League of Legends General - /lolg/

Yuri is the best! edition

Old thread: eyosongive.us

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xth for my wife Syndra


Noxians are aesthetic

How do I carry a game when I play top lane
By the time we are 10 minutes into the game it's already possible to tell who's going to win solely by looking at whichever team's mid and bot lanes has the lead
sure I can help my team out through fancy plays but if they are behind right from the beginning it's a lost cause

NA still has personalities, and I watch lck anyways.


>Yuri is the best! edition

Best girl.
Best body.
Best wife.


I refuse

oh fuck off
90% of my losses are because top & jungle are racing to see who can feed their opponent faster

And she's ALL MINE!

So who is the next champs? Is it really Yasuo's brother Yone and is he going to be an ADC? (my friend who's an ADC main IRL is hyped for him and is 100% sure the next champion is ADC)

Also are ADC really the hardest champs to play in this game?

I want to go swimming in Lulu.



This vayne play made me cry laughing

suck my fucking dick and swallow all my cum you worthless sack of shit!!

>Also are ADC really the hardest champs to play in this game?
If you have 3 fucking braincells ADC is pretty easy. you're just dependent on your team to win.


What are the chances the two coolest battlemages in the game are related?


because illaoi does his job better


sounds like you're too low-iq for zaun

Supposedly, it IS an ADC next.

For some reason, Riot are playing around with the idea that Yi is Yone.

I like this answer. Because Illaoi is my next most played.

>Yi is Yone


don't listen to him user
suck mine instead

Mind you, this was a couple years ago and it was only "haha maybe!"

post webms

oh okay thank god

oh that's alright, don't worry about it

caitlyn vu when

she needs to have an outfit that isn't fucking retarded

Why is Riven considered bad in Bronze? Is her skill floor too high or is she just shit?

Officer Cait is hot

Why do people ship syndra and irelia anyways? why not any other ionian female?

>Play assassin
>Lose because I can't make plays without my team
>Play tank
How are you supposed to play assassins in low elo if you tank tps in 10s late when the fight is already over?

steampunk+mini skirts is hot fuckoff gayfag

skill floor high skill ceiling not very high because oyu need to know how to play her to play her anyway and when u figured out how to play her u've played 1k games so like lmao

I only ship two female champions for which I want to have a threesome with. And why not have one with the two tightest Ionians

Not canon

Buff Caitlyn

So it's more that she's not worth learning?

She needs to cool down

That's TOO BAD, because AS YOU KNOW she promised to be swimming WITH me every day until the end of times!

Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!!


>why not any other ionian female?
They do. There was a fic dedicated to them that was pretty well written that gave syndra/irelia a considerable boost.

be my valentine

no it's just a mess keep that stupid "hurr random shit out of a box" bs in her skins not her base appearance

What if your support is a boy??

How do people feed on Xayah? How is it even possible to lose on Xayah? Everything about her kit is inherently broken, especially for an ADC.

Not even Jhin was this bad during the armor pen/lethality meta.

>tfw this just makes me wish i was a girl
>tfw i'm a flamboyant straight guy that's attempted to suck a dick and decided it was horrible
>tfw i would just bang women regardless of situation


Why is she so mommy?

Because she is the best and tightest support

Same thing unless he is playing blitzcrank!!!

>not canon
Poor caitfag

Your what?! user...

>when the jungler invades and deepwards and take scuttler on your side
Good shit, fren


wow what great discussions guys, im glad this general was created :)

i would gladly sit through 30 min queues to get rid of these autofill supports

>get into SG Jinx x SG Lux because of the obvious innuendo in the official clip
>eventually start shipping regular Jinx with Lux as well
>now I'm excited about chink Lux with chink Jinx

What is lolgen doing to my brain??

tfw ywn tie lux up and make her stare you in the eyes in fear while you cut her up with a razor blade...

What are some good skill-free champs for Top, Mid, Bot and Support?

>What is lolgen doing to my brain??
good things

w-what... isn't that a bit too much

Looking forward to bishi Swain arts?

