/PMMM/ - Magia Record Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story

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>How to get Moemura:


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Ongoing events
>Mitama's Special Training ~Iroha and Yachiyo~ lasts until January 22 14:59pm JST
>Get Nanami Yachiyo from the event shop, aswell as tickets, EXP memorias, rainbow orbs, etc.
>Complete extra difficult missions to gain additional gems

Recently released
>Main story chapter VI "Memories that Speak of the Truth"
>Challenge missions and voices for chapter I
>Nanami Yachiyo 5*/Doppel unlocked, upgrade Yachiyo to complete 30 achievements that reward you materials, CC and gems
>Tamaki Iroha 4* unlocked

>Another Story chapter VI, January 22

Current Rate-ups
>Rotating Elemental Gacha (Daily) from 1/12 16:00 JST to 1/22 14:59 JST
Gacha changes each day to a different element, where only units from that element can be rolled. Schedule is as follows:

Light(on-going)>Darkness; resets after 14:59 JST

Reminder to trade 200 gems for 10 tickets in the shop each month, saving you 50 gems on one 10 roll.
Bind your account!

Other urls found in this thread:


Newest APK (1.3.1): mega.nz/#!BYECkRhZ!bCT7SA-pZo8uwaOxrHQtV8UpVKC4kzYm_W1aiwAb1lY

Pity roll system explained by an user:
>if a 4* girl does not come out at 99 rolls, the next 100th roll will be a 4* girl.
>count starts after next gacha update maint. (January 22nd)
>count is available for PU, time limited and default gacha.
>count is separate per gacha.
>count is only kept track per ongoing period; e.g., you will start from the beginning next time the same event gacha comes back.
>count is reset to 1 after a 4* girl pops up if you have not reached your 100th roll yet.
>tickets counts towards pulls, 1 pull = 1 count, 10 pull = 10 counts.
>different event gachas that are happening at the same time period are still counted separately from each other.

When will my daughter become a 5 star?

It seemed like it was going to be Tsu > Feli > Sana > Yachi > Ero, but all bets are off now. It could be as early as March.


>possible Birthday present
All I need to do is press the button and she's a 5 star

*steals your strawberry milk*

She’s so precious.

That's a really unfortunate text placement. The T in debut being hidden makes it look like it's supposed to say Sayaka debu.

デブ means chubby/fat.


Pastebin pastebin when

This family is precious.


I am literally IN LOVE with Homura. She is my wife.

Is Felicia trying to fight a spoopy ghost off the bottom left?


But are you Madoka? Because it's not gonna work otherwise.

He's not. I know because Madoka is straight and wants a husband and does not love Homura.

That's a very unfortunate turn of events.

MadoHomu is such a blessing.

No it's not.

syak is a fucking shit and I hope she dies

Isn't Madoka the Goddess of all Lesbians? How could she be straight?

I want Madoka to take me away to her Yuri Valhalla with her.

This could work out though. You see, despite all the fanfiction, there's plenty of room to assume that Homura doesn't want to actually FUCK Madoka. You know, love is a complex feeling. When you were 5 and your mother told you "I love you" everyday can't be sure she did, but I hope so, she didn't want to have sex with your 5-year-old self, right? So in this sense what Homura feels towards Madoka CAN be mutual.

Seiyuko is Beauty and Love and she will summon Oktavia and annihilate you.


さやか causes 災厄

>goddess of lesbians
>she herself isn't one
>she lets a cheesesexual and a dick-craving rejected girl into her supposed "lesbian heaven"
>she even made them her archangels
she doesn't sound too good at her job if that was the case

When will they add Madokami?

Yeah but Madoka doesn't love Homura so too bad for Homura.

Why do you like Tomoe Mami?

More art like this please.

Of course she does, she loves everyone. That's her point!

tits too big

Because of her amazing Lesbian Powers Madokami can see which girls will become lez beans. Nagisa is a future!lesbian and also cheesesexual, while Sayaka is admitted because she's bisexual. (She also takes those because they are half-lezbeans after all)


Hm, you said it like you were answering "Why do you not like Tomoe Mami" question.

When you love everyone no one is special. Homura is not special. It tears her apart that Madoka does not think of her as special but the sad reality is that she is not. Poor Homura.

It's okay, she still can be fuck buddies with her

Madoka wants nothing to do with Homura and rape is illegal.

I don't know with all that galactic naked cuddling it looked like she wanted to cuddle at least

>yurifag vs anti-yurifag argument

My guess is not in the current timeline.

