Mum cleans room while I'm at college

>mum cleans room while I'm at college
>throws out my paper wallet thinking its scrap paper
>says I'm being childish for being mad she just threw away $32000 in BTC

Literally shaking with rage as I type this

All I have left is 200 ETH

Other urls found in this thread:

Go dumpster diving faggot

> implying i feel bad for you

You're about as dumb as a box of NoCoiners desu

you should set fire to her car and when she freaks out tell her she's being childish.

It was just monopoly money anyway. What's the big deal?

I literally spend 3 hours going through the Apartment rubbish containers before I realized the truck had already came by

your fucked

>Paper wallet

> only one backup for 32,000 dollars

Here's another you, this will troll everybody and it's not even true.

This is exactly why i hold my coins in kraken

you better go to the landfill

Kill yourself

Shit in her bed

Only option is to tear through trash bags until you recognize some garbage.

you got it and call the garbage company and see if they can tell you where the garbage guy dumped the trash at from your area at in the landfill.

Why the fuck didn't you put it in a folder or book or something?
Why didn't you have more than one copy?
Are you retarded?

This is what you get for being unorganized

>be me
>be wagecuck garbage man
>feel when did not listen to biz when BTC was only $1500, and is now 50 k a coin
>So desperate for money, i search through a bunch of shit in the garbage dump to pawn for my slutty ex girlfriend Stacy
>Face when discovered envelop entitle, "Suck my dick, normies"
>Face when its 2 mil worth of btc
>Face when some cuck actually through out all his btc in a fit of anger because he could not handle bagholding for 3 more years

Paper wallet "security" fags get rekt

Isn't there dog poop in bags in the trash too tho? Take precaution

Even if he has the look through trash only from one suburb for one week, that's a pretty mammoth task.

>paper wallet
>not keeping that shit in a safe

>it's a Veeky Forumsraeli digs through a literal mountain of dogshit to find the lost shekels episode

Get a camera and document the process

awww mummy clean room room

What if Kraken gets hacked? You'd be fucked, it would be safer to take at least a portion out of Kraken.

wow why didn't you make extra copies.

>Literally shaking

>not keeping it in a safe or a locked handy case

>having 32k
>still living with mum as a subordinate
now you're nearly broke and still a non-functioning male



some cryptofag sets up these threads to reverse psych gullible morons to justify demand and articulate a position

Reminder to everyone who didn't fuck up: if you have a large sum of crypto, get a Ledger Nano S and memorize the 24 word key.

kek you are even dumber than OP
trusting any fucking exchange

>memorize the 24 word key

I bet you can't type your 24 word key without looking

Easier than you think. Just make a series of funny mental images.

>Pothead musician can remember hundred of songs and their parts
>this brainlet is balking at 24 words

Honestly it just takes effort desu.
"pistol produce sea slush gold also hope pottery gallery educate print convince interest ritual swear artist baby person attend useless team tennis gesture ignore"

mental images:1. A pistol shooting out "sea slush" that's golden.

2. A hopeful artist at a gallery trying to show off her pottery and handing out educational fliers to convince people to be interested.

3. Marina abramovic the "ritual swear artist" who sacrifices baby persons attends a useless tennis match. Makes an obscene gesture but they ignore her.

Hmm I see, thanks for the insight user

But now I just broke into your crypto wallet

Well, congrats! You have just received an abnormally expensive room-cleaning service!

This is 100% your fault
>not hiding your wallet more carefully
>not instructing parents not to tough the paper
>not labeling wallet "DO NOT TOUCH IMPORTARNT"
>going to college
>not having a lock in your room

Your Mom's an idiot but you're a bigger idiot.

That said sorry for your loss.... and buy a fucking lock box.

What kind of cuck parents would allow themselves to be locked out of one room of their own house while it was unoccupied?

Why the fuck eould you not take something as valuable as that to college in the first place you idiot


For fuck's sake tell them there's $32,000 worth of money that just got thrown away.

You think they don't want some of that? Or don't, they might not let you in and spend the next month trying to find it.

You're a fucking retard and you deserve it.

This is why you backup your shit

I call bullshit.
Why would you keep $32k worth of coin on a piece of paper.

The kind of parents that let their children live with them past the age of 18.

call it an engagement ring, or password to homework files.

