'the Great'

What monarch, in your opinion, was most worthy of the title 'the Great'?

And as a side question, was Alfred the Great the last British/English monarch to earn that title? Am I wrong and there's someone I'm unaware of or did Normans actually suck that much?

Other urls found in this thread:


>What monarch, in your opinion, was most worthy of the title 'the Great'?
Napoleon the Great

>And as a side question, was Alfred the Great the last British/English monarch to earn that title?
Guilliam le Great de Normandi

Neither of these held the title 'the Great'

Ouiaboo please go

>Neither of these held the title 'the Great'

Proof if needed that this title means jack shit

IIRC 'the Great' is something that heralds both superb foreign and domestic rule.

William the Conqueror (already a badass title) didn't really improve England, and someone might slaughter me for saying this, but I'm not sure if Napoleon actually improved France rather than expand its borders (please, just correct me if I'm wrong in this)

You're wrong about Napoleon, he charted and expanded the Napoleonic code and the french educational system, giving the masses a means to receive a decent education. Also parts of his code are still in French law and many parts of the world. He is widely considered a hero by many in France

>William the Conqueror (already a badass title) didn't really improve England

He harried northern peasants and turned the backward ceasepool that was England into a relevant civilization by applying the French model of society to it

OP here, after searching I found an Anglo-Norman who was, among other titles, called 'the Great'

>Anglo-Saxon England
Seriously kys kindred, they were perhaps one of the most governmentally secure places in the whole of the Early Middle Ages, they were far, far from uncivilized.

Then I stand corrected

Btfo Persia in one campaign, has spread hellenic culture across middle east and Egypt.

conventional but, Alexander

undefeated, stretched the small Greeks into a fuckhuge empire (even though it was as easy as having someone declare "u kingz nao") all military minds of the west and middle east look up to him

Runner up is Pompey who conquered the entire eastern half of the Roman empire while Caesar was fighting a bunch of unwashed celts

Alexander is perhaps the most agreeable, but I'd like to promote Charles the Great, King of the Romans and of the Franks

Frederick the great shits on alexander
made Prussia superpower and prepared it for early stage of german unification also wanted to genocide poles

>Frederick had despised Polish people since his youth, and numerous statements are known in which he expressed anti-Polish prejudice,[54] calling Polish society "stupid" and stating that "all these people with surnames ending with -ski, deserve only contempt"[55] He passionately hated everything associated with Poland, while justifying his hatred and territorial expansion with ideas of Enlightenment.[56] He described Poles as "slovenly Polish trash";[57][58] referring to them in a letter from 1735 as "dirty" and "vile apes",[59] and compared the Polish peasants to American Indians.[60]

>Frederick looked upon many of his new Polish citizens with scorn, but carefully concealed that scorn when actually dealing with them. Frederick's long-term goal was to remove all Polish people from his territories, both peasants and nobility, by expelling the nobles through an oppressive tax system and through "other measures"[citation needed] and by eradicating the Polish national character of the rural population by mixing them with Germans invited in their thousands by promises of free land; by such means, Frederick boasted he would "gradually...get rid of all Poles".[82][83]

I never knew he was racist.

Turns out he's the 18th century Milo Yabbadabbaduopolis.

The Great Khan is clearly the most worthy. He's like Alexander on steroids

William the Conqueror as well as the Great
Alexander the Great
Napoleon the Great.

More like William the Bastard kek

Don't disrespect his retinue.


>Subutai defeated the united armies of Poland and Hungary in two days.

>Muqali conquered half of China and never lost a battle.

Frederick...maybe Alexander

keep crying houscarl

I don't. Every single person with the title "the Great" certainly had a number of excellent administrators,generals, and/or advisors. They still turned one of the most backwater pseudo-nations in history into the Dominant Empire in the world.

>Great man
>Had a whore for a mother
kek, I bet that's pretty NORMal for the Frenchies though eh?

This isn't even up for debate.

Throughout their roughly 150 years of rule, they accomplished nothing other than briefly owning large stretches of unpopulated land. Just look at Mongolia since then. They've accomplished nothing.

They ran like 1/2 the worlds population for 150 years and that's not even counting the Timurids, Mughals, etc.

And what legacy did they leave other than that? They built nothing, left nothing, and accomplished nothing other than slaughtering millions. Fuck the Mongols.

Ever heard of the Northumbrian renaissance?
If it weren't for those snow niggers, they would have ended the dark ages 700 years prior.

>Guilliam le Great
You mean William the Bastard?

>Second largest empire in human history
>Permanent imprint on Slavic, Chinese, Persian, and Indian culture
>Social privilege of their nobility so vast that a huge chunk of humanity is descended from Borjigins.

>And what legacy did they leave other than that?

They left their sperm all over the place. Also they connected the east and west in a way that had never been done before, expediting the exchange of knowledge and materials in a way that made advancements all over the place easier. And yes, contrary to popular belief, they did build things.

guy only really fought two wars

one of them was only won due to deus ex

still based though

>as well as the Great
>Napoleon the Great
It's time to stop

arguments could be made for Henry VIII, Elizabeth I and Victoria, but the british tendency towards parliament dominating affairs since James I has meant that individual monarchs have been less important

Those were never 'the Great's

Don't forget how William cried like a bitch in his death bed because he knew he was going to hell for the Harrying of the North. It serves the bastard right that he was dying painfully from having his insides ruptured.

Anyway, I'll go with an unorthodox option and say
Valdemar the Great, but only because his rise to power started with a nevent that roughly translates to "The blood feast".

Don't know why that ended up as a reply.

>briefly owning large stretches of unpopulated land

What's up with uneducated europeans using that "unpopulated mongol lands" meme?
Do they know that China and the Middle East had cities where millions of people lived? Meanwhile europe had NO SINGLE CITY LIKE THAT.
China alone had the pop of europe.

>His mother's name is literally Harlotte
