League of Legends General /lolg/



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adc players are the most retarded people on the planet

trap champ when

Is future market a confirmed noob trap? I never see anyone pick this anymore. I see minion dematerializer more often.

Never bully your support!
Honor your support after every game!
don't if it is blitzcrank! Bully blitzcrank players!

I agree! But some are really good!

>Darius this patch
Both Grasp and PR feel good but I'm leaning more to Grasp so I can pick up bone plate and the attack speed from precision
Wonder how the new keystone will fare on him

I always pick this on support...

PBE is filled with brazilians on 300 ping, they have no idea what they're doing

LeBlanc every thread until her rework is reverted.

Fuck, marry, kill. No befriending this time anons (if it makes you feel any better, substitute kill with "put into a long coma"). You know the drill.

*blocks your kill*

They're all lux though?
What an awful post, kill yourself.

*sucks her toes*

Thread theme song

>base Janna
>wearing heels

>ban Janna
>someone dodges
Do they really think they are getting free lp for being useless?

Protecting your adc is NOT being useless! It's a difficult task that requires a lot of game knowledge!!

Why?! Support items gives you all the gold you need!

They're all Lux so I marry and fuck all of them

I kill Lux, fuck her dead body then dont marry her because thats illegal where I live

Comfy GFs and best pairing!

Janna is the IDEAL support! No other support can even come close tho the PERFECTION that is Janna!!!!

>Pay an extra 50 gold for each item you purchase
What do you think
>b-b-but you can buy them 30 seconds earlier
Bitch just take a jungle camp or something

No I played Janna and she is easily the easiest support out there you are just useless and win only because of your broken kit you are useless...

they're trying to assemble bronzodia, help me

Can she support my dick?

>not thresh
Ya blew it

>having an easy kit makes you useless

No at least veigar has 2 skillshots
Janna's only ""skillshot"" has a train sized hitbox you can't dodge it

>reading comprehension
He's saying they're borderline useless because they can only do a good job when playing Janna.


What champion pisses you off the most?

>you can't dodge it
>you can't dodge it
>you can't dodge it

>you are useless
>broken kit

It is true the hitbox is beyond broken even worse than Zoe's Q at max range

The player herself user
a useless champ is Sona

Tryndamere. He's garbage, his ultimate is broken, and anyone who plays him is a fucking awful human being.

His hyperbole aside, Zoe's issue was that her bubble was way too rewarding for how much hand-holding it had.
-Wanna get rid of it? Sorry, wait out that slow or take the slow and get rid of the sleep.
-For some stupid reason it travels faster over walls instead of it getting a boost if she popped it after using her ult
-She gets rewarded for MISSING with a free, large coverage trap and it enhanced anyone's damage instead of just hers

It's also just annoying because we got teased with this whole butterfly and bubble mix and then it ends up not being taken any further in her kit, much less the launch skin.

zed switched to lux and he rage quit 8 mins in. Fuck me

How the fuck am I supposed to climb out of bronze hell? I mean, how the actual fuck?

>inb4 hurrr you probably are shit too
I was gold last season and the algorithm is retarded.

You can't even carry because the people are such drooling morons they don't know how to capitalize on the gains you give them in the early game.

The hitbox is accurate at least, unlike so many other projectiles.

fuck rengar

I won't argue with a Janna main you all should be banned from this general.

I want to kill trespassers with Kled and make out with him in front of a pile of dead bodies!

I wish I was as good as Licorice with Kled, this dude is legit the only guy that has the balls to play him in pro games

>get passive and keystone for 800AD
>20% of Darius's billion damage is now true
It'll be crazy

Still have almost 6300 BE left after buying Xayah (love her btw super fun and I got the hang of her fast)

Who else should I get guys?


You should try phase rush

>Janna main
This amount of assumption is something you should be terribly embarrassed by.

Last I played her it was definitely accurate to its large tornado model. That said, I noticed Leona's Zenith hitting players despite my ability to fit the width of a toothpick between it and my teammate once the new runes hit and the last time I played Janna was before that, so maybe it extends to Janna's tornado too.

