League of Legends General - /lolg/

Cute Kat Edition

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kled is gay

Hows the cold treating you?

Another thread dedicated to the tight redhead of many kegel exercizes

Kled is the strongest and also my lover!

Yeah, got a problem with that punk?

:>I'm good at Lux
So basically you're not good at all.


Give me the most anime battle theme possible that you would unironically go into league with.

Trying to win games from toplane is suffering

you're just bad, sad

Yeah I ended up switching to mid just to get out of low rank where top lane has little impact, once you climb a bit though you can do a lot from top lane.

Okay since you obviously have the memory of a fucking potato
You said this:
>have to blind pick top
>lose lane
>get to counterpick
>win lane
>>>>>>>>counters dont exist
Okay try to follow
>counters don't exist
>you can always pick safe champions
>like maokai
>fiora vayne yasuo jayce
>if you get this item maokai doesn't lose to those
>omg bramble doesn't do this in every matchup youre an idiot
nobody ever said bramble does it in every matchup faggot it's that specifcally for maokai if you rush bramble he stalls those matchups.

Does this count as anime?

nonsense bro, just kill that maokai with bramble vest enough times to make up for the bot lane feed

oh wait sorry a 6 kill adc is stronger than you by default AND they have an egirl ardent slut sleepwalking her way to another easy duoQ win

le angry incel toplaner face

>You said this:

Cute monster kisses!

>so mad that your sentences don't make sense
Not him, just a bystanding getting threadly chuckles.

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

If you honestly had trouble reading that then you might be mentally retarded.

I hope you all have had a swell day/night! Post champions you like no matter what! I love Ivern's aesthetics and his overall playstyle. His voice lines are top notch, too.

>counters and meta only matter in high elo


Does this count? Too bad the actual game is a piece of shit.

xth for Cute Ashe

Good night lolg

nothing personal kiddo

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

That's because it's safe to assume if you actually have a high elo that you no longer do stupid shit.

is this a bot? is it set to post this ?
or is this a sad person?
did we just evolve to tolerate it? did anyone ever question if this is a bot?

comfy bfs~

I love Lissandra!
Ask me anything!
Nice job idiot

>there are studies out there proving that low elo players are just straight up less intelligent than high elo players
LMAO, I always knew I were much smarter than low elo players, but to have actual research on it? EPIC, epic for the WIN!!! XD

the CLIMB is almost here lolg!
im so EXCITED to get to gold!

Ezreal belongs to Lux!
Talon belongs to Quinn!
You belong in the electric chair!

still even at low elo you're playing against players of your own skill levels
so even if it gives a tiny advantage it still is an advantage

just because diamond players can wipe the floor with a silver player playing garen against teemo doesn't mean that 2 players of the same skill level as each other won't experience the meta/counter pick

It would be a shame if anons ran bots in game but not in threads.

lmao literally 2/3s of the adc pool are sub 50% winrate (the highest one at 52%) and ardent hasn't been a thing in months.
What is it about top lane that attracts the biggest whiners? They also gravitate towards bruisers in particular too.

why dont you CLIMB up a bridge then jump off it

I havent seen such shit taste in a while

Why are you the biggest pussy in this general?

Which boss is this? It sounds like Xaldin's theme but it could be several others.

Finish the sentence motherfucker, everyone knows it.

What are you talking about?

i mean if you're hard stuck at silver 5/bronze after 200 ranked games you're probs suffering from something
or you're just underage
or you just suck at games
it really doesn't determine your intelligence because if high elo players were smarter they would be working a real job right now

Camilleanon challenged Lissandrafag to a granny fight. Lissandrafag pussied out. Twice.

>diamond players can wipe the floor with a silver player
>doesn't mean that 2 players of the same skill level as each other won't experience the meta/counter pick
Not true.
Diamond players are just as shit at the game as silvers are. All the game is waiting for your opponent to make a mistake and not being braindead the moment it happens.
People lose match ups they counter and throw just because at any given moment they might get upset.
This is just the kind of people we all play with.


Lissfag is the gurofag!

Can I have Jinx art? I need to collect art of my sexy 2x4!

>Why are you the biggest pussy in this general
Bitch please you ran away from me first

>lmao literally 2/3s of the adc pool are sub 50% winrate (the highest one at 52%) and ardent hasn't been a thing in months.

that isnt even true if you go by champion gg
even if it was it would be irrelevant since noone deviates from the top picks

That drawfag who was taking requests in the last thread
Are you still around or did you decide on something to draw?

How do I stop missing cs as Jhin. The reload times keep fucking me over.

Get this: gud

>Challenged twice and has the gonads to even think of talking

You have a q that bounces and does more damage after killing a target

>champion gg
Thanks for confirming you are indeed a retard
>even if it was it would be irrelevant since noone deviates from the top picks
Nobody is stopping you from picking the best top laners as well

What champions have literally never been relevant to the lore? It's probably a large list.

