DGB - the perfect XRP alt

>Will only have 8 billion coins in circulation. Less coins = higher price
>Will be implemented in all major gaming networks. Minecraft already on board
>Has been in development for 3 years and is not a get rich quick scam
>Still less than one dollar
>Cool name

You're looking at an pre-mooned XRP here. Better get in before it becomes the next gen gamer's norm currency, so you can buy your waifu some nice clothes

I'm a with you there. Once that shit comes out of beta and is easily accessible to the one click install retards, retards and kids will eat it up. Especially if they keep pushing this to other platforms. Shit, if there's going to be betting and gambling in minecraft servers I can't see why some amalgamation of DigiByte and Salty bet will form.

Tell me where to find info on how twitch and salty bet works and I will make this.

>Cool name
You convinced me

DGB is worth only about 100 sats a coin. It doesn't have the potential for much more.

I bought some just for the gaming aspect. If you play pc games, then you might see the potential.

-esports prize pool contributions/betting
-in game gambling
-able to buy skins/shit in game, used as the main currency for cash shop items.

Okay my wildest prediction is for a very popular mmo to use crypto as a currency. This would be the most insane thing ever, as you could make money playing wow. The in game economy would be tied to the real world economy.

Also mining like 2000/day with my gtx 970.

>le coin for le $industry :^)
found the shitcoin

This. It's going to become the replacement for the Steam marketplace, assuming kids can mine the currency by playing games & shit, and/or the DGB team makes it easy for parents to contribute to their kid's token balance (credit card transactions enabled, etc.).


>less than one dollar

I mean less then one cent. yes, you can literally 10000% your profit still

okay another thing I thought of
Twitch streamer donations/Twitch integration.

Many streams already accept cryptos and if digibyte is established as the gaming crypto, we will get a lot of exposure.

I like this coin, it doesn't try to conquer the world like other coins, it focuses on a realistic goal

im going to drop 100€ on this and forget about it

might mine some aswell

isn't this already being implimented into minecraft?

Why would this coin be used over say, litecoin, dash, etc? What does it offer that other cryptos cannot?

a low price for nocoin faggots to put their money into because they missed all the other rockets :0)

Not my coin

I'm buying this purely because it's a better system.
Won't make any money, but I'll be happy I supported the dream.

how do i mine this?

On the GamingBeta Website you can sign up and link your account to steam or blizzard and it reads output someone how from the game and based on your performance (k/d and not sure if deaths negatively affect the rate). It's got WoW too which I thought was interesting.

That graphic is fucking retarded.

Bitcoin is the future.

Digibyte has Segwit. Segwit allows instant transactions via lightning network. BTC will never have Segwit.

lite coin almost has segwit

Litecoin is starting to get expensive. If it keeps going up it won't be suitable for microtransactions. Digibyte will always be good for microtransactions due to the much larger coin supply and small transaction fees.