Genocide Denial Thread

Genocide Denial Thread

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The real bad guy isn't the Khmer Rogue it's the US government! Killing Fields are exaggerated and the refugees are lying


Stop taking credit from hardworking smallpox

>Invade their land
>Force them to move into designated zones

Holocaust mostly didn't happen
Holodomor mostly didn't happen
Congo genocide mostly didn't happen
Native American genocide was largely unintended
Judean expulsion never happened
Canaanite genocide didn't happen

Huh, and here I thought he only denied the Cambodian genocide

tankies and stormfags in a nutshell.
He's denies everything that's propagated by american imperialism.
Here's Zizek on Balkan "anti imperialism"

What's his fucking problem?

Politically he's still a second-semester freshman and to him the US is always the bad guy. He thought the US government was worse than the Khmer Rogue because the Khmer Rogue were communists.

what is a tankie

stormfags go on and on about the holodomor, laughing at schindlers list, but believing every cooked up story about the evil Jews oppressing white christians
the rest of it isn't that controversial unless your some kind of faggot.

A tankie is a communist who makes excuses for or denies the brutal acts committed by communist governments because they're communist. Usually they make excuses/deny charges on Stalin

A tankie is someone who sucks Stalin's dick.
Just like stormfags suck Hitler's dick

Huh, I thought there'd be more sniffing from Zizec in the video

I'm impressed that he doesn't go on tangents all the time.

stalin suxxxx but I don't think most of the famine was intentional, although they chose to relocate food to where people were more supportive of the regime, in particular the urban centers. it was mostly a mixture of very real crop failure and communism being unable to properly allocate resources as always.

>famine wasn't intentional
>relocated food away from areas that needed it most
What an oopsie. I hope you're a troll if not please just start reading actual history books and stop listening to Chomsky

Shoulda burned them all.

my turkish friend says that the armenian genocide never happened and even if it did happen the armenians deserved and then followed by a rant about how enver should have finished the job

i actually agree with the last part

Is this the typical americans real view?

Well shit quints confirm it. Plus if they went all the way no kardashians

Can't speak for all Americans but as an Arizonan fuck yeah.


*enacts genocide preventative laws*
No genocide for you.
You're welcome.


Genocide is the killing of people and Armenians aren't people! Besides I bet you if those same Armenians were alive today they wouldn't have voted Bernie! they totally deserved it


Who was this guy? Google led me to a metal band in Mexico called Blackguard
>nice money, how much did we pay for it
This, and not just the native Americans
Let's not forget about the countless cultural/ecological genocides around the world that American dollars pay for.
Nice bag of potato chips, you just payed for;
massive deforestation in Indonesia, maylasia, Brazil and China.
The causal effects of the greenhouse gas emissions of all 200 parts of the supply chain
Scantioned the producer to dump innumerable prestistant plastic pollutants into our habitat
And drained the natural/cultural capital out of all the impoverished cultures that made it for you.
Let alone whatever the producer/ middle men spend your earned money on.
And you can't see it because Americans elect "representives" that deny the science of climatology and evolution, let alone understand basic ecology or systems thinking, to be in charge of your childrens education.
The only good news is it won't last very long, but that's not very good now is it.

>their land

wew lad

Anonymous Spanish commander in 15th century America.

>cenk 'what genocide?' uygur

you niggers can feel free to prove him wrong. publish it. Become famous.

Didn't he retract his statements about denying it?
What I hear from the few Turkish friends I spoke to is:
>It was during a war and Armenians were actively fighting against the Ottomans
>It wasn't genocide because it wasn't planned elimination of a race, rather to suppression of revolts
>It wasn't one sided, they killed a lot of Turks too

Clearly it's just about reparations at this point. As time goes on Turkish people will come to accept it, but the government likely never will as to not pay up.

>As time goes on Turkish people will come to accept it
It has been literally over a hundred years already. They won't just accept it. Accepting it requires there to be a critical public discussion.

Noam Chomsky plz

>start a talkshow
>interview Chomsky
>pretend there's a scheduling problem and some people will be joining us
>Cambodian genocide survivors
>read them Chomsky's writing on it
Let's see what happens

I would watch the fuck out of that show

It could be like Jerry Springer but with philosophers and authors. Like a high brow version of Maury

Bring in historians specializing in Ancient Egypt from Western academia and a nationalist Egyptologist from Egypt and then bring in some left-wing academics who believe in the Black Athena theory. 10 bucks the Egyptian guy will snap and start swinging

Same goes for those who tout the ancient aliens theory and nationalist Egyptian academics

More trouble than they're worth
Drunk, lazy, irresponsible. Natives can't really do anything right, drain money with no return, their culture prevents their children from becoming anything but drunk lazy shitheads, they bitch and moan about things and offer no solutions
t. Washington State fag

I don't get it. What did the Armenians ever do to anyone besides being Christian or whatever.

Well you see the Young Turks (who Cenk takes the name of his show from) wanted to recreate Turkey in a new nationalist image. Part of this new image was a focus on creating room for the idealized Turkish farmer. It was similar to the Nazi's belief in lebensraum but for Muslim Turks. In addition the Armenians were infidels and a minority and were discriminated against in Turkish society, leading to resentment on top of Armenian nationalist beliefs, so when Russians invaded some Armenian partisans joined up with the Russians and the Turks took their chance to rid themselves of Armenians.

A tankie is a person who recognizes you have to get your opinions from scholarly historical sources and not butchered metaphors from young adult fiction, eg Animal Farm.

>what is a tankie



Pretty broad definition of genocide.

