/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Bury Alice edition

Latest expansion pack is Chronogenesis
Chronogenesis anniversary leaders - Albert, Cerberus, Dark General

>No nerfs in December
>Rotation, formats, new class

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>no contest
Why is this even in the game
Draws aren't possible

Choose your waifu.

That's not how it works,newfag.


I still remember that Ephemera.

Why's the sword so fucking big?


What's the most powerful bronze card? For me it's either dance of death or that bloodcraft follower that does 1 one damage to the leader every time an enemy follower comes to play, forgot his name.

Dogs are old and busted. The new cool shit is pet turtles.

>What's the most powerful bronze card?
That's a dumb question in the first place.

>that bloodcraft follower that does 1 one damage to the leader every time an enemy follower comes to play, forgot his name

Isn't there effects that deal one damage to both leaders?


Everyone knows that, Discord.

The active player loses in that case.

I want to feed Ephemera until her stomach bulges

user thats pretty lewd


FUSHIGI NA SEKAI SUTEKI NA SEKAI is still the cutest card around.

>Playing against Shadow
>Shadow summons Atomy turn 3
This is fair

>it's a rune win because he drops 3 young levis in a row
they HAVE to nerf this piece of shit card this month. It's mandatory.

Then why are you playing unlimited?

Balanced telescope or balanced portal amulet



I am not asking hikki scum.

Airbound Barrage, Acceleratium, Blood Wolf, Owl, Prenerf Tove, Dragoon Scyther, Pernerf Goblin Leader, Prenerf Frog, Dork General, NEET, Ogler, Blade Mage

I don't think you know what that word means, newfag.

>Lets make a 2PP 3/3
>And then give it a 'drawback' that actually makes it stronger
I hope everyone involved with WD development got fired.

>human trash expresses his opinion
Keep me informed, subhuman.

Kurumi is bae.

Alright discord. You can go back now.

The contact lenses are a bit too much.

Aren't done yet, trash? You must be desperate to fit in, Ever tried hanging yourself? That should be good solution for lowlife like you.

>doesn't know what hikki or waifu means
>fitting in phrase
You have to go back, newfag. Are you even 18 yet?

She's a lot cuter when she doesn't use them, I agree.


>game's okay but nothing special
>darkness comes out
>fall in love with control seraph
>having the time of my life easily above 90% winrate after a shit ton of games
>meta gets faster but it's still playable
>gods comes out
>fall in love once again with azazel / laura otk
>everything is fucking amazing
>meta gets way too fast for seraph and baphomet dies
>free2play account so i don't really have that much to keep up
>stop playing
>come back after finding out that there's a new class
>build an eagis
>works great in both unlimited and unranked
>hit rotation
>get stormed for 30 damage over turn 5, 6 and 7 by dragonfucks five games in a row
is there any hope for a control / combo player or should i just flee the fuck out 'cause this is the lamest shit i've ever seen

>doesn't even saw real girl outside his monitor
>pretends that he knows what he's talking about
Trash, you have to come out sometimes, there are real waifus outside/ Of course they wouldn't care less about subhuman like you.

Are people enjoying rotation and is it worth coming back to the game for?

If you like slower games just play rotation. Unlimted is a shitshow.

>there are real waifus outside
Nigga that's just not what the word means. How can you be this fucking dumb?

>doesn't even saw real girl
Of course it's a SEA monkey.

>tfw no leader cards
>tfw in an alternate timeline, id have all leader cards
>tfw i know my alternate self would be bragging about it here
fuck you alternate me

Is there any sneks deck working for rotation?

>his post explicitly says the deck worked for him in unlimited but not in rotation
>you tell him to play rotation
This is why /svg/ is such a fucking joke these days, fuck off already.

Here's what the meta looks like, judge for yourself. Keep in mind that rotation has no effective aggro and also no hard wincons, so if you like either of those things then you're not gonna enjoy it.

>tfw got 3 out of 5
>post and brag about it like im the luckiest motherfucker
>some user told me im a lucklet because i dont have all the leader

Nigga, term waifu applies to 3d too, not only to your favourite weeb cartoon girls.

I can't believe people are falling for bait this obvious.

Too many fast deck, give me a break. I was barely saved.

did anyone watch the stream where that mammoth midsword nip used this? not sure of how much of a meme this is

neck yourself fucker


It's basically just a Haven deck. If you remove one pure annihilation and add one Aegis it's pretty similar to most temple Haven lists. Haven't seen many people running the owl or that many snakes though.

the idea behind it is rather different from a typical summit deck as it only focuses on searching the knights with staircase
what I wanted to know is if it actually gave good results onstream

god i wish i was the dragon

Could someone hook me up with the hottest artifact decklist?
I wanted to update mine for better consistency when doing dailies but I have no idea where to start.


god i wish i was her

Yes I do.


>Lost literally every game today
>Dropped over 1000 score
Why do I even play this piece of shit? My opponent has the perfect answer every single game.

