/assg/ general

home invader edition

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
Class based with weaker killers. In development? Beta Delayed yet again. (Probably not real)

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)

camped on a lunar hook:

Other urls found in this thread:


first 4 cute

Knife spawns were lowered about 3 weeks ago in the last update. They seem to be back to launch levels, meaning most people won't find a knife and those who do will generally only have one. There are also fewer weapons now.

a wild debra appears!

Wild Deborah bush!

>wraith is still fucking terrible
Boy I sure love all the gens being done immediately and getting looped all game because my power doesn't do shit


I don't think a killer who works entirely around finding people easily with no powerful chasing gimmick or way to stall the game is going to be good in a game that is built around distracting and basically fighting the killer. There's nothing they can do other than to redesign DbD so that it's a stealth game.


>survivors are still stronger than killers in every way
>survivors still have complete and total map advantage, able to loop certain killers for the entire game
>there's no real repercussions to getting caught because if you do you just end up stalling the killer the entire game until you're inevitably saved, so you might as well sprint and rush gens the entire time
>generators still take less than five minutes to all finish without Ruin (which gets found and destroyed immediately half the time)
>still tons of bugs all over the place with every new update, most detrimental to killers
>frogs still patch in previous fixes to things as "bugs" to benefit survivors and shadow patch shit like the double pallet spawns (again)
>half the killers are still useless unless you use the same two or three meta perks
>the entire killer side is not listened to in the slightest because survivors are louder and bitch the most
>every update is one step forward two steps back
>all of the balancing issues and other problems in the game have been ignored for an eternity now and whenever they do fix something it takes forever
And this is why Dead by Daylight will never be a good or fun game. I've wasted 300 hours on this game and I'm ready to fucking quit with the shit that happens.
Pallet vacuuming will never fix, I doubt the current scratch mark issues will ever get fixed, the game will never get fixed and I've had it.

Just try harder, dude.

I can 4k, that's not the problem.
The problem is it's like pulling teeth from an angry alligator, it's not fun, and the fact that Nurse and her janky ass shit is the only option for so many people is a good example of that but even then it's simply not fun to play killer against a competent queue because of the power gap.
>rank 18
Yeah no shit you're having an easy time, you're fighting brainlets, try rank 15 or lower.

might be our only salvation even if it will never come

Just uninstall and play something else.
This patch is an embarrasment and only a sign of more to come.

Then quit

You'll be back the next day

It's time.

Nah I bought stuff on the Steam sale so I can finally be free of this piece of shit. In the current state of the game, survivors are gods, especially after the tweaks in the latest patch. It's a waste of time, 4k'ing isn't satisfying when you need to jump through a million fiery hoops to get it.
I wanted this game to be good, I fucking loved it for a while, but for it to be good it'd have to be made by a different company because this group of fucktards have no idea what they're doing.

Dunno what you want me to tell you, Doctor, Nurse, and Myers all work. If survivors were punching bags it wouldn't be much fun, try as hard as you can and eventually 4k the mess.

I'm not asking for punching bags, I'm asking for some sort of semblance of fairness. Playing survivor is a snoozefest because of how easy it is every single game while playing killer is basically playing as the rodeo clown for a group of troll-happy kiddies.

I'm trying to get every single Adept killer achievement one after another. What are the best add-ons to ensure I get 4k using only 3 perks on a bunch of killers I never play?

Survivors are always gods and patches are almost always in their favor. I'm sure you weren't around but you know. STBFL and PWYF used to mean something and all. Git gud.

>oh god a survivor with a flashlight might be nearby shit shit shit i can't pick this dead guy up i guess i have to hope i can guard him or something, oh no shit only 2 gens left


>nice, killer is here, just do gens while i loop his dumbass and i'll DS him

Doctor: this one is easy regardless of add-ons, don't be silly (madness increasing / doctor illusion's auras can be read by killer; iridescent king)

Myers: Wallhacks mirror that stops you at EW2

Trapper: dark ass trap dye, diamond cut

Wraith: ayy lmao

Leatherface: Primer Bulb
Billy: Primer Bulb

Nurse: you don't need any really

>git gud
Go fuck yourself nigger, I already said I can 4k the fags, the problem is it's not fun and the match is basically a glorified ring around the rosie session around pallet spots for one half of the match. Nor is it fun to have to use the same perks if you even want a change at higher ranks.
Is a perfect analogy of the difference between survivor and killer, killer has to always worry and try his absolute hardest to win against high rank swf queues while survivors never have to worry at all or try outside of moving around in circles.