And I agree with you. Actually, Homura IS special for Madoka, but not in a "devote her life to Homura" way.

But you may or may not be correct on the fact that it's not enough for Homura. In fact, I will say with 90% certainty that you are not.

After all, Homura settled for the world where Madoka doesn't even remember her. Yes, Homura is distressed in that world, but it's not because Madoka won't have sex with her or something silly like that. It's because in that world she can't be honest with Madoka and actually be friends with her.

Obviously that's the case, but people still think we're getting Normal Homu. I don't think they'll need to tie her to the story.

But I'm not arguing for yuri side.

Why does the same guy who constantly posts a screenshot of Madoka calling Homura her BEST friend also argue that Homura isn't special to Madoka at all?

Nah it's just fun to troll the anti-yurifags, they take everything so seriously.

Because he's a troll trying to get (you)s and it's working spectacularly

>他のソシャゲもやってますが、マギレコ も採用しているtwitter的な一方向フォローは犬のような精神薄弱者には本当にありがたい。

Who is InuCurry calling mentally retarded?

>both sides are only pretending to be retarded


Madoka has multiple best friends. Best friend is a relationship, not a "best".

One side is pretending to be retarded, and the other is only pretending to be partly retarded.

I agree that Madoka has a harem of best friends in yuri Valhalla and she wants to have lesbian sex with all of them


How can you know that? That's open to interpretation until you get admitted to yuri Valhalla and come back to tell the tale

Inu curry is surprisingly candid for a jap

>people still think we're getting Normal Homu

Me included. It isn't the classic quintet without Hommando in my opinion.

Considering Homu is (megane version) like Madoka had (haregi version), it's a given we'll get the regular one at some point.

I could ask the same question to you.
Madoka herself told me herself that she is waiting to take me to her afterlife when I die so we can kiss and cuddle for all eternity.

What versions of Sayaka or Kyouko will we get? I can't really think of anything for them.

We will for sure get Hommando. However, we dont need for events to happen as they did in the series. We’re clearly in uncharted territory.

Is anybody here actually able to competently translate Jap though? Why wouldn't these people just move to superior Jap boards. At least that's my plan when I finish with WaniKani and nip grammar.

Madoka wants to fuck boys and a lot of them until she can find one with a good job she can settle down with and become a housewife with lots of babies. The thought of loving Homura makes her both sick and laugh.

no need to get jealous of her yuri harem because of that. Let the girl have some fun!

Sayaka with the paperbag head?

Why would the thought of Homura make ANYONE sick? I'm sure even if Madoka got married to a guy she would still invite her old friend Homerun over for threesomes.

I will become her husband/wife(male), she made an exception just for me. She also said she wants lots of sex with me. Why do you slander her with this talk of it being "yuri" heaven or having a harem, would you? You're a blasphemer.

She doesn't love Homura and would never fuck her even if Homura asked politely.

Wow, there are two of them. This is too much...

Madoka is too pure and dedicated to her husband, the love of her life, to even think of a threesome, and Homura doesn't want sex with anyone but Madoka.

Suuuuure. But she'll fuck you?

Should I bother buying seashells if I still have 190 from azalea?

Bro, I have some bad news for you.... She's fictional.

You only say this because she never talks to you.

What an amazing thread. Great job, guys.


Typical of yurifags to shit it up with their nonsense.

Yeah, this guys who hears Madoka's voice in his head is great. I hope she doesn't tell him to burn down his house

Is he making you upset, user? Is his shitposting ruining your shitposting?

/a/ is here after the countdown I know because that's why I'm here.

And you were doubting Sayaka's power to ruin everything...

Nah it's pretty entertaining

The autism checks out but the thread is still as slow as it used to. I guess it only takes one or two faggots to change things.


He's probably autistic and has no filter. His tard handler needs to do something.

When they add a new girl or an alternate version of a girl, are they obligated to tie them to the story?

Well no. Most of them aren't in the main story.

The only exception so far is Kimonodoka.

Friendly reminder that Sayak was first to summon her Witch in the movie. She invented the Doppel.

She will probably make all of Magius worship her vag, yes, even Alina Pink.

So the yuri/anti-yuri battle is over? Someone post some other controversial topic

What Sayaka did in Rebellion was different than a doppel.

Is it okay for the younger girl to take the initiative?

Homura did nothing wrong.

Sayaka is Oktavia at that point probably


Yep. They're one and the same. Oktavia was like Sayaka's puppet in that fight.

Hitomi did nothing wrong.

Well, she's the leader of the group now isnt she.