League of Legends General - /lolg/


Box birb edition


when was the most recent contest?


I LOVE Rick Fox.

xth for my wife Syndra

>Top lane

Post the one after he threw as Ekko at MSI

Since it's been a while
xth for looking EXACTLY like Sona!

yth for buffs when

>tfw no qt petite gf

I'm surprised it took so long for Licorice to get exposed. He's a shitter who was on academy teams for the longest time and would constantly get shit on by the likes of Cris.

Bot lane!!!

Post the one where he fails flash+e with taliyah

Xth for

>doubleshit trash talking echo fox


Is there anyone in LCS with a more punchable face?

i miss bo3s
i really do lads
please console me


>Top lane

welcome back


>Top lane

>lucian does his entire combo and procs 3 doubleshots on the enemy adc
>is outdamaged and kited because they have more range, more damaging abilites and didnt take as much minion aggro
>dash still on a 10s cooldown
how the mighty have fallen

>denying doublelift the only thing he is good at
let him trashtalk man it's all he has.

Lulu's model looks fucking stupid desu


Good. He's unfun to play and unfun to play against and he's ugly.

>top lane


Which girls should be edited into this?

>He's unfun to play
objectively wrong
>unfun to play against
all mobile champions are
>and he's ugly

>100T vs CLG
>play second best pentakill song

What did they mean by this?

what the fuck happened to all the casters?
Are they nerding them up on purpose now?
Havent watched in years.

took me 3 weeks to level an alt, I played decent amount of games on it like 5-6 a day.
It's harder to get champions nowdays, I ended up the account with like 25~ champions.

Me on the right

>Top lane

mf, sona, raka


>zven/mithy leave G2 to join TSM as the "best in the west"
>get fucking bodied in lane by mid-tier bot lanes, and can't pull wins off good teams
>meanwhile perkz still looks like the best mid in his region, and they're winning games regularly
hmmmmm, it's almost like a certain pair of people were getting hard carried and over valued themselves

>Top lane

Why do you think that people haven't flooded RIOT's boards demanding a little boy champ?

>file under list of "things you hope the NSA keeps track of".

wait a minute that sword looks familiar...

Hey lolbabs, if all your female champions were sold in a slave market, who would be the cheapest slave?
Please respond this is an important question.

lucian is alright into some things. but not outside of bot lane. solo lane lucian is troll af.

>TSM gets shit on
>DL gets shit on
>C9 gets shit on
today is a good day

>tfw rick fox will never sing you happy birthday


Why does aphro only have one black sleeve in the pic?

user what

kayle x morgana and whoever you want on the right.

>russian League gives you chests just for watching its local league and some chests for making right predictions

Is there more based server than that?

>writes "toplane" while attaching a random image/gif
New redditor behavior?

Definitely Janna. She's an elf.

How would you update this?

Does this mean there's hope for 100T ?

I am only 100TriHards fan because of Aphro

>Top Lane

Zven and Mithy have been looking the best out of all the lanes in TSM though, even winning lanes and having impact in otherwise losing games.
They being held back by the clown trio

holy fuck Karthus is good again
is it because of Aery?


Dumbass league players don't even know that you can call JG Wentworth at 877-CASH-NOW to get a lump sum right now for your structured settlement or annuity


>Who is Nunu?

Syndra and Irelia with Akali on the right.

>not just stacking on illaoi's tents
shit comic tbqhfamtachi

link please

SG MF and Lux on the left. Jinx on the right.

>gringo shilling some scammer tal;goy hacks

top: one guy pinning the other with a third guy kicking his head
jungle: two spergs seeing who can gank more after their full clear
support: the same but they have machine guns because supports do more damage than midlaners
mid: same
adc: same but he has 4 retards surrounding him and a bib

When are team skins ever on sale? For ex. SKT Zyra

No thanks, I already have bitcoin.

they fucking lost to apollo/hakuho with a winning lane match up. How hard is it to all in at lvl 3 as trist and force summoners; or how hard is it to wait till 6 and all in again?

Why tho ? Spoopy Zyra is best Zyra

>want to be bullied and fucked by adcs
>playing healsluts gets boring really quick
what do?

Why is Aurelion Sol considered the hardest champion in the game?

Sion AND Bard
the problem was that there weren't ENOUGH memepicks

Turns out it's really hard to stand in EXACTLY the right place when everyone has hyper mobility.


>Every team that shitpicked today lost

You're reliant on hitting your orbs consistently. Champions are extremely mobile now-a-days...comebine that with you CANNOT have someone on top of you or you're dead. Also Riot has a habit of nerfing him on the spot.

>playing jayce
>against nasus
>kill him 3 times in lane in under 10 minutes
>he hits lvl 6
>completely destroys me

Aphro looks so tilted in draft

What is worth getting here?

i'm main sup and i already have sun goddess karma and forecast janna


Okay so this is CLG win.

dumb Bern

That team comp looks fucking horrible, what are they thinking.

what's up with teams today
stop memeing, you have to win more games to secure playoffs

>another team losing in champ select
I love NA

>shitpick in an LCS game
I mean I guess you just never ever escape troll teammates

>Losing to nasus at Jayce

what is wrong with bard/sion

you'll see

He has a 55% winrate in Plat+ Korea. Highest winrate in the game.

>get stomped by ever rengar jg i go against
>try rengar in draft pick
>entire team feeds before lvl 6
>get 1-2 kills with ult then enemy constantly groups
>cant kill anyone anymore because they 5man to take every objective
How the fuck do you play this champ

when she was released, nasus wouldnt get stacks from her tentacles.

unsmasked kayle, classic trundle, veigar's and blood lord vlad

*not counting Twisted Treeline

all veigar skins are worth

his fuckin wither and his constant q when he's in ulti. makes it so easy for him to run me down and hard to kite

Don't tell me you call yourself a TSM fan without having access to Mithy's secret Instagram account?