/lolg/ - League of Legends General


Start your day off right edition

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Fuck azir

if you die to yasuo, you got outplayed

it means he had to calculate (and execute) the fight exactly to his specifications, taking into account your cooldowns and his, the position of both junglers, the creep waves and the general "feel" of the lane (an ability that has to be honed through years, maybe decades of what you call merely "gaming").

Indeed, to be defeated by yasuo is to realise that you have found your better, both as a player and as a man. Your mettle failed you, but the yasuo player is solid steel -hard, cold, reliable- and as he secures first blood and you anxiously await the surrender vote, his mind is still operating at full capacity preparing strategies for a near infinite number of possibilities.

I'll be taking my LP now, make sure you do your bans correctly next time.

Do you faggots have any tips for a beginner or should I just spend my time more productively and do something else?

can anyone stop the Chad Kingzone DragonX?

xth for my wife Syndra

>played about 30 games with /muteall
>everything is silent, it is harmony and just calm
>occassionally unmuting enemies to see their rage after defeating them
>everything feels amazing
There is literally no good information you can get from enemies or allies (at least in unranked), why is there no mute all option?

>an ability that has to be honed through years, maybe decades of what you call merely "gaming"
Always fucking gets me


how rude

go, run away, get out of there before its too late.

Why are the bottom and top lanes so fucking boring now?


do NOT open this

Install gentoo

lane bullies are shit in bot lane
i don't play top because i'm not an autist

>try swain
>he's shit

>Buff swain in response in 8.4
>You want him gutted into the ground

I'd be okay with Xayah actually looking like she's a dangerous predator. It'd be way better than the teen with an attitude look they gave her.

>try swain
>i have no idea how to play him
>cry for buffs after playing one game

Why is she physically holding the book? She has telekenesis

Why did Riot turn Zoe into such a foot goddess?


>literally day one
just wait a week until optimal build is figured out

I'd fuck the sex king.

Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!

well i mean it depends what kind of options you actually have that would be productive

a lot of people think they’re being productive when they actually arent

I really like how you can scout the jungler really well with his W, but too bad I'm in shitter ELO so my team doesn't understand how to play around that kind of info

more like 3 weeks because itemization changes in 2 weeks

>Make enemy top and jungle quit.
>Receive no upboats.


Syndra has better feet and is much more of a goddess than that annoying brat

ah fuck i totally forgot about that
what's with riot and overhauling the game in the middle of the season?

I wanna CUDDLE and PROTECT Lulu!

>Pentakill Sona: "Never tell Sona of PENTAKILL that keyboards aren't metal. Her instrument is filled with living barbed wire and a sonic scream loud enough to bring other, lesser musical genres crashing to their knees."

>Silent Night Sona: "Drifting through the streets as she plays, Sona's beautiful melodies bring out the wonder of fresh snowfalls, quiet evenings by the fire, and time spent with family and friends. She can also weaponize these songs, raining destruction upon those who would spoil the holidays."

>Sweetheart Sona: "Sona's quiet elegance and mastery of enchanted music might make the heart go all aflutter, but don't be fooled - she can still cut a man in half at thirty paces with her harp's soundwaves. That's the duality of love: sometimes you win, sometimes you get cut in half by soundwaves."

would you risk Sona killing you?

>feet of used goods adult slut mage
>feet of cute youthful loli aspect


I want LeBlanc to constantly tease me without letting me cum for a few months

>used goods
fuck off back to /r9k/

Considering that it's pretty easy to avoid making her feel like she has to kill you, yes.
I'm guessing that these are new skin descriptions?

>t. Pedobear

Why not user? There's pleasure in the little things, even for someone as powerful as she is.

That's cool leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/The_Hunt_is_On!
Just happened to me

she sucks zeds dick daily and there is nothing you can do

So, Swain is bad right? I feel like he has way too many problems earlygame.

she see no pleasure in you

>implying that even matters
get some help

I forgot the last thread was almost at limit, so I'll repost so a new generation of lolg posters can berate me for playing a healsut in low elo

fuck him in his big fat ass

>champion is shit because they dont want another zoe
>buff him
>items change
>he is op
calling it right now

Who here hyped about new mage items? Excited to build Archangel every game for maximum spell spam.

