/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Grand Master grind edition

Latest expansion pack is Chronogenesis
Chronogenesis anniversary leaders - Albert, Cerberus, Dark General

>No nerfs in December
>Rotation, formats, new class

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Last season Top 1k:

But I am GM now in rotation. And I am immensely proud of it not because not having to put with this shit dirt rune infested meta anymore is a blessing.
I can stay on the side and watch the ladder burn.

Young man, seek help.

pls concede
pls concede

great work shitposter-kun, just keep deflecting and calling them names

Where are the emergency dragon nerfs?

When are we getting those in game tournaments?

Are you going to keep paraphrasing and parroting my posts? What are you, 13?

Thanks again based Nep

im not the one who couldn't provide a real argument about bahamut's effectiveness lol

>he still thinks he's arguing against one person


I know there's more than one person on Discord, thank you very much.

Interesting argument lol

yeah there you go, just go back to calling people names, everyone who disagrees with you is a D rank /hsg/ redditor from discord

Concede please

Your bait is too weak. I only reply to see how far the underage squad can go.

>I'm gonna keep replying to the samefagging autist, that'll surely make him go away
Sometimes I wonder if you guys are as retarded as he is.

shadowverse bad
other game good

And you don't get banned. The question is: Why?

How do we fix dragon?

Make ramping riskier. That’s all.

Ramping needs to come with healing and trading and even then it's not even good. Shut up vampy shitter.

i. e. by buffing aggro in rotation!

Get rid of Dreadqueen combos that enable them to do shit like Chronos+Dragoon or Azi+Arriet.

Dragon is fine you're just mad about sybil and fervor stopping you from hitting face, you underage vampy ungashitter.

Remove ramp.

Give the class it's Overflow and Discard identities back instead of NeutralStormcraft. The class should be focused on surviving to the late game where its weak followers/spells transform with overflow into strong cards with good effects.

Talking seriously when you have this? Discord' is literally an assblasted children that won't shut up.

At this point I can't tell who's being ironic and who is being sincere.

By not giving the class with ramp a 1pp ping that's amazing to fill out your turn, a 2pp 3 damage spell that can also clear the board, more healing than any other class, enough card draw to ensure it doesn't run out of resources, a 13/13 that nukes everything but it, and making sure that you delete everything from the first 2 expansions that gave trouble to it while conveniently letting the class keep everything that made it strong.

Is Dread Chronos Dragoon a legit dragon deck or just memes?

I pulled 3 original Dragoons back in RoB, but never liquified them because I was waiting for discard to be good one day.

It's a highroll deck. Not as good as regular Ramp Dragon, but a lot of fun to play.

It's decent last time I lost to it. As long as you make sure you don't deck yourself out

It has the perks of playing Dragon while also countering other Dragon decks because it turns out drawing 13 in a turn only to have it removed by Scyther is game losing. The current netdeck is playing the PDK package too so they can do damage while not milling themselves too much and to have more early game.

I already said it, once they are in overflow they can't heal by any means unless it's drain, it woud force them either to use their new dragon with drain or the meme spell to get a neutral with drain.

Ramping cards now summon jade golems instead


dead thread dead game

Subhuman and frustrated circlejerk shitposters can't be successful and shit up the thread. Nothing new.

>wanna play a different craft
>KMR says bust out wallet or play something else

vial animateds

Newfags and underage people flood Veeky Forums more and more every new month. Where do they even come from? And why the fuck there are so many people being born?

We get it, you lost the argument

If you didn't start playing last month you're just a lucklet.

Puppet lethals feel nice to land


What's this got to do with Shadowverse?

Aegis nerf is one of them.


>in lower ranks (...)
What do you think?

Need a concede please

What are you even saying? Do you think newfags on Veeky Forums got Aegis nerfed?

thanks Cerberus

You asked for something related to SV, there it is.

You need therapy.

finally made it boys
started on 2nd month of sfl pls no bully

I'm not a fool. Maybe your post is off-topic?

>accidentally take a Puppet Portal deck to ranked instead of unranked for a daily
>win anyways

fuck yourself filefag

Gratz but try other crafts too.

Congrats user

thanks senpaitachi

>now only reduce the cost of the spells she draws and reduce them to 2PP instead of 1PP

>lost last word after it is triggered


>3/4 stat, only summon 1 wight, and the wight king from last word is not 0PP anymore

>only the zombie he summons has rush

>destroy a random enemy follower instead of the one with the highest attack

>no longer gives PP on evo, unless it is turn 5 or later

>Salamander's breath
>remove enhance

>Dread Sea's Queen
>19PP, cost 1PP less for each card in your hand, including this card

>Temple's summit
>is not a 1/1 token instead of an amulet

>8/8->6/8, effect does not damage face anymore

>Master Mage Levi
>now deals 2 damage instead of 3 (both normal fanfare and earth rite

>Elephant King
>effect now sets it's attack and defense equal to the number of cards in your hand + 1.