Oops I fell down and hit my head and now I forgot all the words

I have a paper wallet in my room too, but also the address and private key screenshoted in a passworded .zip file on google drive, dummy cuck

Real talk I've spent a lot of time thinking about what to do if I stumble into $50k or whatever worth of crypto.

A safe is a bad idea because the safe can be stolen.

A piece of paper is also a bad idea because it can get thrown out. On the more extreme end of things it could also be destroyed if your house catches fire.

Committing a brain wallet to memory is a good idea but if you get brain damage or go too long without using that memory, you could lose a fuckload of money.

So what the hell can you do? The best I can think of is to encode it in some way you'll never forget the key to, chisel that into a stone slab, and put it in a deposit box at the bank. But then it might get stolen if the bank is ever robbed, or cleaned out by a disgruntled manager, so you'd still need at least one back up.

"cleans room" dont you mean she stole your shit OP

Run electrum or any other software wallet on an encrypted Linux partition

Back up the disk in multiple locations


>not replying with
>nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

Is there a way to just make your own 24 word key? Or is it always randomly generated?

Hahahaha omfg I laughed so hard at this

>not keeping your wallet in a fucking safe

oh god I hope this didn't happen, sorry dude.

could have just left it on coinbase.

>you better go to the landfill

I had a job where I'd go to a bunch of landfills to inspect

Depends the landfill but if you can get there with truck # and date maybe they can help but srsly probably not

I have a friend who is a potter. I'm going to have him scribe my key in clay and fire it

Pottery survived the last 30,000 years, so...

>my mom threw out my btc wallet

>my wife wants my ETH gains in the divorce

>my parents are making me sell cryptocurrency to pay for my sisters college

Can we please stop these fake depressing threads? They really bring me down and ruin my day kinda.

I don't know what I'd do if my money was wrongfully taken from me like that.

So you're telling me those coins are lost forever and mine went up in value? Nice.

Oops, lost my private key!

Kick down sum btc to a brutha


>$32k is enough to buy a house
um, sweetie…no

tattoo it on yourself

>holds coins in exchange

wouldnt expect less from an anime virgin

This is why bitcoins are super deflationary. People will lose them, will die with them, will go to prison with them. There will always be bitcoins disappearing without any mechanism to be replaced.


>your PC crashes or your hard-drive gets corrupted
>your physical wallet gets stolen
>you accidentally delete something in your hardware wallet

It's safer to leave it on Coinbase where it's at least FDIC insured.

I have copies on paper as well, and I revise the words now and then to make sure I still remember them. It isn't fucking hard, I have several 16-20 character passwords that I've memorized for other important things.

No, it's safer to have multiple back-ups, none of which are accessible from the Internet.

Randomly generated. It's taken less than 20 minutes of my time to complelety memorize it, just leave it near your computer and every now and then pick it up and flash card it, one set of four words at a time.

I didn't get rich by giving out coins. I got rich by shitposting and fapping to waifus.


You could create a program that associates BTC keys to strings of tokens, generate the token string for your key, and then set the lexical value of each token to whatever you want so that your personal string has the words you like. Then you just need to distribute the program online to make sure you always have access to it. It shouldn't be difficult at all if you know Java (which you should use because it will work with all future operating systems).
However, because the association isn't arbitrary, this is less secure.

Cryptocoins on Coinbase aren't FDIC insured. Only your fiat is. And their insurance policy only covers hacking. If they go belly up because they're not paying their bills, your crypto is gone.

Oh, and not to mention if anything forks, Coinbase only gives you the ticker you own. They pocket the forked coin.


what's a good wallet to have then for storing ETH? Don't say MIST because that thing is a pain in my ass.

dont feel terrible.

you was about to loose a big chunk of it anyway, is going down

>he hasn't convinced his mother to take out life insurance and then murdered her with ricin bought with your 'childish' bitcoins


t. retard who bought bitcoin at 1600

I bought a keepkey 10/10


>Keep $32000 lying round room.
>Mum is the kind of mum that cleans my room knowing full well that I'm a slob.
>Decide not to keep the most valuable asset (other than your kidney) in a safe.
>Be surprised when you lose it.
This is literal basic shit of keeping you shit safe. Hope you learned your lesson.

Thank you based op for contributing to bitcoin's deflation.

You deserve it for being so stupid as to leave your only copy of the code on some fucking scrap paper.


Just tell mom she owes you $32K in momcest hours. Everyone is happy.

>paper wallet
>just leaving that shit out in the open
>only one backup