Coffee, Chocolate, and Ancient Rome

>coffee still undiscovered in the forests of Ethiopia
>cacao only used in the far off lands of Mesoamerica
>only drank milk or wine for breakfast

How did the Romans stay focused and energized through long military campaigns as well as ravenous drinking binges?

I wonder if their superior sleeping habits (primo somno) better prepared them for the tasks at hand.

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Vinegar. They drank vinegar.

>superior sleeping habits
The current sleeping pattern is the superior form of sleeping though?

>How did the Romans stay focused and energized through long military campaigns as well as ravenous drinking binges?

Fucking their cute German slaves.

>primo somno
What is this, oh anonymus?

Is it true that the Romans drank wine before deciding if should go to war?

Wine mixed with vinegar more often than not. There is a bit in the bible where a Roman Legionary gives Jesus some Posca to drink, and most Christians seem to see this as some sort of mocking, but to that poor Roman it was probably a gesture of kindness.

Oh anonyme*, I should say.

"first sleep"

basically the concept of sleeping in multiple sessions as opposed to two consecutive REM cycles. Humans went to bed at dusk and would wake up throughout the night, to cook, clean, write, fornicate etc... fulling waking up around dawn. A much more natural way of rest

>constantly assaulted with artificial lightning which fucks up your circadian rhythm

The fuck are you on about?

coffee is a meme. cocaine is overrated too.

t. stimulant resistant patrician

It was also delivered via a sponge on a stick. Think about how Romans wiped their arses.

You said the current sleeping pattern is the superior form.

I'm telling you it isn't, since all that artificial lightning fucks up our circadian rhythm. Proper sleep is several REM cycles broken up by very short intervals of consciousness (like 10-15 minutes)

During pre industrial times light was scarce after dusk?

Oh, too bad I and my wife are wage cucks.

Yes we sleep later, and wake up later. But the pattern of 8 uninterrupted hours of sleep is the best form of sleep

Probably as to not have him drink too much and then vomit. If you drink too much after being dehydrated, you do vomit pretty quickly.

i dunno if you'd be able to cook and eat etc during that time. But you could definitely have your way with a qt slave

How the fuck is someone going to put a cup on a stick and then have you drink from it? Sponge was the only way

Probably. But read the second bit. How did Romans wipe their arses? With sponges on sticks.

He wasnt kindly giving Jesus a drink. He was wiping shit all over him.

Why do you think we come here?

Then why does the bible say vinegar or spoiled wine? Is it possible someone didn't want it written that Jesus Christ died with a dirty sanchez?

It isn't. The interruption "nocturnal awakenings" method is how man originally slept, and it's most likely the best one.

conditioning perhaps

babies kind of like that and that might be why naps are a thing until 8hr sleep behavior is ingrained.

Just guessing.

Maybe it was both? Vinegar/wine administered via a shitty sponge. Sort of a "Oh, you want a drink? Well HERES a drink!!!! "HAHAHAHAHA TITUS YOU ABSOLUTE MADMAN!!!!" kind of sick joke.

I don't know. I'm just saying I can't observe this sleep regime.

Oops, your comment was deleted by someone. I'll recreate it for you.

Then why don't we naturally wake during the night if that's the best way, and why do we still feel completely refreshed after 8 hours of solid sleep?

>kind of sick joke
The Romans I know would never do something so cruel. They were disciplined and honorable people who gave proper deference to the state and family.

The Romans were not known for their humor.

Teach me your ways user!

>Then why don't we naturally wake during the night if that's the best way,

Now we go to sleep long past sunset and wake up long after sunrise. Our bodies are exhausted so we sleep through it. Also we work all day with no naps in between. Industrialization is a bitch. Our schedules have been fitted around our corporate masters.

Example: Sunsets at 20:00, we're asleep by 20:30. We wake up at 1:00 to bang the misses, eat a little focacce dipped in wine, and prepare our ledger for the next day. Asleep by 3:00 and awake before 7:00.

>why do we still feel completely refreshed after 8 hours of solid sleep?

Can we say this truthfully? How many people sleep without some sort of sleep aid? How many people sleep way over 8 hours "naturally"? How many people block out the sun with curtains or are incapable of waking up without assistance? At least American society is notoriously underrested.

>Then why don't we naturally wake during the night if that's the best way

Haven't you been following? Because of artificial lightning.

>and why do we still feel completely refreshed after 8 hours of solid sleep?

Doesn't mean you wouldn't feel just as good or better with this schedule, not to mention you'd waste less of the day

I deleted it cause I'd finished reading your article and realised it had answered all my questions. I didn't want to waste your time but you've taken it upon yourself to do so anyway lmao

read Martial you fucking ignorant pleabian

bendy straw

Actually Horace is funny as fuck.
Juvenal sucks though, I gotta say.

>Proper sleep is several REM cycles broken up by very short intervals of consciousness (like 10-15 minutes)
Can you prove this?