Bamboo Burn

I wanna do so many things to Jaden I can't even say it here. I absolutely love the boy.

Shut the fuck up Yubel isnt even in the game yet.

Yusei is better.

Kodomo dragons and summoner are SR tickets so grab more of those

>your deck is literally unplayable without Destiny Draw

Just remember to give her a special friendship card after that. That really leaves an impression on her.

>Mission involves using Ishizu a lot
I've barely touched her, I usually have autism about using characters with ill matching decks, what suits her?


>He messes up halfway through because he's a dumb AI

Gravekeepers and Fairies.

REAL BIG.dek is a pretty solid go-to. You'll troll people in ranked and it's not a bad auto-duel deck since it's pretty straightforward.

> 1 card duel
>he missed the 3 grails
>now I have 7 cards in my hand

How do I improve this deck?

Shit, wrong picture. This is the deck. I'm 2/7 at the moment.
Do I really need Destiny: Draw to actually play this deck?

you can do a memy stararray burn combination

>Need to unlock egypt tits
>Have no desire/gems to make a light deck
End my life senpai

If the vagabond already uses strong KoG decks, why does he also need to be a cheating fucker?

Yuki Judai is cute and loveable, he's the definition of purity
Shut the fuck up, nigger.

>no jinzo and royal decree yet
I can't fucking wait we need chemo

>Chazz Deck (Ojamas)

If it's just Light monsters couldn't you just make an Ojama deck?

go away, yubel

Ah, this is the deck that killed me two times yesterday, I really need some fucking floodgate traps to stop those annoying direct attackers.

why you gotta assume race, wont help the fact that he isnt real

It is a shame GX's actual story has no ending. We will never see Yubel and Jaden fight the light of destruction together.

Dub GX watcher spotted

Season 4 was never dubbed.

Same thing happened with 5ds.

basically fuck 4kids.


Always found this idea dull and his duels stupid.

Akiza in duel links when???

that reminds me of the GX manga where Syrus literally equips an equip spell to himself and becomes a mecha

>an entire season about fighting the light of destruction
>An entire season about how Jaden the reincarnation of a hero destined to fight to light of destruction, and Yubel is the soul of his partner.
>The last season is about fighting Darkness
You need to be a brainlet to think season 4 is an actual ending, and not just a rushed mess frantically trying to close every side plot.

1 month

Personal theory is that GX did like crap and they backpedaled to make it like the Duel Monsters.

Except it was done too late

I mean it all fits
>Jaden becomes less goofy and is drawn with serious eyes all the time
>He gets his own inner demon character living inside him
>He gets his own "Dark Magician"
>Plot all about BEING SENT TO THE SHADO-I mean stars.

it was shit.

>mfw its real

>vs sprite bamboo burn shitter
>floodgates his shit monster
>stops for TWO FUCKING MINUTES before surrendering

All of his cards are anime only so unless they just make up a new deck for him I don't see how that will work. Hell even if his armor cards were released, they wouldn't work with the speed duel format.

I agree, the tone shift was massive. It feels like a huge retcon.
And obviously the change was popular since 5Ds started serious and was about Ancient Aztec card games.
Regardless, the final arc should have been about the light.

The absolute state of dkayed viewers

So this is the power of bitcoin...

>Duel Vagabond
>It's the opponent starts with 3 monsters challenge
>He goes first and 2 of his 3 monsters are Lava Golems
>Dies during his second turn

>dark worlds will suck
>mah goldd, mah silvah, mah grapah
>box released
>dark worlds stomping.

retards lol

Don't use mine as a definitive guide (since i'm going to go test it right now). Dragon's rebirth can do some bullshit so I recommend that. Birthright is good for bringing back your blue-eyes (Monster reincarnation combos can help too if you want to do that.) Also since you're focusing on blue-eyes, use Beatdown instead of peak performance. This is also personal preference but a 5 or 6 star monster that can be used for tribute can be useful at times.

Bitch where

ok dkayed you dont have to act like it isnt you

>Dark Worlds stomping
>Bamboos in your direction

BASED dkayed called this in his top player discord. All the more reason to subscribe to his channel!

>make dark worlds
>cant stop bricking
ok then


So when Hassleberry comes out what's going to separate him from Rex?

you can play him in GX World.

His dino DNA

>red eyes shitter keeps fucking taunting all the time
>smashes his precious dragon against my jurrac ptera
>gets silent and loses next turn
hope you choke with all that spit you fucking asshole


why do people get so upset at taunting

They desperately need goldd or dealings to do anything.

My first match in plat was a red eyes player, pretty intense shit since I had to kill his dragons 6 fucking times before I managed to finally end the duel.

His ace won't be Red Eyes Black Dragon

it gets annoying when they keep doing like 100 times every turn

his ace will be a card already released in a box LMAO

Goldd might be too much, but Dealings would make them legit

He'll have current dino support.

It hurts

Because who the fuck wants to hear the one tag line a player says 30 times a turn because they are winning. And it's always the assholes who never spam the taunt when they start to lose, so you know they are just malicious little shits who get bullied in real life and have to be a bully in a fucking phone game to feel good about themselves.

If It was funny shitposting to just be an idiot it would be different but we all know what type of people taunt spammers are.

We have a taunt button?

just mute your game or something

Just tap on your character portrait in duels, everyone has a whole bunch of lines

oh my

Then turn it off, you fag.

Floodgate goddess!

Jesus Christ Mind Scan is bullshit. The backrow is no problem now.