/rpgmg/ RPG Maker General #246

Not dead yet edition

Previous Thread >/rpgmg/ Wikia
>Art Resources & DLC Pastebin
>[MV] Plugin Releases
>[VX/Ace] Master Script List

>/rpgmg/ 2017 Collab Project | Completed!
mediafire.com/file/cpugiehl3h3h4cu/Collab 2017 Complete.zip
>Awaiting new Collab

>/rpgmg/ Podcast

>Games recently-ish released by /rpgmg/ anons
Ender Story: Chapter 1

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Who let the thread die again ?

I'm glad we are back, but I can't bump 24/7. Where is everyone?

i went off to play video games for a few hours, then it blew up

OP fucked up. This should be #247 since was #246 which also had updated pastebins and important general updates.

Why are you bumping and reviving a general if you're not going to pay attention and participate properly?

They're only here to shill their games in the OP.

wasn't me. no point shilling to the three other people here

Come on, gimme other RM community to migrate. Our general is dead, it's over!

/agdg/ unironically. It's a nice general, don't listen to the memes. It's best to let /rpgmg/ die peacefully than alive in these conditions

the "official" rpgmakerweb forums is the concentration camp for scrubs.

I don't want /rpgmg/ to die

>I don't want /rpgmg/ to die
Everything has to die sometime.

I know you're all doom and gloom right now,
but is there anything that can help you make Paper-Mario styled battle commands?
Timed button presses and etc?

>Larger posters haven't posted in a few days.
>We're dead apparently.

Common Events.


His timed attack plugins might work.

I love Anime Series based on RPGs. Or have Metaphysical properties of RPG rules, such as Level Caps and magic proficiency.

super ded

Give me a cool concept for an RPG Maker Horror game.

It's great for themes of personal growth, plateaus and glass ceilings. The messages are really common in anime, but strangely absent within games. The exception might be villains and rivals who are reaching for the divine in a world of elitism and are befuddled when people reach heights without trying because their friends gave them powers (stealth pro-socialism)

A battle system

Hey guys I have a question, I'm running on Linux Mint and I'm trying to play an MV game but I don't see Game.exe. I have wine 3.2 and I'm trying to run nw.exe but it just gives a black screen that crashes after a bit. Someone suggested playing in browser using www/index.html, and while I can certainly play it and everything, save files are lost when closing the browser....so, anyone have any idea on how to make it run properly on Linux?

A game were you were the horror all along...

You join a forum for a certain game developing software, but everyone is a wannabe and doesn't actually develop anything. Then you find out the "social platform" - as the publishers call it - is a farm used to feed biased data back to the developer. There, any dissenting opinions are pruned while the rest of the "stock" is kept ignorant and stupid to foster a dependency on the publisher and developer.

That's been overdone.

Are you using the linux version of MV?

I think stories in video games tend to lack an actual message. Maybe because the people making them try too hard with world building and maybe pushing a message would undermine the immersion of it?

Progress Bump for Pokemon MV Essentials:
>Taking a bit of a break after making the Pokemon TCG Tileset
>This Translates to doing the Enemies, which I would have never attempted, had I not been blessed with Irfanviews Batch converter, resizer and renamer, which speeds up the entire process by a good 60-80%
>Also, normal BW RBY Tileset had wrong BW pallette, so changed it.
> Also, dabbling in the actual Battle Background, which was way easier then expected. Result shown. The "Back" sprite "sits" on top of a different platform (such as these rocks) that is cropped off the bottom of the screen, but if I put it on top of the complete rock platform that the facing Poke uses, its essentially a new Platform completely! Yay!
Results shown. The "Enemy Sprites" are almost half way done.

I...don't think so? I'm just trying to play a game and can't get it to run. I don't have the Editor, if you're wondering. I guess it's easier if I break this down in greentext form

>download game and unpack
>open game directory, notice there's no "Game.exe"
>run nw.exe on wine 3.2, a window with the game's title opens
>black screen
>nope, crashes and exits
>ask around
>just run index.html on your browser and you can play
>works fine, until I save and close browser
>open up game again, save file gone
I even checked to see if the save file appeared in the game directory right after I make a new save file but nope it doesn't show up there. Since I'm using firefox, checked in tmp files and can't see any save files either, I'm currently looking into where the save file is located when playing through browser. But point is, it'd be much betteri if I didn't have to resort to this workaround and can just run nw.exe properly which as I understand, is how it should go

Just put crafting into my game and there's nothing any of you can do about it

Not play it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I don't know MV, but on Ace, you can use a pixelated font. WOuld fit very well with your game.

heh like I wanted someone like you to play my game anyway

Craft exactly what? A loli?

Cards. There's no leveling up in my game so you get cards from each enemy you beat which can be used in battle to strengthen your characters. You can combine the cards to get better ones.

If you're wondering what combat I'm going for just think of series 3 of digimon.

This is unironically nice.

is there an decrypter for MV encrypted files?

bump i guess

we've figured out to make it so a random message comes up at the start of a battle instead of the default appearance message, needless to say, we had some fun with it

What are the crafting materials?


oh yeah, we can do this with any message we want too, it's fantastic

good job. i actually do this with my battle animations.
>$animation.swordHit = function(){return [3,4,15,16][Math.floor(Math.random() * [3,4,15,16].length)]}

planning maps

wow, that sounds like a really nice way to keep some variety in battles, can't wait to see it in action

if the thread doesn't die forever before you complete your game

With MV, how do I keep my maps ordered?

