/gsg/- Grand Strategy General

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, 11th of January:
630 – Conquest of Mecca: The prophet Muhammad and his followers conquer the city, Quraysh surrender.
1055 – Theodora is crowned empress of the Byzantine Empire.
1158 – Vladislaus II, Duke of Bohemia becomes king of Bohemia.
1861 – Alabama secedes from the United States.
1879 – The Anglo-Zulu War begins.
1923 – Occupation of the Ruhr: Troops from France and Belgium occupy the Ruhr area to force Germany to make its World War I reparation payments.
1946 – Enver Hoxha, Secretary General of the Communist Party of Albania, declares the People's Republic of Albania with himself as head of state.

# Waggle Pastebin

# Random Country Picker

# News
DH DD 03/12
DH 1.05 Patch 03/12

# Archive (mods only)

# Where to get these games

# Mods

>[V2] - Niggermod

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod

>[V2] - Alternative Flag Pack V10

>[V2] - Cold War Enhancement Mod

>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy

>[HoI3] - Flavormod 1.1.2

>[CK2] - After The End

>[CK2] - When the World Stopped Making Sense

Old Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck drumpf. fuk wite people

Reminder to report and ignore shitposting

stop making fun of twump

Uhhhh please add a reminder that we don't have an official /trash/ thread?
Thanks! :3

>630 – Conquest of Mecca: The prophet Muhammad and his followers conquer the city, Quraysh surrender.
Ah, the beginning of the end.

Are we aleready arranging mods in order of who's most based?

If we were wouldn't Hitlermod be at the top?

Uh oh

Rip Brittania

Racemixing gets you hard?

Hope your disgusting whore dies with it

As long as the browns are slaves

r8 border plans
yellow is for sure, white and blue are maybe
this but unironically

How do you plan on fighting france and the UK for those little islands? Do they just let you?

>funny drawings
>funny battle plan namr
>NO funny filename

imagine being a turk during that slaughter

haha benis

>this but unironically
>He thinks I was being ironic

You can't say that user, you'll be banned for racism!

>1946 – Enver Hoxha, Secretary General of the Communist Party of Albania, declares the People's Republic of Albania with himself as head of state.


your average Argentine immigrant

Why all Communist countries call themselves "People's Republic" if they always end up being authoritarian?



>authoritarian regimes are frequently more people orientated than "democracies".

duhh how iz it da peedles repubwic if it authowitawian

me on the far right

are you posting on /tv/ right now

no why whats going on

nevermind the post on /tv/ capitalized "me"


i wanna fuck a fat little 12 year old CoD gamer boy...like pic related, this kind...imagine putting this fat little morsel in some sexy lingere and making him work and ride that cock with his dirty asshole whilst skrillex played in the background... i feel like if you bent him over his boypussy would stink,like sweat and chafe

In HOI3 do you send spies to increase threat on the country you want to invade in order to declare war more quickly? I read somewhere that you should do it in France instead, because they have such shitty espionage.

Why is it that nobody in my generation wishes to discuss the finer points in life, such as PC Gaming and combating degeneracy? Since when was having large useless muscles which will go away in 20 years seemingly more appealing to Aryan Women than being thoughtful, intelligent, and pure-blooded? Fucking degeneracy these days. It's all propaganda meant to destroy white civilisation. Aryan women no longer have nice non-threatening petite bodies like in Anime and Manga but have nasty fat chunky boobies and bottoms meant to appeal to niggers and degenerate brutes.

>Aryan women no longer have nice non-threatening petite bodies like in Anime and Manga but have nasty fat chunky boobies and bottoms meant to appeal to niggers and degenerate brutes.
I like how this tries to mock the people who say this, but inadvertently makes a lot of sense.

>I like how this tries to mock the people who say this, but inadvertently makes a lot of sense.

Other than the Brest this is very attractive.

Why do no good mods exist for Victoria 2?

low testosterone gamer faggot

What I want to know is where are all these people coming from, I see things like Yohann or Johann or some such name mentioned and then I hear about something called MEMEBLOC and I have no fucking clue what the fucking backstory here is.
Yeah dude this both isn't the effective burn you think it is on here and is also irrelevant to the fact that your shitposting is ruining board quality here.

Why is it that nobody in my generation wishes to discuss the finer points in life, such as PC Gaming and combating degeneracy? Since when was having large useless muscles which will go away in 20 years seemingly more appealing to Aryan Women than being thoughtful, intelligent, and pure-blooded? Fucking degeneracy these days. It's all propaganda meant to destroy white civilisation. Aryan women no longer have nice non-threatening petite bodies like in Anime and Manga but have nasty fat chunky boobies and bottoms meant to appeal to niggers and degenerate brutes.

