Why do we continue to lie to our children that the Roman Empire was white...

Why do we continue to lie to our children that the Roman Empire was white? On every TV show that portrays the Roman Empire and its ruler, they always use the whitest most ginger-looking people. I find this to be quite funny considering the fact that they probably looked more like this (pic related, the Arab Roman Emperor, Caracalla) than like Brad Pitt.
The same applies to the Ancient Greeks. They weren't blonde-haired, blue-eyed Nordic-looking people. They probably looked more Near-Eastern than anything. I've even asked my Greek friends about this and a lot of them agreed.

TL;DR: White people's ancient history is just more brown people doing stuff

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The term "White" is meaningless.

For them it's the most plausible way to inserting themselves into Oriental history.

white was invented by anglo Americans to differentiate themselves from other Europeans in the New World.

if you aren't AngloSaxon Protestant. You aren't white.

>WASP 4 life!

Stop being disingenuous and making Veeky Forums a worse board.

Caracalla was not Arab. He was of North-African descent. While he may have appeared "near-Eastern," not all Romans were of North-African descent. Most, in fact, were not. That includes most Roman emperors.


>Caracalla's mother: Julia Domna

Julia Domna:

>"Julia was from an Arab family of the city of Emesa (Known today as Homs).[1]"

His father: Septimius Severus

>"11 April 145[1]
Leptis Magna (today Khoms, Libya)"
>"After consolidating his rule over the western provinces, Severus waged another brief, more successful war in the east against the Parthian Empire, sacking their capital Ctesiphon in 197 and expanding the eastern frontier to the Tigris.[8] Furthermore, he enlarged and fortified the Limes Arabicus in Arabia Petraea.[9]"

Basically an Arab.

His mother was from an Arab tribe.

Go read descriptions of each emperor, they usually have light eyes. I get that idiots like you try to pretend that 2,000 years ago everyone around north Africa and the middle east would be just as brown as they are now but that is simply not true.

t. retard


Also westerners presume Romans to be akin to themselves because well they usually dont know anything past Julius and neat pillars. Plus all the drawings and paintings of them have been traditionally Caucasian in appearance, perhaps by association of geography?

Why do anglos have such a huge special snowflake syndrome?

Hmm... Well there's no denying that Romans were Caucasoid. Unless of course you subscribe to that Afrocentric bullshit.

T. Arm chair historian

North of Rome was colder back then and north Africa/middle east was more fertile.

My bad, what i meant to say was more western European in appearance than olive skinned.

Well all the Roman's also have British accents so I don't think alot of these shows are going for accuracy.

I think there is an image that Americans get in there head when they the ink of Rome because of all the media throughout time and now the system just feeds into it since people don't want to surprised.

Are you talking about paintings made from the time period or from much later on?
Cause most of the famous paintings of the Romans were from the Renaissance, if I'm not mistaken.

From later on. If my memory serves most Renaissance art pieces Roman in subject depicted them not as accurately as they could have through little fault of their own. Kind of reminds me of the "bleaching" of Jesus Christ.

Oh, yeah. You're right. Chinese did the same thing with Buddha. It's a weird trend that you see all over the place.

>In his book The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Suetonius describes Nero as "about the average height, his body marked with spots and malodorous, his hair light blonde, his features regular rather than attractive, his eyes blue and somewhat weak, his neck over thick, his belly prominent, and his legs very slender."

>light blonde
>blue eyes

Because they weren't all brown.

>Nero died June 8 Year 68
>Seutonius born Year 69

Seems legit

>Romans were Caucasoid

That's like saying Americans were Caucasoid, when in fact the US encompases many different ethnicities, same with the Roman empire. So your statement is false, and no I'm not an Afrocentrist ya dunce.

>guy who made OP's pic circa 2010
>guy in OP's pic circa 2000 years ago

only a minority of Roman emperors were "brown" in the modern sense and Rome was founded by Italians and ruled from Italy

Greeks look different from Scandinavians for sure, having darker hair and skin in general but they're still much lighter than arabs and are considered "white" by any sane definition

The pic is just a colorized version of the sculpture.

Not all could be brown of course but the seat of the empire being in a rather tropical or at the least semi-tropical location, it seems to be rather overlooked that brown skin was not uncommon.

Take Spain for instance. Go north into the mountains and you will see plenty of pale hues and light mixtures of both hairs and eyes commonly. Go south and while there is no lack of white skin, brown becomes more often seen.

