League of Legends general - /lolg/


Old thread: eyosongive.us

I want to fertilize this plant.

All fucking lulu players must fucking hang.

Reminder Sivir has the widest hips

Kindred is still dead, right?

Why is Sona such a superior waifu ?

Regular Zyra or Draco Zyra?

why the fuck do i have to op.gg everyone now? Why cant i just trust people not to pick shit they suck ass at? why do people think roaming pre-6 is gonna help them when they are behind ?
what the fuck is wrong with the league community?

Built for child bearing.

there is no need to be upsetti


xth for my wife Syndra

Sivir is probably very tight too

Confess, /lolg/.

>four losses in a row

I love all her skins equally.

Reminder to cum inside your support!
Pic related!

>Do not try to outplay your enemy. Simply wait for your enemy to outplay themselves.

>tfw wanting to play a comfy normal and you end up in 4 man premade that only writes in capslock

We lost when the adc had a dc at 45 minutes and we were 20k behind

DracoZyra is still a plant, just a Dragonlady plant

>has name in every webm posted
fuck off attention whore

can u give me tips on how 2 play yasuo

>being bronze

Which support is the best for cumming inside?

are not you the attention whore ripping one people posting stuff from the game

>Fizz missed his ulti
>Lee kicked the wrong way
>Thresh would've missed his hook too
>Thresh Flayed the wrong way and missed his Ulti

Those are just bad players

>go Morgana support

Fun game.


I don't play ranked because I'm too afriad I'll feed my ass off every game
I wish I were good at this game.

>playing with names

tip one: call your jungler a retard

Sorry Menipu, ill stop putting my name in every webm i post from now on okay, i just love attention please add me :)

Why her? Why not Janna or Nami?

Worst girl.

If you win or lose always type
>gg this team...
mid-game btw

jesus fucking christ camille is so fucking cancer. 2k fucking true damage off one fucking auto and a gap closer 8 flashes fucking long that ends in a stun every 6 fucking seconds. this champion is the fucking definition of powercreep

Nigga you need to lay off the tanning oils, cos you bronze as fuck.

I'm not into math, so I can't do the numbers for you to optimize.

Really though you should use E so they can't run away or outheal your damage and save Q for sniping people on the backend of fights.

I have a 17% win rate on Corki so far this season and at least 3 of those losses were my fault because I fucked up either with a bad roam or a bad teamfight.

You have to make sure your macro play is just as good as your micro play. Yasuo mechanics are very unforgiving and if you give first blood in lane, you're deadbeat. Surviving the lane is the #1 goal, and getting a cs lead or potential kill is priority.

I can't stress this enough though; you NEED to help out your jungler when they go in the river. In order to do this, you recommend you pressure and get level 3 before the enemy laner (be aware of your jungler so he can help counter). Yasuo in high elo depends on team and if your jungler gets into a fight, help them out and get the enemy jungle killed if possible (THIS IS VERY GOOD).

Late game wise; Yasuo is known to throw a lot of games. Your positioning is the most important thing in these fights. It varies depending on the enemy team comp. If they have a lot of dive and peel, DO NOT ENGAGE. Your #1 goal would be to peel the ADC or and pick off carries if an opportunity arises. This season is about helping out your ADC, and if your ADC is fed - the game is in the bag because of your ult potential.

Overall dude, micro mechanics on Yasuo is really important. Make tons of use of E-Q and use your E to go in and out of harass. Also get fleet footwork and inspiration (stopwatch + boots).

>go Legendary on MF
>autistic AP Malphite feeds so hard that it doesn't matter
either way this champ is fun as fuck and she seems ridiculously powerful
gimme some MF tips

Janna's the universe's bicycle and Nami is an actual fish


always wear protection stds arent fun

>Illaoi and zoe are still running rampart in ranked and pro play
>0 changes

I like regular Zyra but DracoZyra makes me harder than diamonds

>hiding information that helps you tell stuff apart

a CUTE fish

>t. jealous Janna/Nami player who wants more cum
The truth is the best support to cum inside of is the one who is best at supporting, because they deserve it the most
This also provides incentive for all supports to keep trying their hardest!

Comet, Ultimate Hat.

Enjoy your win streak.

First promos game, bets?