The DbD devs know exactly what they are doing.

best part is when that faggot that spent the entire game looping you and then DS's you for another 2+ minute chase gets mad when you camp him once gates are open

How about Hag, Frederic Jewger, Amanda YOung?

It's not my fault you're a little bitch who doesn't understand that you have to try or that certain perks/characters end up being better in the long run. Do you watch MOBA games or something and complain that only a certain few characters are utilized? If you don't like tryharding then DC a few times like the beta bitch you are and play in your sandbox. I'll be slapping those bearded dwights across the fucking map like the killer player I am.

Bacon Boy: Paint Thinner / Class Photo / "Z" Block

Hag: Rusty Shackles / Bloodied Mud / Swamp Orchid Necklace

snort snort: Tampered Timer / Rules Set No. 2 / Crate of Gears

Ring around the rosie you say?

>Paint Thinner
I've seen this add-on be used. But it never looked like it does anything.

I like Z and U block on pedolet more, getting those hits in sooner is much stronger. however, cp box is the height of fun

Went for all the adept achievements for survivor/killer a few weeks ago.

Hag: Mint Rag & Rusty Shackles; Gideon's has pretty good totem spawns if you have an offering for it (also The Third Seal is great on it); trap your totems, defend them as best you can, and hope DH stays up after you get 3 tokens (pretty sure moris don't count for the achievement so don't use them)

Freddy: don't remember what I used for him since I apparently got it a while ago, but Class Photo and Z Block are always nice

Pig: This was the biggest pain for me. I was using the crouching/ambush addons because I'm not even sure if RBT kills screw up the achievement. I was trying to avoid using them too much because I was worried that I'd get shit luck and someone would actually die to one.

Not today

You're clearly a survivor main pretending to be a killer player to deny so vehemently the massive advantage survivors have in every way. Fuck off to Reddit and bow down to the frogs some more.

>This is my contribution
my kind of man.

>thought this patch would bring flashlights for days
>how wrong I was
>3 or 4 each game
>purely to sabo all my lunar hooks
>as soon as I see all toolboxes it's usually followed by 4x lunar offerings
>leave the game as soon as i load in

This game is worthy of many physcology studies. No other game I have ever played in my 28 years on this planet has this effect on players. How on earth do I get this happy and excited by ruining someone else's game? Why did I get giddy when facecamping (before it was "fixed") a survivor while his friends ran around in circles in front of me in an impotent rage? How come me just saying "HAHAHA CAN'T EVEN SAVE YOUR FRIENDS" brings me more joy than witnessing the birth of my 2 children while they REEEEE in post game chat?

I think that maybe we are all dead and this game is a way for the entity to turn us lowly survivors into killers by making us sympathize with the killers

The Emblem Update was the last hope for this game and what a surprise, it got delayed like everything these fuckers do.

>hate playing hag

>y-you're just pretending!!!
>there's no way someone is better than me!!! and enjoys this game!!!!
>stop liking things I don't like!!!!

I'd rather analyze the survivor players more. Never seen people act this way in a video game before, the way survivors do.

>still hasn't brought up any points outside of "lol git gud xd"
>still denies the near infinite advantages survivors have over killers
>still denies the balancing issues and the narrow meta created by said issues
kys frog

I already acknolwedged it hereyou blind retard, I still fucking miss PWYF. A "narrow meta" in any game arises the higher you go, because the fact like I already said is that some things are always going to be better than others. Deeply embedded gameplay mechanics or just broken abilities, that is the undeniable truth. If you hate playing against good survivors, regardless of "balance" then you're just shitting up the thread for no reason. Cry more, but cry somewhere else, shitter.

>FIVE bloody party streamers
>Load in
>It's a tryhard Legacy 3 Ebony Mori nurse
>Only says ":^)" in the post game chat
>Name had "OchiDO" in it

best post game chat as a killer is "xd"

they have no fucking clue what you are trying to imply so it usually excavates a salt mine unless you let all 4 out

>expecting to be healed on the basement when there is a bubba outside
oh goy...

>The Emblem Update was the last hope for this game

I was speaking generally. She can be fun, but it's usually too painful at higher ranks. I've had this game since beta and always max out the killers.

>>Name had "OchiDO" in it
>No screenshot
Probably fake news.