>assassin that only presses two buttons to one-shot you and doesn't care about positioning because he can engage from any angle

>burst mage who only presses two buttons to one-shot you and doesn't care about positioning because she can engage from any angle

who else sees a trend

She's a he.

wow Swain is straight savage

At least it isn't "three hits" anymore

I don't know what meme you're trying to start but no

>Crash lane
>No survivors

Yeah I'm starting to see it...

>No penta

rito hasn't maid any claims of Caitlyn being a lezzy

Woha chill kata

>getting account slowly leveled toward 30
>playing nunu support, will force a 3 man lane if i have to
>dorans ring 2 pots
>always take the leashed buff with q start
>go out of my way to take our sides buffs
>on a win streak doing this

>Join lol in Season 4
>Bought Kha'zix and play him as a top, because I didn't know jungling was a thing, did decent for a noobie
>Bought Tristana, always feeding, avoids bot after that.
>Bought Poppy, cool a Dwarf I like Dwarves. Struggled through early(Couldn't get those wall stuns and I was always getting outfarmed), my plays was passable though could've been better, had one game I was the carry thought I finally got the hang of her then next match I went against a Teemo...She never gave up on her just played her less, she is my most favorite champ.
>Bought Jayce, weapon switcher cool, had the Idea I'll attack them with my hammer mode and swap to my gun mode when they try to escape.
I was told he plays Mid, you already know what happened. Today I hate Jayce now.
>Bought Singed, Win a lot of games because I never had to fight anybody, just play like a coward which I was because I was New back then and everybody was so good, Illaoi was released I didn't know how to proxy so I lose but it sure was funny running circles around her.
He was my go to champ and one of my favorites.
>Bought Urgot, no one didn't know what he do, I rarely lose.
He was my second go to champ and other one of my favs, I don't know about new Urgot yet, but what I seen he's still good.

Came back during Poppy's rework, she can farm, and she's a tank now(Hey that's my specialty), still was iffy about her wall stun I said to myself "No one will ever go next to a wall, if they didn't back then, they wouldn't now", I was wrong people are always standing next to walls especially when they're trying to run away.

Others may not like it but to me, The Poppy Rework was good for me, now I win most of my matches with her, She's my go to champ and still is my most favorite champ, I couldn't stop playing her and still can't stop.

Got back into Bot since now I got better at the game, choose Tristana did better than last time then it hit me...I bought Tristana with real money, she's free!?

>placed in Gold 1
>2-3 in Plat promos FOUR times before I got through on the fifth
>30 games to get out of just Gold 1
Jesus fuck certainly I could have played better but FUCK these morons at this ELO.

bless you for your honesty

Her and Vi are literally the most feminine in this game looking at their body and facial features
just because they have strong personalities doesn't make them trannies now here your (you)

*She and Vi.

>She never gave up on her
*I never gaved up on her

Pick a champ that allows you to apply map pressure.

Apply map pressure.

Watch the enemy team fail at macro cos nobody does that shit well.

But Vi is a lesbo
Vi is her only friend soooooo

>about to win game
>i'm walking up to enemy nexus
>my team doesn't pay attention to timers
>my team doesn't pay attention to map

this is why silver shitters never leave


is this a joke?

Leona has a very feminine body and it makes my peepee hard

>make a friend on lol
>seems like an ok guy
>actually a huge rager who blames everyone for his mistakes and says "kys" and similar shit every 5 sec even to me
>keeps asking to play
what should i do? im too much of a pussy to just delete him straight up

he's really bad too, has the mechanics of a silver 1 but the confidence of a diamond 1

post skins please

>tfw no qt petite gf

when is the zombie apocalypse coming irl so I can get a real slayer jinx gf?

>high noon
>muy tai
>no skin zed
>dark star thresh
>project vayne
I'm going to lose aren't i

>no Riven
Damn, so close.

gg this team

muay thai and high noon lee and yas generally know what they're doing. Can't say the same about vayne and thresh though. Who is on your team?

next time he has a meltdown in a match, block him

hopefully he'll realize he's making things awkward by being such a nerd

I wanna marry Taliyah's eyebrows!

fuck you