League of Legends General /lolg/


nth for delete bot lane

bot lane is a safe haven for the healsluts and adc children, do you really want them roaming all over the map? Could you imagine how hard it would be to play with a dumb soraka wandering mid for "tee hee let me heal you" or a random vayne who thinks he's gosu flying out of a bush to condemn you in top lane?

Bot lane must exist to keep these players contained there, as the two worst types of players can only contribute to the team's success when they are confined to that part of the map.


I love Kled a whole lot! But you know what I love even more? Napping all Sunday while dreaming about about Kled

what is this supposed to convey

>another day passes by where nightblue still has not broken down and said nigger on stream

What's the point of living if "men" like him exist?

what is the next annual event I can look forward to? Pool Party?

Never bully your support!
Honor your support after every game!
bad thread!
No you! bot is the most important lane!
What is this user?!

Hhrrggh the things I would do to that cutie. I'd take him out to eat some tasty pizza.

I don't dont know! easter I think?!

he prefer tacos

How do you know?

I wanna cuddle Jinx and entertain her however she wishes

shhh, lolg

Ahri is sleeping

Wake up!

Notice how the two containers on the left, "onetricks" and "average" are open at the top? That means more water can be added, they are capable of learning new champions and expanding their pool. Meanwhile /lolg/ is a closed container. No matter what /lolg/ doesn't learn new champions and just endlessly plays their pool of favorites in an infinite loop, cycling between whatever is popular at the time (healsluts, bruiser top lanes, burst mages, etc)

because of his zany meme line where he talks about tacos because random xd

fuck this champion and fuck this furry porn spammer

He say he love tacos in one of his lines.
If pizza was his fav food he'd say pizza

Xth for being a slut cumrag.

>Riddler capable of learning other chimps

I mean if he got signed into CLG or something maybe he could but I dont think even then.
Seriously I want him to go pro so badly.

>main loses 2% winrate in champion.gg


Well fuck kled I'm taking him to get some pizza whether he likes it or not.

>be a manly man
>hairy and fit
>play only support
>fantasize about being another man's play thing

i guess it's true, being a support makes you a slut.

>there's tacos in Runeterra?
Is there a Runeterrean Mexico?

Lulu is my STAR!

the void


Oh snap an Easter event? Can't wait!

Bandle City is where the rats live.

give ign slut
>support mains

Reddit crying about a champion with 1 damage tool killing them in 1 spell.

>team member hovers tristana
>banned out every other good adc
>he switches and picks caitlyn
>enemy picks trist
Why the fuck is this allowed? I have not had a single good caitlyn on my team in years, she's fucking garbage.

If this caitlyn outdoes this Trist I will eat my own cum. Not gonna happen though.

I dont play support though I just like fantasising about being a cumslut.

has anyone here ever actually scripted

how is it

is it fun

okay give ign you cum vacuum

Plat soon.

No. You're rude.

Alright come on guys you can talk and post about having sex with kled but nobody wants to talk shit on nightblue? Come on what's with you? Where's the anger? Take it out on some stupid streamer.

It doesn't have to be exclusive to nightblue. I just wanna rage with some people.

okay give ign you good slut

putting “men” in quotation marks is appropriate because NB3 is like actually 16 years old

>darius is now considered S-tier

what server?

>get fb
>its a remake

Yes!.. I think!
Good luck user!


Fuck off Cleetus. We get it, youre upset your sister Tabitha sucked a black dude's cock instead of yours. Dont worry, she's not even that great at giving head.

Man, I'd hate to be a top player.


>Banning ADC's

>how many buzzwords I can use hoping to fit in

>Where's the anger?
they put me on meds sorry

Why do you want him of all people to drop the nigger bomb?

fuck off

What champ is for me if Im ENTJ aside corporate Mundo

hurry slut

How rare is it to win a 4v5? Im new to the game and just managed to pull one off with our orn dced since minute 22 and our jungler dcing every 45 seconds and reconnecting 10 seconds afterwards.

i wouldnt really say trying to get nightblue3 to say nigger is really about racism its more about baiting him into something that would destroy his career because he’s an annoying weeb and a shitty player

but like i said earlier hes basically 16 years old so what can you really expect other than being an annoying little shit

We cant play sorry :C

ign: nononthesnake

>taking virginport over chadnite

Imagine being this guy

he already got buffed patches before with the increase to his bleed, retards are now noticing because they gave his w another 15 damage lmao just lmao, the bleed is more important

>1500 games vs 24


>Get ganked level 2 and die
>Literally never manage to get back into game

nah bro imagine being u

le yikes amirite

Did nightblue fuck your girl or something? I don't really like him either but I just don't watch him you're just being a freak

>used goods
What did the slut meme by this?
give ign hurry

the worse the team average is, the more common it happens. teammates who know what they're doing are more impactful than useless ones.

theoretically, you should lose ever 4vs5, but bronze league MMR is a magical place where anything can happen.

>1500 games and people still can't figure out how to make good use of tp outside of getting back to lane after dying level 3
>meanwhile some dude who just started playing this champ takes ignite and wins

>pick Rakan
>ADC decides to pick Xayah
>has no idea how to play her and we lose

Please stop picking Xayah just because I picked Rakan ..

>tfw need to grind just a little more to get level 11 and get access to runes

What do I take on Aloha

why is this allowed?

>I don't like this guy so I want him to say nigger on twitch so he gets banned
>He's a bad player even tho he's consistently Challenger
>I'm going to complain about how childish he is, despite my pettiness and acting like a literal child, on a board for discussing a children's game

Consider suicide

Just kite him harder

Best girl.
Best pussy.
Best wife.

Im not on euw. We cant play.

he had randuins

Found the unironic nigtblue fan

literally every time and vice versa



I feel you man.

got one there too
give ign

>ywn witness Vi crush a watermelon between her thighs
>ywn get to lick them clean
>Jinx will never rub honey comb between her thighs to sort of try and compete
>you will also never like them clean

why the fuck did you guys not tell me about comet sion sooner?



it's been meta as support in korea for months (actually it was meta last season too), and e max sion has been a thing since his rework years ago

>mfw I was against a malphite who had 773 armor yesterday
give me one good reason why that shit is allowed

Sick Shady


It's malphite he is supposed to be easy XD
bet u complain about ww too XDD

because %damage exists and there is a reason you dont fucking run all ad. If your team was all ad against a malphite you deserve that loss

silver shitters don't know you were supposed to max e first and get dorans ring first always

It works both ways user. There is a bunch of botlane combos like this where people will pick the 2nd champ to fit even if they have no idea how to play them such as lucian braum but at the very fucking least braum is almost impossible to fuck up with while rakans don't know how to build and how agressive they should play so they end up doing fucking nothing or suiciding with no middle ground.
Post IGN.

>opponents are eve, corki, kogmaw, taric and some toplaner
um ok nice armor i guess

You are not the heal slut

just buy wits end lol