League of Legends general - /lolg/

old thread eyosongive.us

i approve this thread

>tfw no qt petite gf

I approve of this OP

reported harder than my teammates

whos Kayn's ship?


the fuck is that?

Is Euw down?
Cute feet!

>insight + spellbook + lucidity boots
>ingenious hunter
>cleanse AND QSS
fuck whoever thought of this

>irelia feet
now that is a rare and exquisite treat

Never bully your support!
Honor your support every game!

Eбyчиe шизики cгнoили лoлтpeд.

This, any post 2013 girl is designed to pander to SJWs anyways, there are no more cute girls being added into the game.



Liandry's on Gnar y/n

>Honor your support every game!
Only when they are not auto fill trash that plays Brand, Lux or some other mage.

Why do they always disrespect me like that!?



Weird how you're bronze and play all those champions and I'm diamond and I've only played 5 different champions this season

who is kai'sa

>grew up in a harsh environment and still came out on top

>lead a rough life
>came out as just a normal girl with no random political nonsense tacked on

What was it called when the enemy Team made you and your Teammates DC? I can remember some people did that in high elo.

so positive life experiences are sjw pandering now?

>political anything


I'm new to the game, well, not that new since I'm about to become level 30 and start playing ranked.

So I was wondering if you guys could help me pick one or two champs for every role so that I can learn them and have not so much trouble when playing ranked.

Personally, I've been playing a lot of Support with Lux and I like it but I'm worried I have zero to no experience in the other roles.

I don't want to main support since it's really hard to carry a match as Soraka or Janna.

Thanks in advance!

For my adorable husband, the cutest of them all, the best boy, the most handsome man..............................KIed!

>be a qt gril
>automatically pandering to sjws
go back to your containment board virgin

who is the Lunara of league?

Pick 450s or 1350s for every role and I promise if you learn them you will be better than 90% of this general

>being a strong individual is SJW
So Garen, J4, Swain, Poppy, and Jayce are all SJW?

you fucking mongoloid, get out of whatever echo chamber is calling everything SJW

top: maokai, sion
jungle: maokai, j4
mid: ryze, ziggs
adc: trist, varus
support: whatever

Kalista with Teemo poison.

There are champions that require significantly less effort to win in Bronze than these, friend.

>keeps trying to play difficult champ when it's proven that no matter how much you play them you're not good enough

Don't play ranked immediately upon hitting 30. Especially if you've been maining support. Stick to playing draft normals for now and pick up a bunch of 450/1350 champs. Find someone who has a playstyle you feel comfortable with and save up towards champs like that

>mid: ryze
Don't tell low elo players to pick up ryze man

drop hacking

Morg or Zyra are literally just better versions of support Lux and are very capable of carrying.

Since you're new I'd just go with the most straightforward champs for each role.
Top: Maokai, Sion
Jungle: Warwick, Sejuani
Mid: Annie, Malz
ADC: Jinx, Trist
Support being the two listed above.

I swear it felt like someone did that in a normals game last night

was fucking weird

>viktor with archangels + lich
so this is what it's like playing riven

It's not even a thing anymore assclown

>support Lux
Try Zyra, Brand or Vel'koz



>Kassawin with the new ap item changes
This shouldn't be allowed holy shit.

>dominating the enemy team all game
>popping off in a mid dive
>suddenly everything freezes
>goes back to normal after like 3 seconds
>everyone goes "???" in all chat
>3 of my teammates disconnect


Oh yeah I had this right now. Well I was losing and when I tried to gank mid I had a 500 Ping and game was deleted.
Called Drophack
Yeah thanks

>only decent winrates are on champs with reliable ranged cc

Why pick this fucker if every other meta top laner is a superior choice, even last patch? No idea why they gutted him so hard.

thats program urgot

Well shit I dunno. I just randomly DC'd in the middle of a game we were stomping hard, but my internet connection was fine.

Fucking relax you shitbird cunt

Sounds like a server error

no retard it's called DDoSing because distributed denial of service.
Where the hell did you come up with Dossing?

you're right I have dyslexia

Probably someone speaking vernacularly in person

You must be retarded or low elo. Gp was winning lane and when you're a hyper carry you shouldn't be good at all stages of the game.

Being a fed as fuck Mundo is like playing with all the cheats on

tags: Impregnation, Mindbreak, Netorare

Sorry I don't spread misinformation like people that go outside a lot.

>a lane bully with self sustain and QSS for free
>even if you killed GP he would get his item before you because Parely and Klepto
>Would snowball like a monster if he was given a gank or two
>2nd highst winrate top behind Nasus
Stop trying to pretend your GP pick was bad, he was insanely good and if you didnt get any freelo with him last patch, well its time for you to find a new main

But they are trying their best to keep you alive user!