What film are these simpsons slides trying to portray? It's obvious when you know it. Will give hints if no one gets it.

>is a recent /pol/ immigrant and is unfamiliar with /gsg/'s history
>identifies with a low testosterone bitter beta male strawman
damn what a coincidence
>your shitposting is ruining board quality here.
thats the point you scrawny little retard

How did you set up the camera like that to take a picture of yourself in that way? Phone cameras typically need you to have one finger on the button as it were.

i asked mom to take it :)

r8 my 73rd Grobgermaniums Imperiums run

>>/pol/ immigrant
>>identifies with
>>unfamiliar with /gsg/'s history
Yes, that is correct. Mind explaining why you're doing this?
>>that's the point you scrawnly little retard
What is? Why are you shitposting like this and trying to destroy the general?

leave faggot
epic and badass

Nice, but why so much debt? Isn't it possible to get really rich in Vicky 2 based off of building lots of bottle factories?

its a joke you goddamn autistic fuckin idiot

>France got Aosta
Nice, what mod got this?

>>leave faggot
No. Not before I get an explanation for this bullshit. A good explanation for why there is apparently a band of morons in an IRC chat somewhere determined to shit up this specific general

Who is this el goblino

I'm in the middle of my first vic2 game. In 1916 I prepare to declare on russia and call allies, including 3 great powers (2 of them in a war). The tooltips for all of them say that they will join.
But when I declare nobody joins, except brazil, who is sphered and allied. I waited couple of months but nothing just brazil and I.
I tried removing from sphere and dissolving alliance with brazil and then declaring but then I'm alone. I just want a great war.
So does anybody know why does this happen? Is it a bug or something. I'm playing vanilla. And I dont have pictures, I stopped playing after that.

*cums so hard it makes a noise*


Yes I am aware of the fact that you people like to make fun of people who play as Germany a lot, but these jokes actually aren't very funny and you and others like you keep making them anyway in order fuck with this specific general.

I simply ask why and I would like a good answer.

Alright kid, I'll explain. So basically this place is full of perma autists who blob as Germany, the CSA, South Africa, Japan; you know, the usual "alt-right power fantasy" countries for edgy kids. That's why this "satire" sprung up.

As for who does it, I don't know. The posts are always 90 seconds apart, so it's not some mass planned raid, it's always one guy. I don't know if it's the same guy every time or not, but what we do know is it stopped for a while after some guy called Robbie Thule had his accounts linked here, and he quickly made them unpublic/deleted them, so the original person to do it was probably him.

Then some guy with a Bulgarian flag started spamming it on /pol/, so we don't know if that's the same guy with a proxy, some new Bulgarian guy, or just some guy with a Bulgar proxy. But that's spawned the recent "rebranding", if you will, of him as "steppe robbie", and variations on that, as a reference to steppe wolf, and EU3 mod that buffed Bulgaria.

The Yung Yohan thing is because that was Robbie's steam account and Twitter handle.

>Alright kid, I'll explain. So basically this place is full of perma autists who blob as Germany, the CSA, South Africa, Japan; you know, the usual "alt-right power fantasy" countries for edgy kids. That's why this "satire" sprung up.

>As for who does it, I don't know. The posts are always 90 seconds apart, so it's not some mass planned raid, it's always one guy. I don't know if it's the same guy every time or not, but what we do know is it stopped for a while after some guy called Robbie Thule had his accounts linked here, and he quickly made them unpublic/deleted them, so the original person to do it was probably him.

Then some guy with a Bulgarian flag started spamming it on /pol/, so we don't know if that's the same guy with a proxy, some new Bulgarian guy, or just some guy with a Bulgar proxy. But that's spawned the recent "rebranding", if you will, of him as "steppe robbie", and variations on that, as a reference to steppe wolf, and EU3 mod that buffed Bulgaria.

The Yung Yohan thing is because that was Robbie's steam account and Twitter handle.

>not even adding meme arrows properly
disappointed lad

Thank you, this explains some of it. Although I still don't get what motivates people to do these things, why would you not just post stuff from your own game instead? I'm pretty sure that a powerful liberal democratic euro state would do more to troll the "perma autists" in question then a bunch of painfully unfunny images.

Oh and

I'm 31 years old, man.

someone REALLY needs to make more alternate history mods, even if they're pretty basic

>powerful liberal democratic euro state
This stuff is generally just ignored. What triggers the niggers on here is redditposting.

