Are you going to short/long the USD/EUR when the election results come out?

Are you going to short/long the USD/EUR when the election results come out?

Basically free money

Early indication is turnout is way down. I'm already in, LePen is going to shock the world

The financial panic is going to be extreme

How would one go about profiting on this?

Bought bitcoin several days ago

Hope u werent expecting that id invested in a croissant factory

>profiting shares for macron losing are 5 cents each, they become redeamable for a dollar

The market isn't opening until Monday.

Forex literally opens in 2 hours, and there will be pre-opening trading.

Everything else opens in 4 hours

so i should buy macron shares?
Lepen is going to win...

What the fuck are you on about?
Markets open Monday 12am where are you getting this info ?

They are open in Asia goyim.

Oh yeah sorry, depends on timezone. Looks like we get first dibs

Hate to break it to you but Macron is projected to win 65%

Oh, my sweet child. Women can't be president.

Macron is going to win, bought Euro and stock in Deutsch Bank.

What if Macron's victory has already been priced in weeks before ?

remember when hillary was projected to win by 98%?

There are always waiters/laggers, some of it was priced in after the first round, but there will still be a bump from the actual eventof him winning.

Haven't you heard that it's already done?
DId you really think that LEPEN would win? Hahahahahahahaha


All my coinbase transactions are in €uros

Macron winning is good for my crypto liquidity

Well sheeeit

looks like its Hijabs and Euros for the forseeable future

I figured btc would gain either way though. Its hard to quantify any kind of bump