>deer fuckers

Who else here 5 match 20 minute ban

poor user get 30 min leaver buster first

>still no deer champ
>have, have a Vayne skin named Kai'sa

How to win
I was silver 4 now silver 5
just how
its almost impossible
>play top
>enemy top rekts you
ok its not for me, lets try another role
>play jungle
>you go 0/7 because your every succesful gank ends with your dead
ok another role
>play support
>make an awesome start for my adc but he is too retarded and doesnt know what to do in teamfights
ok another role
>play adc
>farm as good as you can, play as safe as you can
>you will still lose because you have trolling retard jungler and a cocky mider
so only a mid is left, should I?

dude either buy a bf and finish your zeal item or get an ie first and then start building your zeal item

>"you must be low elo!! he was winning lane with klepto and grasp!!!"
>t. someone in an elo where GP was managing to win lane

>>a lane bully with self sustain and QSS for free
Are you blind picking tanks? GP has always been a good pick into tanks and it's still true this patch. Pick Camille, Kled, Vlad or Riven and he is a free money.

>>even if you killed GP he would get his item before you because Parely and Klepto
How could a GP manage to get a full item ahead of you by last hitting creeps in lane with Q for 3-7 gold each? He can't waveclear with Q/parrlay without at least a sheen

>>Would snowball like a monster if he was given a gank or two
GP is also one of the worst characters to gank for and is the easiest top laner in the game to gank. Better jungle wins.

Thank god there is no cancer like Lunara in this game
having 50% of your hp bar poisoned is not cool
I want a Slug champion

>being a support main
I don't know how to feel. This'll probably drop soon since I prefer playing midlane way more now.

How do I solo lane as melee when some meanie has a ranged nuke and I don't? :(

I forgot how annoying Fizz is. No matter his numbers or if others are more meta, the disgusting design of that kit remains.

Thanks for the replies lolg. I won't play ranked yet and will get me these champs (Shards/BE): Maokai, Warwick, Malz, Jinx and Zyra. I already have Sion, Annie, Tristana and Morgana.

Are there any guides or players I should watch on Twitch? The last question, I swear, sorry to be a bother.

>tfw got a harem of e-girl support mains
They all must be wetting themselves whenever I flash my mastery 7 draven after every multi kill

alt+f4 is a secret developer cheat code to counter ranged champs

>76% GG
Where's your shot-calling? GG is the basic handout for supports.

play safe and wait for your opponent to make a mistake
ask for a gank

Caprinae are the superior family, deerscum.

>tfw no dominant adc main gf to lock me in chastity and reward me with release when she approves of my supporting

Who would have cuter feet, Jinx, Vi or Caitlyn?

Being untargetable will always be powerful. Fizz will rise again as he always has.

Watching support vids on youtube and came across this comment, can anyone explain this to me? why would some adc not be able to take advantage of ardent? I thought all supports who are able to max use of the effect should rush ardent first item


That may have been the case before but with champs like Jhin he can't really take advantage of the attack speed or on hit buff since he auto attacks so slow. Ezreal also isn't going to be abusing ardent too much since while he is auto attacking he's more about landing Q's and staying safe.

Jhin and Ez aren't auto attack heavy champions so Ardent isn't great on them. Jhin only has 4 shots and Ezreal mostly uses his Qs to deal damage.

>champ select finishes
>no game client
>"skip waiting for stats"
>can't queue
Apparently I'm in a game according to op.gg but I can't get in. What the fuck is going on?

The attack speed is a really big part of Ardent being good as well as the on-hit effect. Some characters just don't synergize well with attack speed like Jhin or focus more on poking than sustained auto-attacking like Ezreal.

>play squishy mages with no innate escapes because i'm a masochist
>fizz only shows up like once every twenty games but when he does my life becomes a living hell

Characters like that are the worst, that you really want to ban but don't see often enough to do it. For me it's Nami.

or you just don't know how to play him

Fun and cute.

What champ do you believe has the most unique abilities?

kayle buffs when

im diamond 4 though

try picking him into someone who knows how to play kled or camille and see what happens

play Singed

>get a zoe support
>she's 4/14/8 before the enemy ends
>wow they really overnerfed zoe!

When they finally do the Kayle/Morg double rework.

Maybe they'll finally fix Kayle's model so Aether Wing Kayle isn't 2 feet tall for some reason.

>Can't respond correctly or use capital letters
I dunno boss it's not looking good. Got proof you aren't talking out of your butt?

honestly you're the most autistic person I've seen today, congratulations.

Jinxie for sure!

Cait and Vi have other assets they can flaunt