Why are this "alt-right power fantasy" blobs so problematic? I always thought of them as mere memes, tiresome, but memes still.

>I'm pretty sure that a powerful liberal democratic euro state would do more to troll the "perma autists" in question then a bunch of painfully unfunny images.
All he'd have to do is go to /v/or reddit, pick up some abhorrent playthroughs of socialist blobs and post them here. He'd get a lot more attention and a lot more genuine anger that way.
But I suppose as long as anyone replies to the rancid bait he'll keep doing it, gotta have a system.

>I'm 31 years old, man.
Good fucking lord. How many DLCs can you buy with your pension?

>Why are this "alt-right power fantasy" blobs so problematic? I always thought of them as mere memes, tiresome, but memes still.
Just repetativeness. One guy had 5,000 hrs logged playing solely as Germany in every game (he tried Byzantium for 30 minutes but quickly abandoned it)
Sadly, he deleted all his screenshots when someone found his account. A legend died that day.

>This stuff is generally just ignored.
Never seen anyone do an unironic liberal (as in neo-liberal) democracy run, then again the mechanics don't really lend themselves to that. You can't "offer refuge" to millions of Africans and Arabians or even get high immigration that won't just immediately assimilate.

>5 days until MEIOU update

>>All he'd have to do is go to /v/or reddit, pick up some abhorrent playthroughs of socialist blobs and post them here. He'd get a lot more attention and a lot more genuine anger that way.
>>But I suppose as long as anyone replies to the rancid bait he'll keep doing it, gotta have a system.
True on both accounts. I genuinely feel bad that I even asked the question now, I should have figured it was something really stupid when I searched for memebloc and the only relevant thing I found was a pastebin of an IRC log full of inane bullshit. Here's the pastebin in question if you or anybody are curious. pastebin.com/mUFLu4TM

>>Good fucking lord. How many DLCs can you buy with your pension?
All of them. I buy and pay for all the DLC. :^)

That was U-Boat user or something like that right? You gotta admit that was impressive from an autism standpoint.

>All he'd have to do is go to /v/or reddit

/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

Eh, the whole industry mechanic is designed for the player to act like a neoliberal moneygrabber, although it isn't often obvious. As for africans and stuff, there is CWE where they flock in tons by default and you actually have to PREVENT them from migrating rather than the opposite.

/gsg/ - Grand Shitposting General

I get a feeling you're german

ameriKKKa's time in the sun is almost finished...

>True on both accounts.
Whenever I post pic related I get on average three replies, I've never even posted it as bait, it's always to point out the sort of game I dislike seeing.
It's classical liberal though so instead of inviting wogs in to do the job you demand wogs do it for you, for free, in their own countries, which are also colonies of your country. Much more justifiable that way.

Nah, US Citizen born and raised.

el chicANO senores...

I wish there was a decision to form a supernation if you had every country in a continent sphered. It'd be near impossible in Europe, but hella worth it.

first reply

Good fuck that blobbing, that is just painfully stupid to look at. I don't even care about the ideology in question nearly as much as those borders being pants on the head retarded.

check out NWO/CWE

>in Europe
fuck no idiot, in the Age of Nationalism TM?
are you braindead or a redditor?

In the event you manage to cuck every single European out of being a great power you should be able to form a puppet EU.
The US did it in real life just after WW2.


Are the percentages for inventions to be discovered in Vicky 2 the chance for said invention to be discovered daily, or monthly?

Here's the third (You)

If Robbie just stocked up on a dozen of those badboys he could ruin entire threads in minutes. No need for the painful attempts at "satire".

So one european superstate as a puppet? That sounds like it could be fun for a game or two.

please learn some history holy shit

why does japan have central asia and turkey as colonies

Gross Turkiniums

True. The thing that's really stupid here though isn't even the blobbing necessarily, but holy fuck why would you expand that way? It looks painfully difficult to defend and it is hilariously ugly.

IIRC these retards do this just for the raw pops.

Not to sound like one of the elitists Robbie's mocking but it's because they don't understand le subtle complexities of patrician V2. They view it as EU4, provinces are all roughly the same and mean nothing, industry doesn't even exist, the only thing to do is create these hilarious noodle borders!
Makes me sick. If I were to troll I'd just spam these.

Well, if you're playing as japan wouldn't it make more sense and be more defensible to take Korea, China, Southeast Asia, India, and all those pacific islands instead?

Well, I mean this is kinda dumb for that long snake of territory through Northern China/Mongolia but at least it makes for an expansionist Japan to focus its efforts on the near abroad.

>using logic
They're idiots.