It is Xaldin's but I think it plays during other's too.

What are you even talking about? You mean you don't take charge and lead your team to victory? You don't just casually walk up and smack their whole team around while they can't touch you at all? You don't treat and take care of your team like hoes and pop anybody who tries anything like a pimp? You don't let the enemy hit you for 10 seconds to give them a "chance" and them delete them, making them quit playing for the day? Are you sure you're talking about top?


No seriously, Riot's made it clear they prefer Ashe. No one remembers Lissandra at all.

Plan out which minion you wanna last hit when it GITS to the crit shot kill it. If you don't, don't worry it's all GOOD, scrub

use your Q retard
Jhin 101: your Q is a farming tool with occasional poke potential, not a poke tool with farming potential.

Sona hasn't received or done anything lore relevant since her release

>camillefag ran away from me twice and somehow in the wimp here
So are you just pretending to be retarded here or...?

Here's your Voli rework bro

Definitely more, cbf listing them all. Some of these have never even interacted with another fucking champion like Ezreal, Sona, Orianna and etc

hello, please give me a broken toplaner to play.

no mechanics
no matchup knowledge
no squishies

I've been playing maokai but I dont really get how you're supposed to trade or manipulate waves so its favourable for you so I generally end up losing. I need someone new.

We still don't even know what the watchers are or want. Makes her sound like a crazy granny


Illaoi is pretty litty right now

Gnar lmao


We don't even know the majority of the lore because "le make the story up for yourselves xDD" or some stupid shit like that.

Lissandrafag I challenged you twice and you literally ran away at both opportunities. You're a fucking coward behind a screen who has a shit-tier waifu that can't even waveclear properly without needing her troll to do it for her. You're nothing but a gigantic fucking invertebrate that defies all logic. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to make my victory tea because you're too busy wimping out.

Almost any theme coming from this series desu.

Well varus is a situational pick, xayah isn't even in a bad spot and is still very good, Draven as well, Ashe, sivir and kalista are good picks in organized teams and kalista is sufficiently strong, corki is a midlaner , Jhin... Well Jhin sucks. Ziggs, Quinn and kennen aren't real ADC's. So the only ads that are in truly bad spots are Caitlyn and Lucian because riot hates them

You can play Garen and learn everything you need. He is so easy and rewards you for having a feeding team. His R deletes people so you can fight 5v4's to improve your odds

theres some mechanics there, swapping forms and it has ranged autos which is annoying to play with.
Will try, I've enjoyed sion support in the past but landing the ult is fucking impossible.
Will consider, but she's a 6300 be champ.

This savagery is off the charts.

Honestly I pick Ashe in any game that doesn't have two or more assassins on the enemy team
It is my honest opinion that Ashe will always be at least viable in yolo queue

passive: every 10% of damage you take causes a piece of armour to fall off. giving you increased ms. collecting the armour gives you temporary 20/30 flat bonus armour for 3 seconds
upon collecting 5 pieces of armour gain a spellshield

q: voli becomes unstopable and gains 50% decaying ms over 3 seconds
w: voli bites his target, slowing them and regaining 10% of his max health
does double damage to targets below 40% health
E: voli throws the target behind him, stunning them fearing them for 1 second
if you throw a target twice you slam them into the ground. w deals bonus damage to targets thrown
r: volibear enrages gaining bonus attack speed and striking thunder down on his foes every 0.5 seconds he is in combat.
upon thunderstriking someone twice they are stunned for 0.5 seconds

CT approved rework
its so shit it might happen

>if you just ignore the glaring problems in the games balan-

let me stop you right there riot employee
the door is that way



garen needs matchup knowledge, does he not?
your e constantly pushes to where they're safe

so it still holds true


Unless someone I know were to listen to it and know where it came from.

Now that you will be levels ahead of their whole team if you do good why complain?


Go in on people and win because no one knows what the fuck you do

Gouge 'em, Valor!

I hear soft things.
I hear Ivern's voice in my head when I read your text.

It feels nice and warming

I do play Liss too. I like her a lot. There is artwork of what the watchers look like

>everybody hates my lane because of our reputation as the biggest whiners in league

guess my lane

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up on NA.
8 slots open.
Pass is vidya.

top or adc

But what if i only support with Naut/Blitz/Cho while maining sololane Lulu????


I hate adc players the most
t. jungle main

xth for my wife Syndra


>ask for gank
>"oh or what? you gonna go afk?"
>adc : fucking gank me
>jungler : ok and we do dragon after"

what is this fuckin meme shut up

Well, sort off. You automatically know when you will win trades because of your "I'm not taking damage" W and you can prevent retaliation with your Q silence. You then scare everybody at 75% health once you are lv 6 because they basically die at 35%. Use your E for damage and farming. You shouldn't shove anyways as top is mostly "cooldown based".

Reminder that Sona has the biggest and best breasts in the league of legends!!!