Guess I just mass murdered a family in Nigeria because I filled my car with gas today.

>Didn't he retract his statements about denying it?

Yeah, but now he's denying the Yazidi genocide.

How do Egyptian nationalists differ from Western academics? Claim the original Egyptians were Arabs?

So it's America's fault that these countries decided to destroy their lands for the sake of profit?

That's what happened with the British and India for their famines similarly.

I'm not in genocidal denial, I'm just not morally repulsed by it.

It's more of a nationalistic thing, it's one thing to not be that connected to the topic but if it's a point of national pride for the Egyptian if could lead to him getting angry and funnier results

There is a difference between intent and neglect. Stalin wanted to build up Soviet industry in a short time span and the only way to do this is by investing heavily into industry at the expense of other sectors. I would agree that Stalin did not care for the peasants but I don't agree that the famine was an intentional act of terror like some say. It was a side-effect of the measures taken to expand industry in combination with the inefficiency of collectivization and crop failure. In retrospect, this industrial build-up which was motivated by the perceived threat of an invasion by capitalist forces vastly strengthened the Red Army and allowed the nation to endure the brutality of the Second World War.

This happens a lot in other places to be fair.

Genocides are not bad you idiots

Overpopulation will lead us to extinction. I'll give you that.

Nice blog faggot

Couldn't profit from destroying our land if the consumers(USA and company) had ethical standards.
And they don't profit from destroying our land, the natives work for a meager compensation while the landlord(USA and co.) reaps the benefit.
I'd say it's pretty spot on.
Here genocide isn't the direct killing of a people, but the arbitrary destruction of the entire system that they occupy.
The difference between these two methods of genocide is nominal. Like the difference between a sturgeon population going extinct due to habitat fragmentation caused primarily by damming, or a strugeon population going extinct primarily due to overexploitation for the caviar market.
Furthermore, the reason that only people are included in most definitions of genocide is the naïve utilitarianism and anthropocentrism, scourge of humanity, that places no value on non-sentient living systems or diversity.

Yes turning our cars on does make us contributors. The genocide of a people doesn't happen on the level of group vs group, but individual members of one group interacting(murdering) with members of the genocideys on a personal level.
What drives the aggressors to commit genocide?
I'm sure you can figure out that its determined by causal interactions from within the social systems that they occupy(someone's hate speech, tradition, completion over resources, and the mob mentality).
The same rule applies to the systemic genocide I am explaining. So driving down to 7/11 and buying a bag of chips can be seen as the equivalent of,
"grab your torch and pitchforks".

Global population will probably reach a plateau in the future.

Let me introduce you to the concepts of ecological overshoot and non-equilibrium ecology.
Going beyond the sustianible explotation of a system can allow a species to temporarily exceed its carrying capacity, until all resources are finally used, leaving a them in a system that no longer has enough resources to support their population, and a much lower rate of replenishment.
Now you might logically conclude that given time the system will replenish itself and return to normal. This is where non-equilibrium ecology comes into play.

Please, stay with me here.

If you were to draw 10 dots on a blank piece of paper, then were to draw lines connecting them, let's say 10 lines for every dot, connecting every dot to each one of its neighbors. So now you have a a paper with 10 dots and 100 lines.
Now imagine each dot as one biological organism, and each line as a connective pathway where these individuals can interact with each other.
Let's say 5 of these dots are various pollenating insects with different life habits , and the rest are various plants, and the lines running in between them as pollination.
Now imagine the paper as a grassy woodland.
Imagine that woodland being cleared, plowed, tilled and planted with one varity of Apple.
Go ahead and erase 4 of those dots and their lines, then another dot and line after the orchard is sprayed with pesticide, another line then dot for the insect that got stuck hovering above a parking lot , and another line then dot for the habitat replaced with that parking lot and the bug that inhabited it.
Your left with 2 dots and one line, and an 80% reduction in pollination success.
But wait the climate is warming up causing the a localized drop in amothmosperic pressure
It doesn't rain anymore.
The Apples all die and the remaining pollinator along with it.
If there was still 10 dots and 100 lines their would have been that many more ways for life to survive and rearrange itself.

The dots and the lines connecting them can be measured as biodiversity.
If we where to map the entire earth system. There would many different colors and shapes of dots (species diversity) and numerous individuals of those species(population size) with millions of lines, no two alike running between them these represent biotic interactions( predator-prey relations, direct/indirect competition, symbiosis/mutualism/parasitism, pollination)
And the paper the 3 dimensional earth system that allows these connections and dots to exist,(climate, land/seascape connectivity, geology, ecological niches, migration and dispersal, ect.)
These connections make every dot interrelated and co dependent
Now erase 60% of the dot species to correspond with the anthropocene mass extinction, tear the paper into millions of pieces to represent habitat fragmentation, then spill coffee on it all to represent habitat degradation, now throw them out the window to represent regime change by climatic shift.
That's what we are looking at, we are the remaining dots using everything that's left until our population crashes and we are reduced to hunter gatherer tribes surviving off of jellyfish and post consumer waste, until we eventually go completely extinct due to loss of genetic diversity.
So yeah your right
It will balance out right at zero.
Unless we change, so teach someone else how to draw.

All those Germans that starved after WW2. It wasn't murder, it was but a few small drams of justice.

There was a gommie on /pol/ trying to argue that everyone loved Pol Pot and that his villification was actually due to him not wanting to bow to the pressure of the international commie community (i.e. Soviets). Tried to prove it with a counterpunch link and everything.

Got a good giggle out of that.

This Noam Chomsky guy is a complete nutjob.

>nature is a perfect harmonious balance