Yfw quantum computers happen and your crypto is worthless

>yfw quantum computers happen and your crypto is worthless.


This is real...

surely not? is this true

Quantum resistant crypto exists. It's just there is no point to using it yet since we don't know exactly how quantum computers will work.

Yeah nah

Becomes a digital arms race essentially between government vs literally every crypto genius ever

>gov rekt

This is not completely true. Basically algos like md5 and SHA-1/2 and edca are vulnerable to shores algorithm. This algorithm makes the difficult part of hashing easy for many coin functions. However even if you do find a "collision" your collision probably has to ahere to some other rules like timestamp or size checking on the data so in a lot of cases a collision is not enough. Furthermore these algorithms are designed to be interchangeable because this cat and mouse game has been going on for ages so eventually you just drop in a quantum resistant algo and do a checkpoint so to speak on the chain where the new one takes over

>tfw vitalik has the code for quantum resistance ethereum ready

Why even bother with altcoins when you have ether

The BTC encryption algorithm can be upgraded.

They are probably already using quantum computers right now and stealing our keys.

quantum computers don't work the way you imagine.

Can someone give a dumbfag a "quick rundown" on quantum computers and what they entail?

Some people believe they will be the end of crypto, due to their lightning-fast (an understatement) computing ability.

The truth is....crypto will never die. As long as there are puzzle solvers, there will be puzzles.

Bitcoin is already quantum resistant. You watch too many movies, go study.

Normal computers use 0's and 1's to perform calculations, ie bits. A bit can only be a 1 or 0 at any one time.

Quantum computing involves qubits which can be 0,1 and multiple other states of 0 and 1 at the same time.

Due to this they can hold more information/do more calculations. Explaining beyond that is far beyond me.

That's my very shallow fellow dumbfag analysis.

If this happens devs will just implement quantum encryption

> Rothschilds bow to quantum computers
> Created by aliens
> Possess psychic-like abilities
> Canedit human DNA
> Can simulate human perfect human sentience with up to 500+ iq
> They will make nanobots possible
> Can break any algorithm in the world in under a week
> The first truly quantum proof algorithm will need to be generated by a quantum computer

If quantum computers are developed, your cryptocoins are going to be the least of your worries.

You don't even need to fuck with collisions. If a bitcoin address has spent coins in the past, you can crack its private key right from the public key.

Shor's algorithm and grover's algorithm are quantum algorithms that can be used to break cryptography.

Bitcoin uses elliptic curve cryptography which is definitely not quantum resistant.


>> The first truly quantum proof algorithm will need to be generated by a quantum computer
You're ignorant. Quantum resistant algos already exists. Most of the concepts of computer sciences existed long before computers were constructed.

>If quantum computers are developed, your cryptocoins are going to be the least of your worries.

This. There's a 50/50 chance that they work, or not. Scgroedinger computers exist and do not exist as the same time...

Ah yeah you are right I forgot about that one. itll get quantum resistents before anything tho. Coins shouldnt be in addresses with known public keys anyways for long periods of time.

Any encryption could be cracked, so everyone's credit cards, SSNs, passwords, personal data would be out there for anyone to see.

Not that we would actually have to worry about it though because internet encryption systems (and crypto coins) will switch to quantum-secure crypto before then.

>tfw you don't even really understand how a regular computer works on a basic level and there are already quantum ones around
I know there is electric current flowing through some quartz micro-parts and that it somehow translates into binary code and enables programming software but that's it

Only the crystal oscillators are made of quartz. The transistors are made out of silicon doped with various elements to change the silicon positively or negatively biased.

In english, doc!

The computer needs a little clock to synchronize everything, every tick of this clock is the oscillation of an electrical signal that gets passed through, amplified, and fed back through a bit of quartz. The quarts has a natural resonant frequency that determines the what speed this oscillation will eventually reach.

