/lolg/ - League of Legends general


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Post tight waifus

first for waifufag genocide

>open box
>it's a champion shard
>open another box
>it's an emote
wow, thanks riot

xth for my wife Syndra

xth for looking EXACTLY like Sona!

>tfw no qt petite gf

What are some common misconceptions about your main
>Shaco is an early game champion hehe :) he scales super bad where are my ganks

Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona, Illaoi, Magma, Fire, Kayle, Shyvana
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra, Camille, Xayah, Morgana, Storm, Dark, Nami, Elise
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Sejuani, Zyra,Soraka
High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora, Miss Fortune
Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven, Quinn, Sivir, Air
Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe, Water, Nature, Akali

Submissive: Sona,Janna



Swain is my new daddy

>Jax where's your gunblade/guinsoo

>m-muh femdom tier list!!!

Is showing midriff a woman's way of signaling she wants to be impregnated?

shut up loser lol

>brainlet memes
haha you really got me xdd pwned so hard

>Karthus & Kayle
Come again?

Klepto nerfs appear to have hit Nasus down to near 50% which is good, but at the same time he should be able to move over to Grasp with Future's Market and Approach Velocity and thrive.

I still don't like that his playerbase has so few games on the champ and that his mechanical floor is so low. A lot like Garen, he's a champ right now that is too powerful for just how easy he is to use. I feel like he does deserve a mini-rework to fix up his passive, Q and W, all of which are kind of terrible. The doggo needs more space for skill expression in his kit and more room to play in instead of being shoehorned to "muh stacks".

This is what pharaoh Nidalee should look like

posting the tightest.

Ahri might be the tightest, but are any waifus close to her level?

>They continually buff Veigar
>But Kindred is allowed to be extremely mediocre for a year straight with a useless passive
Fuckin why

Yes, it's also a sign of submission. All midriff baring girls are begging to be stuffed and mounted.

>j4 is released
>ult is constantly under fire for being broken as fuck because it follows you and you're forced to flash, often times wasting flash (since it follows you)
>constant bitching and whining about it
>riot nerfed him the ground so hard hes not relevant for 5 years
>cam is released
>is basically old j4 with true damage and a better W
>her ult cant be escaped from and can dodge abilities if timed right
>nobody bats an eye about it
What a fucking joke of a champion

It's probably due to the retarded amount of defensive options given to teams/squishies now that weren't there years ago. No one would have bitched about Jarvan ult with Locket/Taric Ult/Braum/Redemption/etc...etc...

because they constantly cycle champs in and out and they arent gonna touch her until they can rework her

These are the easiest champions to play and do well within their class, you may not like it, but it's the truth.

>finish game
>not even 1 itsy bitsy honor

what is the joke for this image
im missing something here

I lost this game.

Where my Master Yi mains at?

The most virginal general on this board

I want to impregnate the Lulu

>Veigar presses E
>You arent allowed to play for 2 seconds
why is this allowed

>mask on ziggs

that was my next guess desu
I said canada because I know they like to burn up for no reason from time to time

>he doesn't get liandrys vs two hp tanks


Who can I watch/where can I go to learn Shaco? I've just been playing a lot of Eve lately and want some more sneaky bullshit champs to play.

>start playing jungle again
>flashbacks of a few months back where in a few particular games I got my barons stolen
>can't smite comfortably anymore
>every time I'm on an objective I see myself getting outsmited
>can feel my heart beating through my fucking chest when me and my team are doing baron and all they've got is their support alive

what the fuck do I do

You got the facts to back that up kiddo?

So they have an excuse to not nerf Azir into the ground: he's countered by Veigar!

Fucking kill me. Laning against him is way more aids than Malzahar.

>no quickcast
>enemy team has azir

woah big surprise.

Yeah but why isn't that now? I'm tired of having to completely ignore my passive marks because the enemies picked an assassin jungle that can kill me 1v1 at scuttle crab or in their jungle. That and the enemies end up playing safe if my mark is on them before I gank and it's incredibly difficult to actually remember to mark them while i'm running into their lane. I only ever get marks by accident by putting it on the enemy jungle and hoping they counter gank.

Man up and realize nobody gives fuck.
Or get drunk.
Or play with me and let me bully you.

>place filled with snow and ice
>so much so that they pour syrup onto it and roll it in toothpicks for a cold treat
>on fire
for what fucking purpose

/wowg/ is laughing at us again bros


Is anyone level 3 honor yet?

No they're not

so tired of seeinbg zoe
just nerf this goddamn slut

honor 5

It's crown's zoe though. I'm expecting some lck bick plays/

lies desu

>get a teemo """""""""""""""""""support""""""""""""""""
>does nothing but roam leaving me to 2v1 ali/draven bot

>be girl
>don't go out much
>my only chance of getting a bf is meeting someone online
>watching lolg talk about girls and vaginas just makes me cringe

Aren't there any normal people in here?