Fuck that new jungle item though

I'd be willing to risk Sona killing me to experience this: pastebin.com/HUvpCWUh

>he wants to kiss her mouth after zed cum staining it

xth for my wife Syndra

I think he'll be decent in top lane after the ap item changes

>Made sick play yesterday
>Forgot to record it

why was the rengar revert delayed what the fuck RIOT
are they not ready to admit their mistake

i don't think that's how you climb user

I wanna BEE with Lulu!

use the replay feature

>There's pleasure in the little things
You're really setting yourself up for a dick joke there but I will restrain myself

It's not the middle of the season, it'll be a month in when they go live

What is Twitch doing under the table? Is he sucking off Azir?

for my wife syndra

oh look I got pictures of her too

Zed was hit pretty hard by the ardent meta and now by the stopwatch.

>feed your laners kills when you could easily take all of them yourself and pop off then literally 1v5
>receive no upboats

>ywn give Syndra a foot massage


not him, but capturing it on a replay just isn't the same

Why do we not have to verify all the time, now? Did someone gift me reddit gold?

And yet, he's still good and will find a way to get fed in your games.

>not him, but
nobody cares

They don't want to shake the meta too much on the same patch a champion is released. The changes to the smite items are going to mess up the jungle meta even further.

you wouldn't fug a roastie, would you user?

oh no she doesn't.
that's wrong.
I'm not that mischievous user.
no she isn't


nerf Gnar
nerf Gangplank

Give bruisers some sort of item to work with thats melee only.

Only on the enemy team. My zed is guaranteed to go 0/4 despite constant ally jungle attention

right before LCS playoffs

Wait what, what IS THIS? Draven courting syndra!

What should I do?

I wanna give Lulu a lifetime supply of headpats!

>want to play nuswain
>faggot bans him and even though i'm hovering
>locks in trynd support
>someone else dodges
>submit a ticket cause his name was "ihatedajuice"


>enemy mid trying to have fun
>oh no it seems it's tahm oclock
>ult for free kill with the jungler

Syndra would probably enjoy any kind of massage

>has teeth

ummm excuse me riot??? where'ss her beak????

rent the skin :^)

what about you stop replying to that other idiot instead.
And that's an awful edit.
yeah, probably.

i can't keep up with these newfangled terms

The replay tool has a feature that converts the videos into webms for easier posting online.

draven sent me this too

Lulu skin when????

>Riot fixes top lane
>top babs still complain if they can't 1v9

>Peanut jobs at Worlds
>gets fired from SKT
>Peanut is now on the top team in Korea

what the hell went so right?

Ionians are genetically incapable of being roasties.

>Play Swain
>Dominate the lane because of heals from W and E
>Combine E's root and W for double the heal and double the pain
>People are calling him useless
You purchased Rod of Ages and Rylai's Scepter, r-right?

You can't see replays from previous patches.

SKT failed to realize that having a starting ADC that plays more pubg than league is a bad idea

>top and mid manage to not farm at all and i have more cs as a jungler who has done nothing but jungle and gank bot lane

fuck even when i get bot lane fed there is always some fuck who losses their lane

Veeky Forums doesn't like the default webm format from league replays, and they're almost always over 3mb. You have to use a converter

Tahm is still a strong pick toplane.

I actually did that when I just started playing League... but with a ward skin, it was a harpseeker ward.
I'm still fucking mad about this, why is this feature even there, riot wtf.

>champion with braindead gameplay gets reworked
>people who crutched on it can't play it anymore
>they complain that the rework suck
Happens with every rework. People saying he sucks are just confused they can't just QE their opponent on cooldown and press R when something bad happens

user what, I'm not saying you'll do a good job but you should at least try.