/d2g/ - Dota 2 General

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Blog: blog.dota2.com
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Cosmetic Simulator: dotaloadout.com
Competitive Scene: wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/Main_Page
Interactive Map: devilesk.com/dota2/apps/interactivemap

Competitive DOTA 2 Analysis: datdota.com
Personal Statistics: dotabuff.com
Personal Statistics 2: opendota.com
Hero Stats: devilesk.com/dota2/heroes/herodata
Hero and DPS Calculator: devilesk.com/dota2/apps/hero-calculator

Streamlink: github.com/streamlink/streamlink
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Previous Thread:

How do we fix her, dotards?

literally the Harvey of Dota 2

#metoo when ?

Jugg has 0 lane counters so his supports can go and do whatever they want. So every time you have a jugg in your team you automatically win both mid and the safelane.

>Europe West
>English language preference
[cant wake up]

You're probably a furfag but in the 10% scenario you're not, just letting you know for next time that you accidentally copied the furfag /tf2g/ discord from the previous OP.

>jugg has no lane counters
u r dumb haha

Reminder that Tango/Salve/Clarity is outdated. The new meta is staying in lane 100% of the time. No more hiding while your Salve is healing you or going back for a tree.

Faerie Fire/Enchanted Mango are the only regen items you should be taking to mid.

where is this from
im guessing from philippines?

>double youd
yea thanks for that im collecting free mmr now
also i think kantus/bladekeep/thousand faces sword is alot better than the pink sword

I'm pumped for some exports!

nice refutation

I think you're spending too much time on the internet, based thirdie ledditor. Shouldn't you be working hard manual labor for an extortionate wage to support your extended family?

>singsing is browsing d2g at this very moment
say something nice about him dotards

i guess he could be shorter than he already is

make a new one without the furry discord.

First You need to fix your cropping

you think he banged both of them? or maybe just the chubby kunkka

Should I crop more or less?

riddle me this
soul ring huskar

Hey /d2g/, I'm still working on that announcer pack.

I decided that asking you guys to do all the work for me is stupid (and well, lazy). I instead decided to focus the scope of my requests.

I want you guys to give me response lines for individual heroes being picked. All replies will go into the script (unless of course it would get the item pulled). Basically anything goes here. Waifushit all you want I don't care.

The final pack will be (tentatively) voiced by ODpixel, a known gulagian.

by making her a dedicated support so i can bully offlaners with that taunt

its good now that soulring gives 6 str

and health regen

its literally a god tier item now

i go treads armlet soulring now

these furry faggots are going to kill d2g

>now now
fuck off 3rd world shitfuck
soulring always gave hp regen


real one without discord

It's true though! Between those two items you have all the regen you need until Bottle.
>Literally become invincible from Mango hp regen
>Unlimited harass from Mango active
>Get every lasthit and deny from Faerie Fire passive
>Immune to ganks from Faerie Fire active