How much money do you need to have in order to feel confident?

How much money do you need to have in order to feel confident?

always slightly more than you currently have

it will never be enough.
confidence has to come from you

That's not how money works.

You're asking it the wrong way around

It should be "How much confidence do you need to have in order to make money?"

Spoken like a true Chad. Fuck off.

More than everyone else in the room

Confidence comes from you KNOWING that you are able to make money.
Or knowing you are able to get women.

Knowing you arent a worthless piece of shit.

Dont have confidence?
Start exploring, learning, taking risks, then you will grow.



Enough money to be able to buy a shitty car and still having plenty of money

This is the only answer.

Enough to retire from work for a year

200 to 300k, enough to live off interest from a diversified portfolio

about three fiddy

the answer is right but the amount is africa tier.

2 mil minimum. 5 mil to be safe.

>Wanting money to be confident

Dude, you need confidence to get money, not the other way around

Did you mean to ask how much until you feel safe?

Enough that you can tell your boss to go fuck himself if you ever needed to and not have to worry about finding a new job.

>how much money do you need to make in order to feel confident?

confidence is based more on ability rather than amount. see trust fund kids


Fucking this.

When I'm with my loser friends I feel like an absolute chad making 70k. Then with another group of guys I feel like a babby

If you need money to feel confident you are feg

Apparently money is equated with happiness up to about $75000 a year, after that, more money will not leads more happiness.


I make exactly $75000 a year and you're telling me that this is as good as it gets? Fuck man.

5 million

enough to wipe my ass with the newest apple iphone

Infinity money. Infinite money feedback loop.

pre-tax or after-tax?

500k at the very least

Pre-tax with 25% being deducted into my 401k, which I'm sure contributes to it not seeming like a lot of money.

all of it

8 million.

At 8 million you can leave a 100K a year lifestyle for the rest of your natural life without working or investing a single dollar.
