What was the ideology? What did they stand for? What were their values?

What was the ideology? What did they stand for? What were their values?

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Basically just really aggressive populism.

Yeah but even populism in the US had some ideology, even if it was just fairer prices when it came to the railroads and the rich have too much power.

It was a ploy to get pure Germanic boy ass

White supremacy, spread of imperialism, populist uprising, nationalism and world conquest

>world conquest

germans are super human and therefore anything a german does to a non-german is inherently self justified

After WW1, Britain and France were the rulers of Europe

Hitlers plan was to make Germany the new de fact ruler of Europe and to make Germany a completely self sufficient super power. The problem is, Germany cant really be self sufficient, so Hitler would have had to colonize eastern europe.

WW2 is the result of Hitler trying to achieve this goal

Hitler didn't want Rohm revealing his true secrets


Germans are descendants of Ancient Iranians (somehow) so this gives them leeway to conquer and subjugate other peoples in Europe and restore the continent to it's former Germanic greatness.

Where the fuck did the Iranian shit come from?

First, let's form a distinction between nazis and national socialists. Nazis were a particular party at a particular time in Germany that did particular things. National Socialism is a philosophy that anyone can share anywhere on earth, while not having anything to do with the actions of the Nazis or the Nazi party. National Socialists falsely branded as neo-nazis may have nothing to do with the particular actions or decisions made by the nazis, but simply share a philosophical belief that socialism is good so long as it is confined to a homogeneous nation. That socialism lubricates the wheels of good will, peace, commerce, etc, and allows the nation to stand strong and secure. The best national socialist state in the world was not Nazi Germany, but currently exists today in Japan.

Socialism, but only for Japanese. This is the national socialist model most 'neo-nazis' are yearning for. It is neither expansionist nor genocidal, it is neither communist nor totalitarian, it is simply pragmatic good sense. When free-market capitalism doesn't produce the result one wants for a society, you include socialist policies to gently guide it back on course. You don't just shrug and say, nothing can be done, if the free market can't provide it, it can't be provided. If you want full employment, a minimum standard of living, a comfortable retirement, a safe working environment, low pollution, a safety valve for dead-enders, protection from predatory lending/advertising, etc, you cannot just leave the free-market to itself. Socialism must be included in the package. A national socialist is someone who first and foremost cares about the well-being of his people, (natio is latin for 'to be born' and all nations must be blood related by definition), and sees socialism as a tool in his toolbox to help his people. He does not care about the well being of the individual, God's will, some imaginary natural rights, the well being of the world, the trees, or anything else. National establishes his ends, socialist his means. When socialism is not productive or useful, he casts it aside and relies on some other method. When it is productive or useful, he refuses to cast it aside based on some sort of ideologically pure conformism to Ayn Rand. Though Japan is currently poorer than the USA, it has virtually no resources to work with except its own people, and thus starts at a disadvantage. Second, it has none of the other social maladies the US has. No crime, no diversity, no immigration, no poverty, no unemployment, etc. Japan is the best place on earth, the most enviable child born is a Japanese. And it, indisputably, is a national socialist state.


Really gets my noggin joggin

You don't know what Aryans are?

I keep hearing contradictory things


>What was their ideology?
Do what is best according to their nation. Everthing was subject to change and revisitation.

OP, ask a specific question and I'll answer it as best as I can regarding their system.

Stupidity, hate and bigotry

>Japan is the best place on earth, the most enviable child born is a Japanese. And it, indisputably, is a national socialist state.

So that's why the suicide rate there is so high. Japan is so good that the Japanese simply can't handle it so they kill themselves out of happiness.

Probably more the long working days they have and the unbearable pressure they put on themselves. Don't they work like 70-80 hour weeks?

>Germany cant really be self sufficient


>Germans are descendants of Ancient Iranians (somehow) so this gives them leeway to conquer and subjugate other peoples in Europe and restore the continent to it's former Germanic greatness.

Very few countries can truly be self sufficient. Even if you are willing to accept poverty like North Korea, it's very hard to do. You tend to have to trade with other countries or go out and colonize other countries.

>white supremacy
kek dumbass
German nationality, and nationalism isn't hating others it's just loving your own

The (((((((((((hateful supremacism)))))))))))))) was just used as propaganda and blown out of proportion

>White supremacy
Nsdap were German supremacists, not white supremacists. They hated Slavs.
>world conquest
Also wrong.

>German nationality, and nationalism isn't hating others it's just loving your own
Thing is, the Nazis DID hate others.
>See: Generalplan Ost, Einzatsgruppen, general treatment of Slavs and Jews by occupying German forces

Germany doesnt have a lot of natural resources.

Even if you deem it hateful by today's standards know that their final goal was a racially homogenous country, they weren't committing these atrocities for the sole purpose of committing them

>they weren't committing these atrocities for the sole purpose of committing them

No, they were just doing it because they thought those people were subhumans worthy only of scorn and undeserving to live on the land they occupied. Not even slightly hateful, amirite?

kek american education

Why is so much iranian DNA unidentified?

>Even if you deem it hateful by today's standards know that their final goal was a racially homogenous country

That alone by itself is fine. But they were invading OTHER nations and trying to kill the racially homogenous populations there because of their autistic desire for Lebensraum and their retarded belief that the people living in Eastern Europe were irredeemable subhumans.

Nobody ever made that claim
If Hitler was such a white supremacist why the fuck would he ally with Italy and Japan?

He never claimed he was a white supremacist you thick cunt.

But he's objectively right.

>Even if you deem it hateful by today's standards

it was hateful even by the standards of the day. Who are you trying to fool with this shit?

They were largely socialist until the night of the long knives

>Nobody ever made that claim
? Nazis talked openly about untermensch.

>Nobody ever made that claim

Hitler made that claim.

I'm starting to realize that the use of "kek" is a pretty good filter for retards.

They wanted to seize the means of production and depose the ruling burgeoise class, thus creating an eternal age of international proletariat rule and permanent revolution. This agenda is called communism.

Shhh... we just replace Aryans with the nice term "Indo-European" now, and it's all okay.

Economics drives merchants from poor countries to trade with the rich for mad gainz on their billz, which hurts local business, the thing you're gonna need alot of to be self sufficient, this also means that your producers are going to want to sell overseas to richer countries for the same reason, it's pretty hard to makea nation self sufficient without lots of natural resources, you could try locking off your borders in order to prevent the outflow of trade but then you're going to drive producers out of the nation.

Why is the caucasus blank? They're all clearly indo-european.

Their economic view is interesting. Check out feder's manifesto for the abolition of interest slavery.


>you could try locking off your borders in order to prevent the outflow of trade but then you're going to drive producers out of the nation.

iirc there was actually some law that gave the death penality to any big business guy who tried to do this, or maybe it was to bankers

So, right wing parties want to destroy their own countries?

No, but when you become an ideologue that will destroy your country, because you can't accept nuance and grey areas.

Might makes right

What was it when you read about people being ideologues during this time?

>They're all clearly indo-european.
Georgian isn't indo-european and Azerbaijanis speak stink-Turk.

>If Hitler was such a white supremacist why the fuck would he ally with Italy and Japan?
>If United States was such a capitalist why the fuck would it ally with Soviets
>If Saudi Arabia was such an Islamic theocracy why the fuck would it ally with United States?