Tfw when you found out that we're not "the good guys"

>tfw when you found out that we're not "the good guys"

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>tfw when you found out we're not "the bad guys"

Don't worry their is literally no such thing as a good nation just leaders generally acting on their self interest.

tfw when you find out you're actually "the best guys"

you may not be "the good guy" but due to technological advances and global communication you are probably better than "the good guys" in the past


this is now an anti america thread


>soviets slamming America for racism

Russians dominated the USSR just as completely as WASPs dominate America.

>Russians dominated the USSR
True, but there was no autonomous region or distinct state for Blacks or for the Native American tribes in the US.
Ukraine and Kazakhstan SSR existed, where's the state of NewAfrika?

Native Americans have their own territories with their own laws and police.

>there's no autonomous region for Native American tribes in the US
wew, lad.

>where's the state of NewAfrika?

Lost to Vietnamese farmers.

When you found out there are no good guys

This meme needs to end

But not full states.

It's a meme, so no. Just stop getting your panties in a bunch

>Russians Dominating the USSR
>WASPs Dominating America
Comeon guys
We all knew (((((who))))) dominated both

Delete this.

This isnt really true. Their gov advocated for their minority ethnicity groups and of course there are jokes and personal prejudice but their gov had legislation to curtail that. Not to mention that there were jews, ukrainains, and caucasians (actual ones like georgians, azerbajianis, armenians, etc) in their gov.
Im not saying Russians arent racist and dont have a supremacy complex. But saying that they dominated the USSR like WASPs dominate america is just not true. This is just talking about Russia, the republics were governed by their own population in terms of ethnic make-up.

They gave american shit because in the 1920s and 1930s and even later you were hard pressed to find black, latin, or asian gov officialsof any importance.

Right, because they are sovereign nations.

>if you're not a nigger or a gook you're a WASP

We knew about Pearl Harbor 3 days in advanced but ignored the threats so to look as if it was a surprise attack allowing the use of the nukes without enraging the american people.

This is actually public knowledge now, I just learned of this yesterday.

What do you think about this?

Self hating American have to be the biggest cuckolds on Earth.

t. not even American

> to look as if it was a surprise attack allowing the use of the nukes...
>a surprise attack
>the use of the nukes
>in 1941

You know we didn't have the bomb in '41, right? It wasn't around for another three and a half years.

As if the government doesn't set things up for the long run..

WTF is your problem, I never said that nor did I imply that. It doesnt change my point one bit. You cant say that americans let some other white people in gov they are totally not racist. No one outside of anglos thinks they are the best whites anyway.


>Hey, lets let the gooks bomb us up so that we might be able to drop a bomb on them in a couple of years that may or may not be any better than any other bombs we already have, oh and some people think it might also burn away the atmosphere!

Truly 1940s America was a simpler time.

yeah, (((WASP))) dominate america

in my opinion it isnt about good or bad. The USA is the strongest nation in this earth right now and could win a lot of other nations combined in a war. Just like the old times, the strongest nation went on to conquer and enslave other nations and people, Roman Empire, Alexander the Great etc

>tfw you found out the truth about the cold war.

>the strongest nation went on to conquer and enslave other nations and people, Roman Empire, Alexander the Great etc
Alexander's empire crumbled into successor states as soon as he died.

the Roman Empire spiraled into endless civil war when they ran out of people worth conquering

That's why the US doesnt do anymore direct conflicts via war, they did their history study and try to avoid mistakes.

More like because these days big multi-power wars could potentially cause the total annihilation of the human race.

Smartest post I've seen in awhile

The American Founders were all much, much better versed in the Classics than anyone posting in this thread (it was basically a required field of study in educational institutions of the day) and they understood very well the dangers of letting your military generals accrue too much power, which is why the American system was set up to specifically make generals a glorified bureaucrat strictly answerable to his civilian elected officials and unable to acquire much personal wealth for himself.

you know they originally took the plans of the bomb from the Germans during the war.

>tfw trump supporters unironically think america is the good guys and dont understand why we piss off russia

How people perceived the Cold war
>Commies are out to get us!

What I originally learned about the war
>no no America was paranoid fucks that put us in a bunker state for decades.

What I learned presently
>actually the Soviets were out to get us but that's ok because we were also out to get them. It a grand ol pissing contest for dicks

>no autonomous region or distinct state for the Native American tribes in the US.
But that's literally what there is.

CBS made documentary about farming in 1960 recommended by Lewis Black while I was watching him on CSPAN.

Watch the whole thing without getting terminally angry...and you get a prize.

Also, take a drink every time a cigaret company rubs the fact they're paying money to tell you all these horrible things in your face. Try not to choke, laughing and crying at the same time.

>Hint It's impossible.

The United States could trip and accidentally kill 100,000 people and itd still be the most ethical country to ever exist, outside of the late 1800s-early 1900s stuff.

The answer is of course to help America become all it could be, and improve the America that exists.

Sitting back and complaining about injustice does nothing if you don't fight to fix it!

It does bad things but feels guilty and tries to fix them.