Kindred was oppressive and stupid when she was strong. She broke half a season because her invades were retarded. Being able to kite junglers who are almost entirely a melee class is inherently strong and any kick to her early game makes her stupid to deal with. They've buffed Veigar again and again because there's very little risk. At the end of the day he's a slow mage with no mobility and all his defensive options packed into 1 spell. Veigar just scales well and blows up 1 or 2 guys in a fight, that's all he does and that's all he'll ever do. He has never reached pick or ban status, not even with DFG and an instant stun.

Kindred inherently has an advantage over virtually every other jungler because her kit kites them to shit and chases them. It's not fun to play against when she's good. because if you're a regular jungler, (Nocturne, Udyr, Kayn, Sejuani, whoever.) you're going to get raped if she finds you. Why do you think they tried to buff her scaling recently but not her early game? Veigar's just a pretty good mage when he's good, he doesn't warp the meta around himself the same way Kindred does.


KSV back to Ambition. It shouldn't matter against MVP but it shouldn't have mattered against KDM last week.

This pick-ban is shit. MVP especially is going backwards. They set up the Azir, then didn't first-pick it, then waffled after the Zoe pick and then were forced into it with a Malzahar ban out of KSV. Outside chance they just wanted to bait a Malzahar ban to help keep the Camille open for their toplane considering the bans KSV put towards top in first rotation, but I don't really think Azir into Zoe is something you should want.

I kind of don't love KSV's draft either. Zoe teamfights for shit and they drafted 3 tanks and a Trist outside of that since Ruler's Varus was picked away form him. They need Crown to stomp lane for it to be worth going Zoe over an Azir or Malz. TK can eat a lot of people if they're in danger of Zoe poke around objectives.

I'm pretty sure MVP is just shit and KSV will win, but this is sloppy.

>Veeky Forums
>normal people

you get honor automaticly?

shit bait sis



Star Guardians belong to The Void.



Yes they do user.


Hashinshin is watching right now and stroking his dick going, "FUCKING ORNN! TOP LANE IS SHIT RITO NERF TANKS AHHHHHH"

And why do you want to look exactly like Sona, is it the hair ?

CuVee solokills ADD with Ignite when Camille gets uppity.

Beyond plants the Sej ult on top of a Cleanseless Crown, Ian picks up the kill and the Zoe is now way the fuck down.

Two lanes going the opposite of how you should expect.

Ever since hearing about PixelButts felony I've become intrigued by him and want to know more. So far I've found out where he lives (approximately) and his age as well as one of his employers

lets see how far we can go from here

Perfect game

>Tear Taric Support

>So far I've found out where he lives (approximately)
>as well as one of his employers
i have a hard time believing this one actually

let me know when you find the mugshot

this isn't you, right?

ADD lost that fight when he decided to E unto ignite Ornn with pre-nerf bellows breathe up. He should have known better.

Yes! She has very pretty hair!

the p[process is time gated and massively spend up last season to compensate for it only existing for half a season
expect honour level 5 around april to june area

is that their supports vision only? how the fuck is that possible?

I'm sure I'll get it eventually. My autism is probably stronger than yours

That is not because this is mine reddit.com/user/PixelButtz/
I have to fight with a furfag over this name and it makes everything awful

MVP MaHa for some reason thought it would be a good idea to stand on top of CuVee.

CuVee now has a Frozen Heart and Camille isn't going to be able to move him for a long-ass time.

Plus Ruler is fed so the Varus power spike isn't going to give MVP the edge they would want out of it.

The Azir scaling is basically the only way MVP can win this.


what about it

Lore update coming. Maybe with some other changes like a mini VU hopefully.

well seeing as what you found was and that is my account, youre looking into the furfag's details (or some other guy, wouldnt surprise me)

your detective work might need improvements

ADD looks like he's in a good spot now. He's hit the 20 min Bruiser power spike.

I want to run build Archangel Staff on Kayle Top.

Are you going to be a good support and let me touch those massive love pillows, i'm sure it will make me play better~

But shaco isn't good in a teamfight at all, is he? What do you do with him? Push?


I'd rather lane against jayce than illaoi

>illaoi hits her skillshot once
>lose 55% HP
>can't ever fight her 1on1
>can't even gank her if she has ult up unless you make sure she misses E

>if you're a regular jungler
Thankfully more than half of the game people play an assassin because of electrocute and sudden impact combined with duskblade allowing you to kill any squishy at any time with no chance of escaping

>allowing you to kill any squishy at any time with no chance of escaping

CuVee gets towerdove by the Sej, KSV picks up first tower via Ruler and Ambition and KSV swaps CuVee into a short lane to protect him versus the Camille. KSV should want to stall until Ruler is on 3 items and then force Baron with an outscaling ADC and a Zoe.

>countered by an immobile champ with the same range

You cant stack tear as Kayle, but you're free to try

That wasn't me, I think there is another guy on the case as well now

This is one of the most retarded depictions of prison I have ever fucking seen. I guarantee he's an early-20's scrawny white kid who has never done anything more serious than buy overpriced weed from his dealer.

There is literally nothing wrong with being a virgin.