>People not playing unlimited
>That one psychotic autist who will bring up discord in literally every single argument
>Craftwar shitters complaining about the class they just lost to without any logical reason behind it except "I lost, the class is broken"

Why do I even browse this place?

You can replace Spinaria and maybe biofab.

You can also take a look at this, which is the only portal deck to make JCG top 3 since the set came out:


Sorry. Don't leave us.

This is very similar to my current deck.
Thanks, this is exactly what I've been looking for. I wanted to give Mystic/Radiant artifacts a try.


wtf, is it helblindi?

Thank you Cerberus!

Just stop playing for a few hours after 3 loses in the row

it wasn't a drawback, retard, it was supposed to be a strong neutral support

could be unnerfed nowadays btw

Hypothetically, If cygames removes the third evolve for going second, what does second get instead?


Going second is already a disadvantage in most matchups, why would they get rid of the third evo?

because most of the time it doesn't do anything.

But why?

>bringing uncounterable netdeck dragon shit to unranked
>disconnecting when you lose
dragonniggers hit a new low today

0pp hamsa

>luna wastes an albert clearing my board
>clear her board
>second albert hits my face
>kill it and heal up
>luna concedes because i'm at 12hp and she can't kill me with the third albert

lmao shadowbabs

dear sir,

since you had earlier wished to be a little turtle, see , and that your wish was already put штto the to be fulfilled queue, any new wish will be accepted only after the previous one is fulfilled and you are a turtle

best regards,
the heavenly office


Something's not right...

Are neet's thighs very soft?

>5 attack
>hit face twice

its a le funny shadowverse maymay

lolwhat, the third evo is very useful even in the aggro meta, play a real deck not some rune crap

they are protected with those crosses from any evil touch

>third albert
At least do some research before writing your fanfics.

I rerolled into a dragon daily, what reasonably decent deck can i make crafting at most a single legendary or a few golds? i have a single isra and a single baha

>single baha
just vomit 2pp shit on board and hope it sticks

need a concede, just ready up again after if you want one back

Not a meme if it's ensured.

First, there's more than one person who accuses or mention Discord. Sometimes it can be also the vampy discord avatarfag doing (its) pranks. Unlimited is actually unplayable and full of cheat and free wins braindead cancer that, guess, Redditcord loves and supports regardless of it fucking up with the enjoyment of this game, they too support exactly the craft which have been a terrorizing ladder for several expansions in a row without getting real nerfs. Top 1~6 ranked ladders climbed aka made their way to top with "it" in RoB, at the beginning then at the very end of ToG, WD and at the start of SL.

D-shift has been nerfed, I don't see why they wouldn't nerf other problematic decks in unlimited too. Talking of problematic decks, I don't see anything too worrying in unlimited, it's a new meta and people are still coming up with new stuff. So I don't agree with unlimited being "unplayable" because I play multiple decks in it just fine. You complain about RoB and ToG but I think those expansions were the prime of this game, it went downhill during Neutral Dreams and now it's going back up with SL and CG. Overall the game is in a good state if you play unlimited.

thanks nep, sorry if you were waiting a while.

it's because the discord meme was enforced by probably a single autist but then aped by some others

you know like in that joke about five monkeys and a ladder

oh and btw you are one of the apes

>First, there's more than one person who accuses or mention Discord.
Just like there's more than one person who posts vampy.
>Unlimited is actually unplayable and full of cheat and free wins braindead cancer
What's your rank in unlimited? I don't think that dirt rune or ramp dragon are less braindead than top unlimited decks, it's the same shit but with less options.
>that, guess, Redditcord loves and supports regardless of it fucking up with the enjoyment of this game
Enjoyment is highly subjective matter, you can enjoy the game with deck A, i can enjoy the game with deck B and so on. Unlimited let's you play far more decks than rotation, i hope we're agree on that.
Basically you're just using the same method to blame everyone who likes different decks, you call them discord or reddit. It's called shitposting.
>they too support exactly the craft which have been a terrorizing ladder for several expansions in a row without getting real nerfs
So you're also craftwar fag. At this point any craft can be called like that, if you're playing for a few expansions then you should know about it. Only portalcraft is fresh addition.
>Top 1~6 ranked ladders climbed aka made their way to top with "it" in RoB, at the beginning then at the very end of ToG, WD and at the start of SL.
Daria rune and roach otk i suppose, those 2 decks were most popular before last month of RoB, then everyone switched to midrange sword. There were occasional aggro blood, shadow and a bunch of other decks, ramp dragon was also popular but quite weak.
>at the beginning then at the very end of ToG
ToG was about midshadow and ramp dragon, totally different meta crafts and decks again. I think you're misunderstanding something.

8 of my last 9 games have been against rune. Where did all the dragonfags go?

I for one, am playing JO in unranked

They usually wake up at this time of day. Hunt some for me too.