The binary aspect of the computer is essentially the on of off state of a transistor. A transistor is made of putting sandwiching N-type silicon between two areas of P-type silicon, or P-type silicon between two areas of N-type silicon. This connection between N and P type silicon is called a P-N junction. P type silicon is more positively charged in the sense that it has extra "holes", or receptors for electrons to sit in, N type silicon is more negatively charged in the sense that it has extra electrons to spare.

The P-N junction creates a special phenomena called a depletion zone. In the depletion zone the electrons from the N come over and sit in the holes of the P, and in some sense this also happens in the reverse with the holes moving towards the N but I don't understand that so well myself. Since these holes and electrons form the stuff that carries electricity and they have now been neutralized it is harder for electricity to move across the depletion zone.

If we were to apply a positive voltage to the P side of the P-N junction and pull the N side to ground the positively charged holes in the P would be pushed towards the N and the negatively charged electrons in the N would be pushed towards the P. This shrinks the depletion zone and now electricity can flow across the P-N junction.

If we hook up the P-N junction in reverse and apply a positive voltage to the N and pull the P side to ground the negatively charged electrons in the N get pulled away from the junction and the same for the holes, this widens the depletion zone and makes it more difficult for electricity to flow across. In this case no electricity will flow.

But won't it take at least a little time for banks and exchanges to update their security programs? If feel like theres gonna be a massive run on banks when even the first quantum computer is created

buddy, did you even read the other points?

Everyone does... There are plenty or quant resistant algorithms there's just no point yet in implementing them

Now, something very interesting will happen if we take some P-type silicon and sandwich it between N-type silicon. Let us imagine our little NPN sandwich and call the N on the left the collector, the P in the middle the base, and the N on the right the emitter. If we tie the collector to some positive voltage, let's say, 5v, and tie the emitter to ground then no electricity will flow because the electrons in the N-type collector will be drawn away from the junction and increase the size of the depletion layer, again like in the P-N junction allowing no electricity to flow.

Not very useful at the moment but this is where the base comes into play. If we tie the base to another voltage source, let's say 3v this time, and then again tie the emitter to ground this time electricity will flow from base to emitter because we have a positive voltage on the P side and a negative voltage on the N side. This flow of electricity from base to emitter will now allow the once blocked collector to emitter path way to turn on. What we have here is an electric switch. A change in voltage at the base allows us to switch the transistor on or off, zero or one, binary in other words. With a little imagination you can see how taking connecting the emitter of one transistor to the base of another would allow you to chain them together. You could hook up two transistors so that if one is on the other is off. Three so that if the first two are on the second will be on, or so that the first two have to be different so that the third turns on. All the computation in a computer is performed by chaining together transistors in such a way.

Let ne give u the best def

Quantom computers can do massive calculations in fractions of a sec

1 qc = 3k top tier computers to day

Image the speed in which thy will mine

There downside is thy suck horrible in simple equations, give it 2+2 n it will crash, let it mine ether n it will solve blockhains per second

Not the guy you were responding to but that was very insightful.

You mean crypto geniuses vs crypto geniuses being paid large sums of money.
Capitalism at work.
How long do you expect those crypto geniuses to protect your money with no central person/organization to support them?

Quantum computers already exist, but they're either limited in capability, or they're extremely expensive. Usually both.

>Most of the concepts of computer sciences existed long before computers were constructed.

And many of the early computer scientists were mathematicians. This is not by accident.

Ya. That would mean everything would have to move to quantum security.

Good fucking luck. Plus the government is slow n stupid. Public access to quantum computers will r3k the gov n private sector.

>one day the first quantum computer is sold
>the next day every hacker has got one & also working quantum software to exploit the current blockchains

Does this sound realistic to you?

It's not so much that it can do more calculations, rather it can do different calculations which allows for different algorithms. For now there are already worked out algorithms for solving certain problems relatively quicker than the linear computations of conventional computers.

At any rate we're still way off from user friendly personal quantum computers
>pic related