Holla redditor. When an user is a newfag nobody gets to know, do you know why?

>filefag is the discord guy from reddit
neck yourself

I've never posted anything on either reddit or discord so I have no clue what you are talking about.

>the problem with rotation is that too many good cards are gone and therefore the meta devolves into only one archetype per class and weird turn 7 value bullshittery
>your solution to this is to nerf literally every single class's best things so that there are even fewer viable options to use
you "people" will never fucking be happy until every card is a vanilla creature, holy fucking shit. literally just go play custom games where no removal spells are allowed and everyone may only use vanilla followers, it's genuinely the only way for you to find happiness.

I'm bored and feel like making a bad decision.

Post some Chronos meme decks for me to make.


Solves barely anything.

I am not sure about this change. Personally I don't find illusionist to be a massive problem since he is actually worth less per earth rite than what everything else could offer. I can't see this change doing much because the one revive is what makes him a bitch to face on curve while multiple ones later can be abused to clear the board from sigils. Only one revive would mean he's still super useful on curve but cannot be played around with by the opponent. Overall almost a buff.

I personally agree that Ceres offers too much value for 4pp but I see little reason to increase the cost. Just give her the -1/-1 since the clash is what she SHOULD be about. There was no reason to have her around with 6 def when evoed. If you play aggro you still need evos wasted on her.

Completely killed by your changes. I think the two wights should stay but changes to his stats and wight king cost are alright.

Impossible to balance. Just straight bad design and the class revolves around him too much. Just change the rest to fit instead. It sounds weird but it probably is the easiest option. Otherwise make it so only shadow followers can get buffed.

Why do you want RNG.

Should have not been given in the first place. Now she's there to stay since there is no way to nerf her. Why would you play her with your intented change?

>Salamander's breath
Agree. Dragon HAS aoe choices. Why does it need such a strong card?

>Dread Sea's Queen

>Temple's summit
Honest to god new way to play and you want it to be unplayable already? If you want to complain about Heavenly Knight having storm then do so but do not touch Summit. You can play around it and even take advantages that you could normally not take.

Isra is not a massive issue. Saha is.

>Master Mage Levi
Does it still hit face? If so fuck you.

>Elephant King
Literally lost to Dumbo 2 times in my whole climb.

Thane should be nerfed but after that you hit shadows card draw instead. Add at least a 4 necro cost to Demon Eater's draw portion and remove birds evolve effect entirely. They have too much draw to the point where they are the only deck other than maybe Chronos memes and Portal that don't use singer.

The state of this general. Do you idiots really think you're smart? Stop shitposting.

Why nerf Khawy? he's already fucking shit.

Need the 20 duels against 20 different opponents achi done, would appreciate any help. Can just pass turns or go face.


Are you selling another account on /r/shadowverse?

>The state of this general
>here's some discussion
>The state of this general
Here. Have a (You), my autistic post and a sincere request to end your fucking life. Hopefully it is a post that enriches the general in your eyes.

Why would people buy accounts when you get so much free shit at the start?

You missed the private matches for cg packs event. I got 20 off that.

Nobody is going to fall for these passive-aggressive posts. Stop being retarded. I'd ask your rank but I don't think it's necessary.

You just did. Also what happens if I do post my rank? You are not going to be satisfied whatever it is Y0 or GM top 100.

>2PP legendary goblin gets per-emptively nerfed
>2PP mordecai is still alive and well
>DShit, the 3rd most played deck, escaped a nerf wave before November last year
It's not hard to tell who is the pet class.

>play 3 Blitz of the Salamander
>draw all 3 vs Dragon
>draw 0 vs back to back Grand Summoning
Thanks, Kimura.

I got it done but just did it with the same person each day.

Spot open

>losing to a bricking deck
Just adapt bro

haha adapt breh

Is there a dragon netdeck out there?

I'm tired of losing.

>turn 1 Telescope
>no Illusionist follow up
Why do people do this?


when it doubt, bagoum

Dragon doesn't have any netdecks because it's a bad class that has to give up too much tempo to ramp and doesn't have any finishers.

just confront adversity back to back bro

You never get tired, vampy falseflag?

You never learn english esl?


Because some group discord are talented at recruiting stupid people.

This is some meta shit. First, the first post isn't a falseflag, in fact the second post is the vampyshitter falseflagging.

ded thread ded gaem

>people are sleeping on neutral forest again
I appreciate the free wins

The game is pretty much alive but this general is dead thanks to frustrated circlejerk cuts shitposting.

Post your rank and dick.

If you treecoons start getting out of line, I'm going to start playing Portal or Haven.