Why did life seem more fun in the 50s

Why did life seem more fun in the 50s

Because the war was over.

because you like to look at cherrypicked images and filter out the bad stuff.


Top but not quite


Euro owned and dominated and economic cucks

lol irrelevant



Rest of the world
destitute and in ruins/ irrelevant

Well I mean bad stuff are always around. But yes the war was over, there really weren't that many global issues worth panicking over. Really the only things you'd feel most concerned about was your own life.
No fear of a war, no fear of global warming, no fear of a bad president etc

Because praactically no non-whites.

No niggers, and not much jew propaganda in media.

>Limited Entertainment Options.
Can you imagine being forced into joining a ball team or some shit? Fuck that.

low crime rates

Not if you were Asian.


Fear of death and aesthetics.

If you go to Brazil it has the same feeling as I've always felt America must have had during that time.

There's a scene of rapid social change and danger, as well as a futuristic aesthetic, whereas the decedent west is all streamlined Apple bullshit and comfortable mediocrity.

I'm not even joking.

because the US was fresh off victory in WWII and were the new superpower on the block while all the old powers were utterly decimated and relying on the US for economic support

anyways, it seems more fun because nostalgia works by filtering out the bad and leaving the good. rose-tinted glasses.

don't know if this is bait but crime rates are much the same today as they were in the 50s

>muh racism and sexism went unreported
During the 1950s, the economy was booming.

*the GDP grew by 250%
*average incomes tripled
*the housing market was booming
*developers were building 1.5 million homes per year
*Home ownership rates exploded
*60% of Americans were in the middle class category
*Poverty rates were dropping fast
*Consumer spending doubled in the 1950s
*Divorce rates were low, while marriage rates were high and people married at a younger age than at any other time in history
*Only 4% of all babies were born out-of-wedlock, compared to 40% today
*90% of all children grew up with married parents
*there was no crack epidemic yet
*there were hardly any school shootings
*90% of all school levies were approved by voters
*discipline problems in school minor
*the US had the best educational system in the world at the time
*cost of living was low
*families were able to live comfortably on only one income
*Americans viewed the home and the family to be most important thing in society
*No secular humanist movement opposed the 1954 addition of "under God" to the Pledge of Alligence
*The birth rate was extremely high, women were having almost 4 children on average

Despite the fact that women had less job opportunities and racial tension was strong, our country did very well in the 1950s.

It seems as if the weakening threads of family and the home, rising divorce rates, and massive increase in out of wedlock births, and the increase in government involvement in our society has led to the downfall of our nation.

People then were happier even though we lived in simpler times because people viewed the family as the most important thing in our society, rather than careers or money, or having the latest fashionable clothing.

What has happened to our country?

>What has happened to our country?

an economy can't boom forever

we just need another good war :^)

>What has happened to our country?

i heard it was temporarly doing the so well in the us because most competing industries in europe and japan were destroyed and rebuilding because of the war.

"Good" war.

You mean selling your products to warring states and only intervene in the last moment so you can force treaties in your own favour?

>*Only 4% of all babies were born out-of-wedlock, compared to 40% today
>*90% of all children grew up with married parents

This is incredible if true

in the 50s there was still extreme social pressures on single women. the decline is not exclusive to america, it's worldwide and probably because of technology.

The US wouldn't see the benefits until after Japan and Europe was rebuilt and they started paying interest. The growth in the 50s and early 60s was mostly due to new technology.

mormons don't have this problem so it can be pinned entirely on leftists

>What has happened to our country?
the rest of the world isn't dealing with being bombed to shit or decolonization.

Because you only see the idealized version of that time period.

Because you weren't there making everyone around you miserable.

fuck man...

Colored people still knew their place.

now you're getting it!

We were still dreaming the dream.

Nobody had woken up yet to the horrors of the modern age.

>no student debt
>no lack of jobs
>boomers with all the cash they needed
>bright shiny future

Compare with today ->

>saddled with huge debt
>no jobs
>millennials living with boomer parents because broke
>horrible terrible future of further decline

More white people

this is what burgers actually believe

That's because a man would knock a chick up and have to marry them due to societal pressure.

Teen pregnancy was far higher back then

How old is most of this board when things like this are actually even considered?

I think it didn't just seem but was indeed more fun.

Europe was really shitty in the 50s

lol they had just gotten out of horror's worse than today.

That's what I said

>Rest of the world destitute and in ruins/ irrelevant

Maybe I should be more specific.

Technically two horrors if you were young (optionally in fighting age you'd fight in 2 wars) in WW1.