>he doesn't eat ass

>Just convert your true damage into true damage bro

But I do?

Draven?! I never play adcs but he seems to be efficient and fun!

>everyone whining about Lucian being in bad spot
>everytime enemy has Lucian he fucking destroys my trash ADC and snowballs the game
Why is every game decided with better AD nowadays? Fucking trash season

Depends. What do you want to get out of the game? Describe your play style.

I am sure it is more of a support problem user! Better support wins early game in bot! Better early game = better late game!

I glad you liked her!! You play jungle and mid so maybe Diana? She's easy and really fun too, not so strong in the jungle as she was last season but you CAN take her both roles and no one will ever scoff at you.

How to lane against Jayce ;(

Enjoy the infections

this whole season has been camp/protect botside and i can't fucking stand it anymore. fuck ad carrys

Go to a different lane

The only True Damage Darius has is his ult. I'm thinking about his other skills and auto attacks you fucking mongoloid fuck


I really love it when my team makes every bad choice possible in a game. I can't herd 4 retards into working together and winning easy games.

Fiddlesticks. Or so it used to be. I haven't laned with Fiddle since that update since I've been trying out new champs. All I know right now is that I've had plenty fun bullying Jayce as Fiddle.

Only 12 year olds and brainlets play adc. It's like the Tommy Wiseau of positions.

t. too much of a baddie to auto-fill when the time comes

>D2. 3 Master/Challenger players in every game
>Demote to D3. Actually play against diamonds 3-1

The climb isn't worth it user. Outside of 90% challenger games it's just a dice roll of who has more d2/d3.

Why every top laner is a neckbeard?

>he drinks soy

Patience user. We're currently in the final stages of developing the... final solution, let's say, to the adc problem.

theres a difference between a beard and a neckbeard you fucking retard

I miss vladfag

>she doesn't take her girl pills

Diablo 3 has no general so she's back.

The game is broken and not fun at high levels anyway. It's truly not worth it.

Once you start hitting diamond and platinum, the game starts becoming less about having fun and trying to outsmart your opponent, and more about "all of you are roughly equal in ability, so whoever places the most wards wins."
The victories usually happen by the narrowest of margins and basically a coin flip could have decided it.

t. silver who play with a platinum friend sometimes

>Licking shit is just as natural as sticking dildos up your ass, bigot!

where? i want to rub in my swainnes

>The final solution is too remove dorans blade




Ugabuga I'm retarded

I can!

what the fuck. the SJW's made that an actual thing? l m a o

>He doesn't deal True True Damage

I said I've used PR (Phase Rush), it's nice but again I like the resolve+precision durability and team fighting. In cases where I'm playing against a champion that's slippery or abusable I do take PR

But are you Janna?

I main malzahar

Grug should be high rank but teammate not play well

How to farm honor? Most of my team never honors me even when I go 30/0 but I often see random supports who feed get 3 or more honors. I play every role and I'm not toxic.

Play bots/rotating game modes

what the fukk :c

Just be nice

Only retarded niggers unironically eat ass m8

Ping a lot.
Make your team laugh.
Make risky plays that actually don't end up getting your entire team killed.
Play a huge role in why your team won.

There, you just got a free triple honor.

Well, at least you don't fall for the "only supports are honored" meme. But if nothing else, supports are the most likely to be honored since they're not as responsible for killing, people remember being saved when their other teammates abandoned them (or think they did) and you're always with one person, so they assume less about what you were doing since they can see what you're doing, good (or bad).

Current Ryze.

If he's on my team he feeds his ass off, if he's on the enemy team he somehow becomes unkillable while still being able to 1v1 me, no matter how fed I am.

>tfw no cute sissy duo partner to suck me off after a rough game

Fucking this he suffers from shaco syndrome more than any other champion now what pisses me the most when he gets back with Abyssal mask and becomes completely unkillable

Make good calls - MIA, wave management, objective prep, no chasing, etc
Do that and you'll get honors even when someone else carried in terms of combat, or if it's a mess of a loss. Of course it's not guaranteed, but it's a basic thing that has led to me getting honors way more often than I feel it should.