League of legends general /lolg/

Cooking cutie edition

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xth for my wife Syndra

First for making your support wear your jacket!

There is literally nothing wrong with having sex with dogs

It's official, with these nerfs Gangplank will be completely dead and GONE from top lane


>lissandra lands a triple kill on vel'koz, azir and teemo

What champion pisses you off the most?

when people clock onto aftershock renekton his winrate is going to skyrocket

mark my words
also riven is broken (again)

Lux getting knotted edition.

Comfy GFs!

>letting your support wear anything at all

I wanna marry Taliyah's eyebrows!

From the looks of it he'll be staying...I think Riot's got a skin planned for him or something.

This is a melee only thread. Rangedniggers get out.

What does your main/waifu wear when they're not fighting on the Rift?

>they completely gut Shyvana
>Gangplank gets a situational buff
gee, t-thanks Riot.


There is simply no way the orange gun man can survive a nerf to not one but TWO of his basic abilities. Gangplank is dead.

>when they're not fighting on the Rift?
This never happens.

>broad statistics say he's balanced
>"winrates don't mean jack he's in a shit spot"
>provide no reason why

Explain yourself or gtfo. I understand that a 50% winrate is not necessarily a reflection of a champion's power level or place in the meta, but if you are just going to tell me "no ur wrong" I'm not inclined to believe you.

who else here a hashinshin buzzard?

what the fr*ck is goin on lads


EU is lost.

>tfw no exhibitionist Vi gf who wants to get it on in increasingly public areas

why :(

Ok by logic next game my team is gonna carry me, r-right?

LeBlanc probably wears the same thing or nothing

>no further changes to tryndamere

She doesn't really wear any clothes.

Considering every meta ranged top-lane from Gangplank to Gnar to Jayce shits on him. Then toss in that every meta-tank can out duel him there's alot of problems in top. Fuck Hashinshin but bruisers are not in a good spot period.

The new bone plating rune is a helpful start.

xth for my wife Syndra

Judging by Riot animations and stories it happens quite a bit. Besides you don't summon the actual characters to fight each other anyway.

>EU servers go down for the entire evening
>NA receives an XP boost for the inconvenience

user you gotta CLIMB!
you gotta!

I can't play the game!

I can't tell if it's just memery at this point or people taking it serious. We live in post-ironic times, man

Fucking half-melee half-ranged NEWHALF PIECES OF SHIT GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT

where is the servers




>be bruiser
>champ is big
>know i can win an all in against darius
>just go in trading autos and abilities
>about to win
>i'm standing right fucking next to him
>he presses q
>my champ is so big that I actually get hit by the blade
>he heals and gets the stack
>kills me

He probably needs more work done to him than just some numbers change can provide.

>when that's the icon for Noxian Might
Step the fuck up user

I dont make the rules user!
you gotta!

is anyone lurking in these generals on the jp server?

im not in there, just curious about it, how are the players in it?

bets bets bets


>Renekton buffs
It's about fucking time, he's one of the handful of top laners I actually like.

It's like 6 in the morning in Japan right now, kind of a bad time to ask.


>next game
>THE FUCKING LEE AGAIN (this time as supp)

what the fuck did i do wrong???????

>W gets a slap-on-the-wrist nerf earlygame, is buffed lategame
>E change doesn't amount to anything
Highest winrate/pickrate toplaner, btw
I hate this fucking company



i'll try tomorrow morning

Secret new skin: Dionne Warwick.

did they cancel euw


Here is why they will never ever delete Zed from the game

Is that Taric with a tan?

Can you see Ahri's buttcrack because of how low cut her clothes have to be to accommodate her tails?

do you also use 2 names for yasuos passive you turboautist?

just give me a reason to pick him over riven fiora KEKPLANK or any of that other garbage

>some champs are hated but they make us a lot of money so were leaving them in a cancerous state, get fucked lmaooa

I like Lux support as much as the next guy but why do people feel the need to take it into ranked?

Is Zed even good right now? I don't play mid or adc but I still see people ban him every game while genuine cancer gets through.

Because Aphromoo does it.

They're already nerfing the inspiration tree which will affext him a lot. They probably don't want to hit him on multiple fronts at the same time.

no, that's my wife

i mean what rating are you in

>Hashinshin on beyond the rift

All I know is every time I see a Lux that's obviously going support I pick Alistar and that lane literally cannot win and I just feel bad for the enemy carry.

