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Lucy eve edition


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I hope this works for me tomorrow.

i like the idea of the nakama network; it replaces the collection of youtube links that most people use very nicely

the only shitty thing about it is that it really should just be another feature / tab on the ole' github site

it's garbage it doesn't have clear times

Cheezy ez beautiful Colo Lucy Team.

Finished lucy in 3 gems. fuck yeah

>3D2Y Brook

at least it's new

I need the damn TS Brook. Nothing but dupes for all my free pulls.

Doffy was my 20 dollar legend. New.
That puts me up to 16 legends.

I got 3 fucking useless Chopper, and 2 even more useless Nami pulls so far. I just want to believe that I'm saving my luck for sugo

I got 2 of the same Int Sanji(the one where it looks like he's gambling, useless), Nojiko, 2 different choppers, TS Nami dupe, and Don sai.

how much have you spent on this game?

Used this f2p team to beat lucy first try, seems super safe and brain dead. Now to debate farming it now during 3x skillup or wait for special ship.


So both Kyros and Colo Lucy are hard as fuck and THESE are the colos they give us invasions on after months and months.
Thanks a fucking lot Bamco. You just couldn't give us half-stam raids with 100% invasions like on Japan as well could you?

Not that much. Couple hundred built up from micro transactions over 3 years of playing.

not him but i have 20+ and i only spend on anni and ive never pulled a legend off pay gems only f2p gems until the sanji g4 sugo i pulled cora sajni and g4 on pay gems

Just pick him as your free legend and then quad max him instantly bro, its easy.

>Buy challanger pack as only have Kizaru from the pool
>Get Kizaru

Reminder that if you are too much of a shitter to clear 50 stam coliseums you have no right to complain that you can't face the invasion that follows.

I'll trade you the dupe BB i got, bought it hoping for kizaru and got this fat cunt for the 3rd time.

What the fuck did you pick? All the other legends besides him, Barto, and Mihawk are useless on Japan now.

Well Marco from the challengers set, any major uses, besides fighters?

Yes. Amazing for Powehouse teams.

>Forgot Lucci
Is that you Bluedro?

I understood that reference

Just got Hody from the challenger pack. He any good? How do I use him?

No I just forgot Lucci because he was my first legend and didn't even consider him. Good call.

Best powehouse legend in the game essentially. Wait for his 6+ version.


What am I missing? I have lucci V1 who is a 3.5 captain, hody 6+ is only 3.25.

I do not get it.

colo lucy was a super soft experience for me

but ive got just the team for his kind, you might say

You might just be bad at the game, even my shit friends in real life can farm it.

Why don't you post your box and tell us what you want to farm

That's Judge

hody / hody
sanji / fuji
marco / whomever

You almost never need the damage increase from 3.25 to 3.5 for 90% of content, and a hody team gives you 7+ turns of CDR at the start of adventure making it one of the comfiest and fastest teams in the game

this is literally me, although I'll be at 17 legends when I finally settle on which free one I want.

probably spent around 5-600 in about a year of playing

6+ Hody is a fucking excellent captain.

>freshly pulled str ts chopper is at 22 turns
>rocketmeme makes stalling a breeze

So 4 CDR from the 2 hodys captain abilitys, 2 from sockets, where is the final 1 from?

The HP on 6+ teams with Zunisha combined with a psy Marco sub is basically the bulkiest shit in the game. That 10% + 10% health loss per turn is pretty manageable unless you're clueless.

Were you not here the other day, RR marco is a fucking meme. Just make it more aggressive and throw another attack boost or something on the team.

what art do you think they'll use for the new Doffy? I like pic related, it's simple and portrays doffy essence perfectly.

i was hoping for a punk hazard invasion doffy

clearly they will use this

Blackbeard ship.

Then you can use Hody special immediately.

i like the bit of art they have shown so far so hopefully the new doffy will be good art wise and power wise

Ah, got it.

Looks like fills all the requirements to use the BB ship. So quick runs.

Luckily PH is flush with units that have the original four classes, Shooter/PH being a rare combo is irrelevant since Hody himself is a shooter.

Yup. He's absolutely incredible. I use him to farm whenever I don't need to use Judge/Lucy.

Is it just me of is Colo Lucy mediocre? And is Colo Kyros and Colo Chinjao also mediocre?

he is really good for lucy legend teams and besides that the only other team he is strong for is invasion garp fighter teams but he is a focused unit is amazing with the right setup without it he probably feels underwhelming

He's a Lucy sub. Kyros is garbage.

With all the damage reducing PH specials I'd rather get a few more turns in with two 3.25x Atk captains than adding in a chain locker.

But to each his/her own.

someone take my dota shit so I can get another 54 buck card for 6 multis


even if his orb matching doesnt mesh with your team, he's still a 20% health cut (through defenses!) AND a 1.75x orb booster on a reasonable CD. hes not as good as colo neko but he's a half-notch or two below

I got a $50 gift card from tmobile but my google account doesn't accept it for some reason. Oh well, I'll use it to put diesel in my car I guess.