Everytime I save and quit, then come back, either shit is in the wrong place, or completely missing and have to go digging in the .json to put it back to normal.

these other generals better shut the fuck off for a second before they kill us

Just other cards so far.

Eg. Card A + Card B = Card C

Thinking of adding an option to swap cards for materials which can be used to create other cards (so the player isn't stuck with a bunch of weak cards they can't do anything with later on) but one day at a time



Y'all are shit at keeping this thread alive, you know that?

Is there a MV plugin that changes the minimum damage to 1 instead of 0?

I think there's just a lot of other active vg threads lately. We end up on page 10 in 10 minutes if nobody posts.

You can add +1 to the damage formula

sometimes you just need to sit down and code a bunch of unnecessary but ultimately helpful features into your game

Do you guys prefer bigger numbers or smaller numbers? Which do you think is easier to balance?

I love chiptunes

They're identical

H-how to code, senpai?

they're fun to make, sadly this next track is not one


i wish i knew

Give me the biggest icon set you have

I generally prefer lowish numbers - I feel like starting with double digits and going up to three allows a satisfying sense of progression without bloating the numbers to meaningless.

the default icon set is all i can give you in terms of size

Guys pls, this shit gives me a mini heart attack every time I notice some of my maps are missing.

my icon count was small. not even default size

mostly done now, just need an intro and maybe rewriting the prechorus melody, if it sounds too cheesy over repeat listens

alternatively, you can use math.max and choose 1 if it's higher.
that way, your calculated damage will be prettier. like if your attack is 50, and your attack to damage is 1:1, then you'll deal the expected 50 damage, not an undesirable 51.

i'd try to help you out but i don't have mv

This. I use Ace. Sorry.

atmospheric Catacombs of Paris -based exploration game

you start to notice that the people around you are becoming stupider and more helpless every day, with most of their conversations with you being extremely simple, one-sided, or just contextually nonsensical.

Are you answering him or describing our general?

i mean this general is a horror show

He could make a game about us. Game dies before 200 posts.


This was posted well over a year ago. It's all I got.

>Spooky things are happening
>At first it seems like people don't care
>You start to realize they can't communicate their thoughts
>The mute protagonist is worked into this somehow

It's nice to check to the steam reviews after an update to see all the people REEEEEEEEing

really puts a smile on the old dial

can anyone relate to this weird ocd of mine where things need to be ordered properly? for example if i have a list of weapon types, sword spear bow dagger fist gun, it bothers me that dagger and fist are placed between two ranged weapons. what's even more retarded is that i don't know what order it *should* be despite this feeling. should it be sorted by range, length, popularity, time period, ease of use? and even after finally deciding, nothing new can be added because it'll disturb the current sorting criteria.


Sort of. To remedy that, I just have a section dedicated to one thing for example FIRE SPELLS and leave like 20 spaces. Once those are filled I do the same for the other spells and if I want to include more, I just make a new section at the bottom for more fire spells or whatever and continue doing that with the rest of the things I have.

I do this for my design notes. I want to keep everything written down 'in order,' so I write everything I have for Plot Point X then leave 2 or 3 blank pages between it and the next plot point in case anything happens

What happened to the LISA guy? Is he making anything else?

Hi, first time here. I got MV on steam sale.

Is the collab in the OP deployed for mac? and any suggestion for building the top of this GoT style ice wall? I want to be able to walk behind the roof tile so the character appears in the window but the tileset onl lets me make it a O or X

Unfortunately, this is a bug with 1.6 so you have to either downgrade or wait for the next updoot. Otherwise, the json parentID fix is the only one available.

mhm. I've done it 3 times today already :(




Are there any decent tiling tutorials out there?

I'm making my own but they're looking a bit shit desu

>$animation.swordHit = function(){return [3,4,15,16][Math.floor(Math.random() * [3,4,15,16].length)]}
JavaScript has function scoped variables. This works in any browser and only requires you to write the array of possible values once, preventing mistakes.

>$animation.swordHit = function() { var anims = [3, 4, 15, 16]; return anims[Math.floor(Math.random() * anims.length)]; }


I don't organize the database skill or items or enemies or because it's invisible and I can see the order I made things in. The only thing I sort is the maps.

Thinking how I can go anout making a cyberpunk/hacker themed rpg.. im getting sucked into the infosec realm, but I still have some desire to make a game.

So just digimon except you use special hacker inputs for attacks?

>So just digimon
Not sure what you mean mate? Digimon world isn’t really the aesthetic I had in mind

he's making a game called ninja tears

I'm trying to do commissions. But it's hard when the people take their sweet sweet time responding. Like, they posted in the classifieds asking for help, and it's like 2-3 weeks later they finally respond saying they don't want it anymore.
After I went through the trouble of tailoring a resume and example works to convince them I could do the thing they wanted.
Maybe I was too professional and scared them off?

If the characters are aware of levels and game world mechanics, it's easier to convey a sense of limitations and frustrations of not being able to advance past a level cap and beyond race/class restrictions. The struggle is real.

But without those game-world implications the struggle is imaginary and it's not as meaningful when the character learns to get over it.


i guess the RM community's still too "immature", in a nonderogatory sense. full of younger people that aren't quite ready to spend money on their hobby projects.
what're you selling, anyway? my steam paycheck comes in soon, so i'm actually going to be continuing my asset hunt.

>>Patches/updates that destroy your progress