Zed isn't even that good right now. I'd rather fight Zed more than a number of other assassins anyway. Even back when assassins were worth a fuck shit like LeBlanc, Talon, and Fizz were way more annoying to play against.

>I like Lux support
Why? And I like Lux but why?

nobody cares that you post syndra 20 times a thread

you seem somewhat lucid compared to the old time waifufags so i implore you to move on with your life and leave this den of safety and stagnation

this is a lulu

> wave clear
> scaling
> long range magic burst
> 2v2 snare
> secondary carry
don't tell me that you have never played a game where your comp could benefit from lux support. As a matter of fact, the only reason im even gold is because a lux support hard carried when rest of team was trash and adc dc.

This I don't understand. So karma or lulu wasn't good enough dmg for you, why is their next choice lux of all people? Velk or xerath are so much better.

>Ban Nunu because jungle main
>team bans Zed and Darius
>enemy team locks in Skarner and Gangplank

because velkoz and xerath require skill

I bet they're already regretting this decision. Hash's autism is already leaking.

he is literally only posting when he sees me post, he doesn't care about Syndra literally only does it make me angry. Sadly this autist isn't going away.
>inb4 it's your fault
yeah it's my fault that a butthurt idiot feels the need to do this

Darius isn't supposed to have good matchups into ranged champions because off the nature of his kit. Buff Darius enough that he performs well against those matchups and he has no counters at all. His strength should be against melee champions and shockingly he wins a lot of those matchups. Positive winrates against things like Tryndamere, Fiora, Renekton, Shen, Garen, Jax.

Also Maokai and Cho'Gath, interestingly, which throws shade on the idea that "every meta tank" can outduel him. Some can, things like Malphite (armor stacking) and Sion (most obnoxious lane possible) do show good performance against Darius, but your claim is still dubious. (He also appears narrowly favored against Jayce because people are fucking bad at Jayce on average LUL).

You can say "fuck Hashinshin" but I'm going to be honest and tell you that I think you're doing the same fucking thing Hashinshin does which is rage that muh champ can't beat that champ by running at him. Stop it.

She's an obnoxious poke champion with huge burst when she hits 6 and, depending on the carry, her snares can mean death because of the double up. I find it fun when I don't want to take the game seriously. But I'd never do that to my team, and I'd never pick it into a tank that'll make me relevant 25+ minutes into the game.

>winning game is a secondary concern
>killing the shit out of your opponent is the primary concern
based hash

evening maintenance? fucking why?

when are they going to buff J4 i always have to build full tank now

Teams with more carries outcall teams with more supports.

Because the server broke.

yeah sorry i wasnt talking to you

you actually have some weird sense of self importance and authority so you're probably just destined to be a loser forever

Nothing worked properly because Riot is a small indie company

>tfw do night shifts
>tfw get home a few hours ago
>can't play ranked
>tfw this is my only night off for 5 days


Down here in bronze, Lux support isn't that bad. The enemy doesn't usually know how to deal with the harass, and landing a snare on a half health adc while the support is too scared to step up usually results in a kill. I can see it not working in higher elo but where I am there's almost nothing that can't work.

i started playing him recently because i wanted to pick up something new and i'm a little bit bored of talon

i don't see what the problem people have is. i love playing against zed because most of the time he's really predictable and easy to kill. most annoying thing is it's impossible to stop him from farming unless you're a poke-champ but otherwise i dunno he's no harder to deal with than any other assassin. playing as him i don't feel like i'm any stronger than other assassin's either, hell honestly he feels kinda shitty if they have a comp that's half decent vs you

biggest balance issue is when he hits level 16 and he can auto you one time to do enough damage for his ult to pop you but i mean if the enemy team has a support with a brain you can't even do that much unless someone facechecks you

he's fucking fun to play though. didn't think i'd like him as much as i do but all his sfx are so satisfying

Wow fogged really made it after pete gave up

well whatever you may think he isn't a waifufag and is only doing what he does because his ass hurts that I never got banned. The pics he uses are the same I use with the same filenames, so yeah that should be enough proof.

i assure you nobody cares enough about either of you to recognize that you're two different posters

Hashinshin looking fresh.


Why even play



fucking fashion disaster. If you can't dress yourself stick to t-shirts

I'm not saying you or anyone should care, I'm just noting that this idiot copies my threadly post, uses the same pics I use and posts only when he sees me posting.
And I'm not going to stop posting because some sad autist is angry that I never got banned so does what he is doing in retaliation.