Question for whoever wants to answer:

If the devs let you have any cosmetic for any survivor/killer, what would it be? It can be:

>Existing content (e.g Full Legacy)
>Exclusive cosmetics that already exist but are readily unobtainable (e.g Golden Feng Men, Donkey David, etc.)
>A recolor of any existing cosmetic (e.g Prestige 3 Legacy that glows green instead of yellow)
>Whatever you want (e.g A shirt for hillbilly that says "Fuck you", a pair of booty shorts for Meg that say "Twerk")

I guess the first 2 are the same thing. Oh well, fuck it my point stands. I guess it doesn't matter overall. Just answer my question if you want

I'll be honest, I'd love for them to do the Bloody clothing for the other variations of clothing they have. It's one of the reasons I won't Prestige my Billy because I love his Scarecrow costume so much.

>a shirt for hillbilly that says "Fuck you"

To answer your question though, cosmetics for all the licensed characters, be they based off their other movie appearances or just flat out nods to other characters in their respective series.

>tfw no Hospital Gown Laurie, Tranny Leatherface or Doll Suit Amanda.

>tfw no Rob Zombie myers outfit
>tfw no cloakless wraith
>tfw no maskless Amanda
>tfw no mint or red dress Hag
>tfw no Robert Englund Freddy
>tfw no Tiger Mask Huntress
>tfw no Mori emblem half-bone mask Trapper

a completely naked huntress, glistening with baby oil

Legacy looks like poop now that they messed with it, I just want shirtless David King!

Bear mask for Huntress. A FULL face mask, not the ugly ass half shit they did for the wolf mask.

>Recolours/random clothing options for survivors who don't have many options, like Ace, Quentin and David
>Hospital Gown Laurie
>De-masked Leatherface
>Human but feral Hag
>Normal Wraith but he has a large white sheet covering him like those kids on Halloween pretending to be ghosts

How about these for a change to sharp hands joe
Either survivors outside of the dreamworld cannot interact with Freddy in any way, cannot blind him or pallet slam him or anything
Or Freddy one hit downs in the dream world, but the transition is increased to like 12 seconds


12 seconds is more than enough for any survivor worth their salt to get Freddy in a situation in which they can loop him until he gets bored and leaves or until a ton of gens get done

your first idea is much better

Freddy has been time and time again shown to influence the real world from the dream world but not so much the other way around

>12 second transition
Dude lmao free borrowed time on every hook forever!

>Pig cube in 4000 billion years
>They won't even put rule set number 2 into her base kit

RBT kills give 2 killer goals so you can let their heads pop if you already hooked them twice.

I dunno. I think it speaks more than anything to just how bad the balance in this game is when you regularly get survivors just fucking around because they're bored. I watch streams (I know) of survivor mains and the only reason the good ones get caught is because they're more interested in fucking with the killer than escaping.

I myself legitimately don't see how you wouldn't always escape if you wanted barring terrible team mates or you're up against a nurse/billy.

So what's the fastest way to level up in Friday 13?
Offline bots? I noticed they actually give you exp and are easy as fuck to kill even on hardest difficulty.

Rule set 2 really should have been a default for her, at least then survivors would have to choose between either having to explore the whole map trying to find the boxes or activate the timer and know where are all the boxes but being at risk due to the timer.

Playing normally is faster unless you're a counselor that gets killed early, but bots are surely easier, and you get to see your cool kills often.

>shelter woods
>can't see shit, prestiged Dwight, two prestiged Claudettes and a Nea
>meme on me all game, they find every single pallet in an instant, and I barely can keep track of them with the shitty scratchmarks and their dark clothes
>Suddenly I down two Claudettes before the last gen pops
>trap their heads
>last gen pops
>Hello Zepp Intensifies
>Grab one Claudette, see Dwight trying to rescue the other Claud I left slugged
>let the other escape my grasp
>NOED ensues
>Down Dwight, trap his head too
>Hook him
>BBQ&C triggers, find Nea, down her, trap her head, hook her
>Clocks ticking, everyone has a trap on their head so there's no way they're getting out
>A Claudette's head pops far away
>Dwight goes from 100% to 0% on hook
>Find Claudette trying to get her RBT off, down her, hook her on basement
>at the same time Nea gets her RBT off
>BBQ&C triggered but she was too far to reliably find her that way
>get to the vicinity of the doors, don't see anyone
>guess Nea went to the basement
>lo and behold, both were there
>get 4k

It was clutch af, but boy was it satisfying, especially after being fucked with flashlights at Cowshed.

