Why did whites invent slavery?

Why did whites invent slavery?

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cheap labor.

Because we invented everything

because they didn't

they created chattle slavery because of plantation economies

Pretty sure that was the Ottomans.

Slavery wuz invented by Egyptians who wuz black.

Because wh*te "people" are the root of all evil. They even enslaved themselves at one point.

You say that as if the Ottomans weren't white.

so did every other race...oh nevermind Asians are white too because they came from the caucus mountains.


White people were jealous of the African kings, so they plotted to enslave them.

No, but they brought them to America, and then they get mad there are niggers in America.

>Why did whites invent slavery?


>Slavery was known in civilizations as old as Sumer, as well as in almost every other ancient civilization, including Ancient Egypt, Ancient China, the Akkadian Empire, Assyria, Ancient Greece, the Roman Empire, the Islamic Caliphate and Sultanate, and the pre-Columbian civilizations of the Americas.[13]


Slavery no, racism yes. It was a tool used in the colonies by the rich to make dirt poor whites think, "well atleast I'm not a nigger!"

Because we were kings and cumskins hate competition.


How was chattel slavery any different from being a mine slave in antiquity? And galley slaves had pretty low life expectancy too.

>responding to such obvious fucking b8 genuinely

You have to go back.

I'm going to interpret this question like:

"Why did Whites invent plantation-style slavery where Black slaves' descendents were indefinitely also bound to slavery."

Answer: sugar farming in the new world

Slavery in the USA never compared to the scale of slavery in Brazil or the Caribbean, and that was nearly all for sugar.

Slavery in general has been a part of the human experience for thousands of years. Today's limited global slavery (sex trafficking, some traditional slavery in Mauritania, arguably some of the labor practices in the Gulf Arab states, etc.) is practically an unbelievable wonderland.

They are turks, who literally originated in central asia dumb fuck

>language/culture is the same as race

wew lad

they made a point of exterminating the native anatolians my dude, they are 100% central asian blood


So you're saying the central Asian Turkics are white looking and blonde like the Ottoman imperial family? I can't tell who's trolling and who's genuinely retarded on this board anymore.

Upper class of every civilization has always been ruled by Nordic Aryans.

Fuck off Varg

Except Rome and Greece where they were enslaved and raped

They didn't

>it's the /pol/ trying to make the left look dumb by pretending to be one episode
Whites didn't invent it and the reason is making someone else work Is easier than working yourself


Because white people are terrible and awful and responsible for all the world's problems.

Is that the right answer? Did I win a prize?

Oh I'm so fucking sorry.

To force kangz to to share their immense knowledge and high tech product with them

The real take away from this is that Native Americans are fucking lazy shits

To hide the truth that I was a king

>Asia, Middle East, Africa and South America didn't exist

I know it's a bait but there is a surprising number of people who legit believe it was european invention.

because cotton doesn't pick itself

Why did the Arabs invent slavery? I suppose the free labor was a highwater selling point, along with the opportunity to rape people without consequence.

>rape people without consequence
as oppose to?

consequences never being the same

Ottomans didn't have plantation slavery because they didn't have plantations in the first place. They didn't even have serfdom. They had run-off-the-mill Greco-Roman slavery, galley-bound or household.

>Blacks had nonexistent crime rates as slaves
Really makes you think

>buy African slaves from Africans

Their souls are evil, or absent.