Except your Spain example is a poor one, they are whiter in the North and browner in the South due to population movements.

Rome is nowhere close to being tropical or semi-tropical
do you have the slightest idea what those words mean?

and "brown skin" is not common among Italians except in the former muslim region of Sicily
do not confuse a tan with a true dark complexion like those of arabs

of course there were a lot of non-Italians in the Roman empire and later Rome itself but the actual Romans were "white" beyond any doubt

population movements as in the Muslim/Moorish immigration? Or am i missing the bar completely

Forgive me i used tropical for lack of a better word. i was looking for something along the lines of temperate.

But if you're right then my understanding of native Mediterranean's complexions has been shook. I was under the assumption that most but not all peoples of the region were of dark complexion due to either climate or mixed heritage, myself being one of them.

Aye, Germanic tribes ruled over Spain after the Roman Empire collapsed until the Moors and Arabs conquered most of Spain, but not the Far Northern part.

It was created by the Spanish to distinguish themselves from the Moors, fuck off Angloshit.

Who chose those colours?

just visit Italy or Spain m8
the people are darker than in Scandinavia or England but at no point is there a majority and rarely even a significant minority of natives that can be classified as anything but white

pic related is a very typical and well known Italian
Italians a lot darker than Berlusconi are not very common

Nigger are you for real


Whoever did it got tyrian (imperial) purple very wrong. If he cant do the one color of the sculpture we know well, why should we trust his judgement regarding things we know less about such as the color of skin and hair?

You dont have to be aryan to be "white"

>They probably looked more Near-Eastern

before the arabs and mongols invaded, ya they did.

These descriptions only appear in that picture, you know which one. I've never encountered them in any other book, website, news, video etc.


Yes, where?

Section LI (51)

Maybe learn to read next time?

But your first post was about blonde and blue eyed, now its about yellow and grey eyed. Are you trying to trick me?


This translation said blue and blonde, who knows.

not an arab
arabs back then lived in todays saudi arabia

>Trusting Svetonius
Svetonius was pic related of his time. For example, I remeber he wrote that Julius Caesar had a magic talking horse with five fingers on each hoof. Also. he wrote that Augustus had blue eyes, while the recontruction of his painted statue is brown-eyed. Also, we know that Romans liked blond hair and often dyed their hair blond or wore wigs.

>ignore an ancient source for the sake of OP's pic on an anonymous Azerbaijani kite enthusiasts forum because Suetonius is not trustworthy enough.


Caracalla was a Carthaginian

The 'light blonde' is definitely a translation error, the anglo translator did not know what the word subflavo (Literally 'below yellow') meant, and his guess was the most retarded possible. What was below yellow to Romans was medium brown not light blond, we know this because we have the original pigmentation of the Augustus of Prima Porta which was preserved on the statue.

Looks like an average Italian/Spaniard.

classifying them as white or brown is both wrong and just shows how dense you are.
They where southeren europeans, look at Greek and Italian people today, they aren't nordic pale white people but they sure as hell aren't north african brown. it's more of mix.
And honestly does skin color matter that much to you?
It was a European society, so today they are represented as how we view europeans.

It's kinda like complaining that every TV show about ancient china represents them as Manchu, and they wheren't Manchu at the time.
stop trying to be PC or WE WUZ.
Cause history sure as hell is neighter,

in other words, "fair", "fair hair"

Light brown

Light brown is still a lot closer to white than middle eastern.

Millennia of island inbreeding does that to you

They got the colours from UV, by raking light

We should not forget that there was a limit to what kind of colours they could produce at the time.

But we don't talk about the roman empire, we talk about the roman people : the citizens, from latin descent.

I guess the difference is some 40% of Italians have light brown hair while light blond is less than 1% and would suggest a foreign element if it wasn't a mistranslation.

>nordic cucks so insecure about their snownigger past that they have started forging documents

>Also, we know that Romans liked blond hair and often dyed their hair blond or wore wigs.
Pretty sure they took that from the Gaul.

Another great quality Veeky Forumstorical discussion!

Stay classy Veeky Forums!

You are so awesome!

buttmad nigger detected

Because actors.

>ITT a shitskin thinly veils a WE WUZ ROMANZ thread

>sandpeoples only claim of achieving anything is hitching themselves to something that happened thousands of years ago by people unrelated to them