>intentionally change targets and outright ignore people that just got unhooked even if I stumble upon them healing
>still hook everyone twice and some thrice but make sure everyone is alive for the lunar gens at least
>"omg stop tunneling"

Aha! Look who’s online! It’s the big baby bitch!

>Try to be nice
>Survivor mains hate you anyway

There's literally no reason to be nice in this game. Wether you try to be or not, people will find a reason to flame you. Just play as you want, the ones who aren't retardofags will say GG and move on, ignore the rest.
Or hide the chat on your GamUserSettings and never open it again.

Even if you're being nice they still lost. Not many people can handle losing well.

They'll still be complete assholes if they win as well.

>I want survivors to have fun too!
how much of a cuck can these killers be?


>if you score 15k bloodpoints but everyone escapes, that’s a win
That’s so small.

Also how come they don’t allow killers to see their BP total during the game? For survivors, obviously because they’ll bitch that they did more in post-game chat, but just for killers to see how they’re doing.

>Likewise, placing traps RIGHT at the bottom of the hook is something I'm going to discourage. Placing them near or by the hook? Yeah, sure. But placing them right where someone is going to have to go is just scummy.

>the amount of survivors with toolboxes is now 100%
Wew I'm glad I rushed those coins at the start.

This seems to be taken from the mindset of someone who doesn't play against high rank survivors often.

I legitimately queue dodge as soon as I see any survivor load in with a toolbox now. Honestly nothing more frustrating than seeing your lunar hook saboed in front of you as you're carrying someone to it.

how to git gud against looping as hag?
I play decent with hag, honestly she is my favorite killer to play as, but once I get to rank 9/10, i get looped like crazy.

I checked the guy's profile. The guy seemed to have barely played by his achievements, and most of his playtime was probably survivor.

You don't. There's little you can do against looping in many places except just take it and don't mindgame, because you're too slow for actual mindgames.

The best you can do is do as Trapper and set up traps at high traffic spots and known loops, like the windows at Groaning Storehouse, the two-store building in Coal Tower, etc. You can stop a loop before it even starts if you have traps ready for it.

Reminder for anyone trying to get any adept killer achievement that it pops if you get the 2500 "No one escaped" deviousness points.
t. guy who got adept shape after Nea bled out somewhere trying to find hatch

Fucking White Ward. At least you got one of the cancer bulbs.

Is there any way to lower the resolution and still play fullscreen? for whatever reason the game defaults to 1080p when I play fullscreen, even if I keep editing the GameUserSettings file to have it at least at 720. I know if I play windowed it will work, but I'm tired of having to stare at the screen to see the ants.

I'm sure sega user could help you out with that.

Just set resolution at something lower than 100% in the settings.

A revamped clothing system that lets you choose a style of clothing then apply a design then a color, kind of like how Payday2 does it for the masks.

>how to git gud against looping as hag?
That is literally hag's main weakness. So the answer is "You don't". People will loop you like crazy because of your 110% movespeed. You can place traps at the ends of pallets but often times people just pop them when randomly running by. Or they run to the pallet the opposite way and the trap is useless.

The Hag is the ultimate "survivor has to fuck up" killer.

>don't use DS cause it felt cheap
>killer smacks everyone at the hook for no reason
>ez ;)
why do I bother being nice

>implying I didn't do that already
By editing ini files I got it to -14%. Still fiddling with it though.

>starts camping from the first hook
can't feel bad for him

No one wants to break the cycle. As a survivor I always refuse to bring an item if there are already two out and I'll stay behind at the gates to make sure the killer doesn't have a daily they need to finish that round

Here ya go buddy, this is the guide that helped me play more tolerably.

How useful is Kindred?
I've been running kindred 3 but it's hard to tell if anyone is getting any benefit from it and I'm curious if I'm wasting a perk slot

It's useful if you think that you'll likely get hooked, but that's assuming the other survivors actually take advantage of this info, especially at level 3 since it shows the Killer's aura.

what is tolerable about having the resolution of a gameboy color?

It's useless. Better off running a perk that will help you get away, stay hidden or get more points.

Its good for solo queue, but it will also frustrate you to death when you witness 3 people waddling over to your hook despite the fact they all see each other.