He's a pretty good Neptune Sub. Its just too bad he's a free spirit fighter. Has to compete with g4 and TS Luffy

excellent point!

neptune neptune
lucy luffy / raid sabo
3d2y brooke / neo mihawk

better team

Neo Mihawk/colo Apoo
Lucy/Raid Sabo

Lucy colo isn't tied to invasion.
Kyros for YWB whos already a meme unit but if you can clear Kyros(really only need a colo machvise and a couple of dex strikers) YWB will be ez.
Chinjao for Shanks and they both paralyze so teambuilding for both just got lot easier. Bring a chainlocker for Chinjao and then any 4 other units.

>reading comprehension


well, this f2p team is a bit neater but brooke / raid boa also make a decent middle pair

Maxed him in 10 runs farming 650k xp along the way. God bless 3x Ship and Skill Up.
Cba doing more for sockets though, just fed him tomes and a couple AH sockets.

Team for my Nekobros and rundown:
Double Neko, Snakes, Kanjuro and GPU.
Stage 1 only take dmg from one turtle. Clear stage 2 once Neko is 2 off. Stage 3 Neko, try saving beneficial orbs on Kanjuro and Sandersonia. Stage 4 GPU(after tanking a hit), burst him once his defense wears off with Neko special and then finish him in 2 turns to get rid of the silence. Stage 5 if you get block orbs use only Marigold and get rid of the block orb and tank the hit. If not use all remaining specials and kill him.
Bike gives you enough HP to tank one hit from both Chinjao and Lucy.
With 3x ship you can't coast, need to definitely hit all your perfects.
Lucy's hit through Marigold and lvl 3 DR was around 6.5k.

Thank. I overreacted a bit.

challenger set
I was hoping to get BB, Akainu, Kuzan or Hody
at least he's new and might be useful for my Ace in the future for some shenanigans

>new double character Luffy/Ace boosts something for 4.25 (presumably attack)
the era of higher than 4x powercreep begins

Technically there's Franky who boosts Fighters by 5x during his CA but it's still only a 15x boost if you run two Franky's.
Their 4.25 is definitely tied to the new swap mechanic so we still aren't quite there.

Clearing these colos made me understand that the combo sandersonia+kanjuro is a miracle of the universe.

I am sorry for anyone that doesn't know this comfiness

Dupe Borsalino from the challenger pack.

But this puts me at 5 multis for part 2, no regretti.

Daily reminder that if I don't pull shirahoshi we all have to quit this game and stop reading one piece in general.

What about One Piece doujins

>0 STR legends
>2 DEX legends
>1 QCK legend
>7 PSY legends (!)
>2 INT legends

what the fuck is up with the PSY legends
and the one I don't have is Shirahoshi of course

I know that feel, I only had 3 legends, only STR (Lucci, LL, and Barto), until last anni.

How many of you started playing a month or two ago? I'm seeing a lot of shitty opinions in this thread it's pretty cringe worthy
Colo kyros bad LOL

thanks for this Neko user
worked perfectly, tried it with xp ship at first but switched to Barto ship

Ah, jealous, I'd really like log Usopp too.

actually worked surprisingly
6 multis READY
an extra 61 gems for blitz battle and whatever the new doffy is

im excited

I'll wait for the guaranteed invasions. Especially for adjacent orbs for a 1.5x orb boost; 6 turns is a comfy cooldown but he's just a consolation prize for getting none of the skulls I need.

crocoboy got a nice lm buff

>6+ Sabo make INT orb beneficial on FS

so that just leaves strength orbs and tandem to fuck your runs if you're usin carrot also. pretty nice

exactly, he's great on a 6 turn cooldown
but people don't see 2.25x orb boost and think he's absolute shit because muh numbers

>doffy blitz website is up
who here going for just top 3k Pica? 1 pull from the good pool seems good enough for me, the top 1k autism is probably too much for me

>RR Killer -16 cd, now maxed at 9

i really wanted to go to barto since i relate to him on a personal level because i am also autist who likes having weird hairstyles but i know i should go sabo cause i have ts luffy as my strongest legend and the lb is to strong to ignore now

Same here, did 1 run to see if I could clear and had no issues. Unfortunately I ran into Hack whos by far the easiest.

Used double Neko, Sneks, Machvis and Kanjuro. Does around 6.1 so tank a hit first with Marigold(she alone will give full matching since Violet strongly increases qck orbs) and do some damage to him. Turn 2 Sandersonia for full board, Machvise and Kanjuro last(order is important, Machvise would remove Kanjuros buff otherwise).

No gems for this shit, after anni its back to saving up for either Judge batch or Doffy.
Gonna do the 50 runs for the lb mats during half stam on lowest difficulty and if that places me at top 7k all the better.

its only hell from here on buddy. good luck saving gems because i think it actually becomes impossible once tm hits

buy gems goy

>asked for akainu
>get akainu

where was the button to ask for things? I wanted to ask for Hody but got Borsalino

>red poster
>v1 boa
its new, I'll take it

you had to send your wishes into the cosmos

her limit break is pretty decent so atleast there is that. The most exciting bit is she got the cd reduction lb ability

threads pretty dead but some news new marineford batch with garp marco oars coby and new legend luffy ace

>another RR Oars right after another FN with him
who actually gives a shit about this guy

welll oars jr and i like him but i dont think he deserves 2 rr like give one to a character like arlong

yeah exactly
there's a lot of guys they could have used for this batch and they went with a weird mix of pirates and marines, come on now Bamco

>3rd (THIRD) RED poster from the free pulls
>Sengoku (dupe)
Honestly I needed the points so it's fine, but getting two out of three dupes was kinda shitty