10k to invest

I have 10k to invest new to all this stuff and don't know what to do. Help me

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s&p500 index nigga


What do I do with this?

This. Look into index funds. Pick up a book on investing and money management. Don't listen to the retards here, myself included

well fuck

What are your goals? Do you want to retire in 40 years or become NEET as soon as possible? That will affect what you should do.

I think a generally solid plan would be to invest in an index fund, like the other anons said. Vanguard offers low fees. I read from Spencer Jakab of the wall street journal that equally-weighted S&P 500 funds are a good choice and outperform regular S&P index funds. He also recommended dividend stocks, so you could look up a dividend stocks index fund.

What you could maybe do is take say 80% - 90% of the money and put it in that safe index fund for your long-term retirement and with the remainder you gamble on memecoins, meme stocks on Robinhood, maybe some start-up equity crowdfunding (there are some websites for that now).

ETH is probably a good long-term investment, but it's at an all-time high right now.

not op, but can you recommend me some good books to start with? some well structured and written ones

What online brokage site should I use? I heard Merill has a bad rep but it seemed convenient at first?

This nigga knows what he's talking about. Play it smart with index funds. I'd say put 20-30% in crypto, but if you don't know what you're doing and blindly follow others, you might as well be gambling.

For safer and easier crypto investing, you could try heading over to a place you can exchange fiat money for BTC/ETH such as coinbase and sit on it.

BTC and ETH are both very high right now however. Look at the charts and buy lower. Wait until about a year to cash out so you don't get the the shit taxed out of you by the IRS. Keep record of when and what price you've traded for.

Never panic, HODL. If things look bad, wait for the market cycle to repeat. Unless you're terribly unlucky or got scammed into a hype-train, you'll come out positive with patience.

how deep are you planning on going?

I personally recommend Tony Robbins books, Unshakeable and Money:Master the game. He grew up in an abusive childhood and amassed a 500 mil net worth. He knows his shit, and his books are worth a read.

drop it all on bitbeans in one go
cmon pussy
do it
dont be a little bitch
you dont wanna wake up one day wondering what might have bean

Balls deep

Security Analysis by Benjamin Graham - Balls deep and one of the most essential investment books.

The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham - Another classic

Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits by Phillp A Fisher

Seth Klarman - Margin of Safety

Op here Im 25 I want to retire by 40 from my job I can save about 10k a year to invest. I'm looking into the stuff you recommend.

where did you get 10k? how come every1 gots money

It's from my job hell if I didn't buy guns I'd have 20k

buy NMM thank me later

what is that?

buy puts for JNUG, pull out 40% richer this week


VOO or SPY my guy

Walk Down Wallstreet is a classic and good intro book

Have you bought a home yet? Save for a rental property.

I'm helping pay for a house but I don't own any property