XDD Overused meme so funni haha

thank you kind yasuo one trick.
another questions:
do you ever not pick yasuo because of certain champions? if so who are they? or do you play him anyways?

for example: I went up against an akali and got my shit rekt

>helps you tell stuff apart

??? i know you are a retard but just try to explain this one

Do I have any actual hope of climbing alone if I don't go legendary at least 1 in every 10 games? I have absolutely no friends

Nami is a mammal with a dolphin pussy
A cute and tight fish

Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!
even if it were a Zoe support


>Im retarded and want attention
All you had to say

you can recognize people in all the messy flashy skin effects in teamfights by their names

>when you ADC doesn't take fleet footwork


I will respect my support by not using a condom!
I will protect my supports womb with my seed!

I always pick Yasuo. If you go against hard counters, like I said - it's all about how good your jungle is and you need to ensure that you MUST not die. Play for mid-game if you're against a lane bully. Malphite? Farm up using cull or use a gank. You also abuse akali pre-6, after that - she can all in you.

Where do you think she gets them??

>implying I play either of those champions
I just listed two random support sluts

i never actually found out who drew that image and if there is any more

man I've been taking the yasuo approach all wrong then, I've been overly aggressive in lots of my games and end up feeding.

why is having names turned on a reason for people to get upset desu
itis not like I am using a tripcode etc

>zoe support takes AP support item
>wants to take my cs for her stupid balloons
go fuck yourself

Wouldn't it be more accurate to say your support will protect your cum with her womb?

I'll respect them if they arent Condescending, passive-aggressive man children. Which 9/10 they are.

>enemy midlane is bad
>take advantage of this
>kill her once at lvl 4
>Nunu/alistar gank her lane now from her first death to end of the laning phase
>cant do shit because if i get to close to oriana nunu shows ontop of my wards
>get dove twice
>survived the first one due to stopwatch
>die to the 2nd one
>all while this is happening my botlane is losing 2v1 to a vayne
>top is just freezing the wave at his turret
>jg is hyper farming and not getting objectives
>enemy mid is finally able to 1v1 me after 15minutes of camping
>"howd you lose to ori you fbed her?"
God i hate ranked

>teamfights are so cluttered in my silver eyes
>thats why i have a shit load of nonsense words floating around as well, to help me keep track of things

i wish you and a majority of the other retards that post their retarded fucking plays in this general would die

>Boot Enchant
Holy fuck do you autistically collect webm's of every game you've ever played?

I protect my support, she protects me, such is the symbiotic relationship between the two members of botlane

Anything but Zoe support. Would rather take Luxanna support over Zoe.

actually saved this one, thanks

Finally got Mastery 7 with Fiddlesticks

How do I feel?

If you won't kill the enemy I will!
I am not!

>Enemy locks in Gangplank
When are they doing something about this fuck

Simply ban Yasuo

deserved desu

Do an auto, then Q. Because it resets your auto and another will go immediately after, essentially giving you 3 autos in a row. Make sure to use your Q in-lane to poke from low HP minions for the crit damage on their ADC or support, just make sure it's lined up to them. Use your W more like a cleanse from slows and only use it to out-trade in 1v1 situations or if you're confident that you'll get them with chasing. Use her E to chase, or to slow the enemy jungler from ganking. If they try to engage, Make It Rain. Make sure to position yourself for good Bullet Times, cut off wall and tower hugging and if your team engages first it's perfectly fine to use it then because your MS from her W will help clean up. Never ult 1v1 unles they're running and you can't catch up, because Auto -> Q -> Auto will out-trade a lot of other ADCs.

And always remember, Fortune doesn't favor fools.

is there something wrong with that

>riot said they're going to buff the resolve non-keystone runes
>as they keep nerfing klepto I'll be able to switch to grasp and still be broken as fuck

>Lux support
I do not see the problem!

Best girl.
Best butt.
Best wife.

The only thing Lux can support is my sustained erection

I've found Kayle does pretty well against GP. Can pop his barrels before his Parrrley since she doesn't have an AA projectile

ur gay

>pllay support zoe with relic shield
>adc still doesn't let me proc even when they're low hp
lmao fuck you


i want to feel and rub jinx’s ribs through her smooth frail torso


>Cleaning out my Sort folder
>Find this old gem
I feel like this is a good summary of what Junglers are like in Silver.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

She can't support something that won't get erect in the first place

can you do this in league?

Luxanna support is alright unless it's some tilted autofilled player.

>Riven Jungle
Fucking Boxboxfags.

No. This webm has been posted to death. Find a different Dota 2 webm