I'm a nonconformist so I want to hate Alexander Hamilton now that all my friends like him because of the musical...

I'm a nonconformist so I want to hate Alexander Hamilton now that all my friends like him because of the musical. Can someone tell me how he ruined the country?

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Hating any of the founding fathers makes you a 12-year old edgelord.

I'm sorry, but its true.

Aaron Burr yourself.

He ignored many social problems of the day to instead talk high minded politics that affected only a small fragment of society

He was basically a monarchist with a hard on for debt and central banking. Anti-liberty. All of the other founding fathers hated him, and for good reason.

I'd like to add that it's no wonder leftist pussies today splooge all over his legacy

If he were truly a monarchist, it seems very unlikely he would have supported the American revolution to begin with. Contemporary politics should not be used as an excuse to belittle the efforts of a man who contributed greatly to the writing of the Constitution and the founding the USA in general.

>An attempt to create an elective monarchy in the United States failed. Alexander Hamilton argued in a long speech before the Constitutional Convention of 1787 that the President of the United States should be an elective monarch


His model is basically what America looks like today

he made a central (((bank)))

argued that the Constitution doesn't mean what it says and created a central bank, also he wanted a monarchy.

Nigga told Jefferson his idol was Caesar. Should have hung for treason right then and there

Pretty much, hence

>Jackson destroys the central bank
>economy tanks immediately after his administration
>it keeps tanking until the federal reserve is established

u mad libercuck?

>Takes French money and weapons to win his revolution
>Doesn't return the favor when France asks for help in theirs
Do you need anymore proof?

>>economy tanks immediately after his administration

When you get someone off of crack they go into withdrawal. But it was poorly handled

>>it keeps tanking until the federal reserve is established

Then the great depression hit because of their bad policies.

probably for the best

France is as bad as England when it comes to imperialism. Give them an inch and they take a mile.

The French money and weapons were given as gifts by the King of France. And by that time, the King of France was murdered, so the treaty signed with him was void.

He has been my favorite or top 3 since high school and now everyone if gonna think I only like him cuz of the musical #hipsterproblems

>also he wanted a monarchy.


Someone should throw you into the harbor

>monarchist fighting for the revolution
Nothing more disgusting than a monarchist traitor to the Republic

Naw op, you sound like a moron, not an independent thinker.

Opposing a foreign monarchy's control of America does not mean that he was anti monarchist.

America would've went the way of Rome if they went full Jefferson

>Everyone getting their own land
>implying that large landowners won't just absorb them through various means

>Everyone getting slaves to work that land
>implying this doesn't mean that the unemployed won't be able to work because all the jobs going to slaves and that the country will be dependent on the slave economy

>Government is not centralized and states have complete sovereignty
>all the states will have arbitrary laws for commerce making interstate trade needlessly complicated and the states themselves will be constantly embroiled in pissing contests if not Balkanized completely

>no central financing
>Country can't control their own fucking economy

Not that Jefferson's version had no flaws, but didn't he wanted to abolish slavery?

Jefferson's vision was far from perfect, but this country today could definitely use a little more Jefferson and a lot less Hamilton.


My understanding is that Jefferson made exactly one attempt to abolish slavery and then dropped the whole thing after that. He believed that slavery would die out on is own without government involvement. And that was basically true until the cotton gin came along and suddenly made plantations economical again. It should be noted, however, the Jefferson strongly believe that free whites and free blacks could not live alongside each other peacefully. He was very much in the "free them and then ship them somewhere else" camp. The violent revolutions on Haiti confirmed these beliefs in his eyes. Of course, Jefferson was looking at this from the very biased perspective of somebody who directly benefited from slave labor.

"eventually" like all the other slave owners who knew slavery was wrong. Just keep pushing it off to future generations, I'm sure they'll find a way to figure it out without fighting a civil war that kills over a million americans.

I'm sure of it.

kinda like our debt

yeah but America wouldn't be the superpower that it is.

That always seemed strange as he thought whites and natives could live side by side and interbreed.

Jefferson became decidedly more statist after he actually became president, however. It's easy to be a radical when you're not actually in power. It's different once you're in a position where you actually have to get shit down.

Jefferson became decidedly more statist after he actually became president, however. It's easy to be a radical when you're not actually in power. It's different once you're in a position where you actually have to get shit done.

he probably thought blacks and whites couldn't work together because they were slaves

sure there was native and white slaves too but it wasn't a scenario where the race was just slaves or descendants thereof

>Having any issue with interbreeding in any context

What if you're british, and therefore, a bit sore about the whole thing?

Central bank.

both his and Jefferson's ideas were important. Although I side with Jefferson.

is that the ultimate goal???

Jefferson became decidedly more statist after he actually became president, however. It's easy to be a radical when you're not actually in power. It's different once you're in a position where you actually have to push shit down.

The only ones who can are basically lolbertarians and people who worship Jackson and given that nobody's ever taken a lolb seriously and Jackson's "FUCK THE NATIONAL BANK" mentality sent the country into a decade long depression neither of them should be listened to.

good strawman

Read Empire of Liberty. Wood pretty reasonably argued that Hamilton was playing Bad Cop because the states were reluctant to ratify the Constitution since they were obsessed with the idea of losing power to the federal government and considering Wood and that book lean far more Jeffersonian than Federalist he's not even coming at it from a pro-Hamilton agenda.

Just think about it logically anyway: Hamilton spent over a decade of his life researching economics alone and spilled so much ink in arguing for the Constiution that i makes zero sense he'd go around and immediately undercut it anyway if he was seriously considering it. He was aristocratic to be sure but in arguing for an elective monarchy he was basically trying to scare the states into realizing that it could've been much worse.


but it's still pretty good to have though. Doubt any American would want to get rid of this status

Brits only care about muh tea though. I don't mean to be rude to Americans or something, but losing the US was maybe one of the best things that happened to them.

>losing the US was maybe one of the best things that ever happened to them.
How come?

They are probably lefties. Tell them that Hamilton and Trump were basically the same. Protectionist, immigration hawks.
Guess who Hamilton would vote for

What about Ben Franklin? Dude was a whoremongering drug-addict who wrote incoherrent rants calling German immigrants subhumans

>American conservatism was always about creating an American version of the mercantilist British Empire and it really never changed.

Holy shit why has no one ever said this before

>wrote incoherrent rants calling German immigrants subhumans
well he wasn't wrong

Just another story in the eternal struggle between Aryans and Anglos