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I wanna cuddle Jinx and make her life as happy as possible

Reminder to abuse Ingenious Hunter. ward uptime increases dramatically and you can keep pressure up constantly with Zz'rot while being a team player with redemption.

best girl

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

>These links

you do know that all of these links are on the Eyoson right?
I know most of you guys are toplaner tier stupid but come on

What champion pisses you off the most?

I wish I was a void monster with a big disgusting looking cock

wtf is the balance team doing
nerfing zoe never buffing looloo while barely touching (and actually buffing) jax or trist or zed or bruisers/fighters

>Play Sion
>Skillfully use my E to hit enemies
>Win lane

I wish I was a Star Guardian for your big disgusting cock!

>nerfing zoe

except she's getting a shit load of buffs next patch


Why were people complaining about SG Ahri's VO again? I really like it. Fitting for the character.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

she'd crush your balls

>go to get my daily win XP
>1 hour update
fuck off

....no it is "yes" or "no"

>be gold 3
>my team has FOUR silver last seasons
>me as the only gold last season
>enemy team has two plats, 2 plat last season and a gold 1
>team feeds

really makes me to do a thonk

I want to cum inside a Leona player!


Hey, I'm Relaxe, an NA support main who is trying to nail what his obvious mistakes are. I'm in Gold II, playing mostly Brand and Sion. Is there a plat/diamond adc who wants to coach me to greatness? I'm usually pretty aggressive in the early game, but my macro play tends to fall off and I don't know where exactly I can excel.

Hit me up, preferably with voice comms and a cool head!

im just tryna get plat senpai

>playing mostly Brand and Sion

That's a pretty obvious mistake.

>tfw no qt supp main gf to cuddle with
kys trapfags

Random Poll


yes but they nerfed her in the first place while barely touching other problems
like what the fuk rito

Only one right anwser

don't lie slut you want more than just that

>Support Main
>Brand and Sion
I think you should start off by playing supports, that are useful. There are lots of champs that let you swing your dick around in lane while also having good utility and defensive tools.

>2 remakes
>autofill sup
>do well
>top dcs
>people refuse to surr at 15, make me wait til 20
haha what a great 80 mintes of my time

I can see the appeal of Soraka but some people prefer other choices.

Sion is literally the best champion in the game currently and support Sion in particular has sported a 55% winrate for months dating back to last season even.

chilllllll add me tho

but then you can't play Sona as intended
if you use your mana ring rune for heals you can't q on cooldown
I tried multiple times, if I use q to harass AND have to heal my dumb adc standing in soraka puddles I go oom very soon


I really loved the bitchy stuck up high school girl aspect of it. And the laugh, oh my fucking God that laugh

They did well by removing her wave clear

But now they're buffing her ability to one shot with just Q again which is the main problem

Where can I purchase a cheap level 30 account?
inb4 ur paypal

Does SG MF make anyone else go doki doki?

Tell me first you love getting lewded?

ADC tier list season 8 edition


>Rekkles (+)

>Doublelift (+)
>Cody Sun
>Sneaky (+)
>Hans Sama (+)

>Stixxay (+)
>Steeelback (+)

>cute tiny dick waifu to bully while i plow her
>gigantic piece of fuckmeat to pound my prostate and bulge my throat

This is way harder than i thought it would be

not by betas

Would you?

Don't you mean with?

meanwhile zeds waveclear remains untouched

Panth, Teemo, Singed, Heimer, Ornn, EZ, Janna.

I am no soyboy

>Sion is finally good after all these seasons since rework
>Now just because a simple bug everyone is calling for him to get nerfed
Fuck off

>playing malz
>enemy yas is actually smart enough to buy qss
>doesn't use it
Baby steps I guess

fuck off, im mad as fuck
>enemy has an anivia
>single handedly can defend a siege against 5 people
>walls properly to seperate teams and pick people off

>get an anivia on my team
>sits mid all game
>does absolutely fuck all
>see him use wall once
>it didn't impact shit
>he couldn't even defend tower from a morgana and a janna alone

absolutely fucking pathetic.

add me daddy

>finally good


illaoi skin gave us this new profile pic

is it shit? new skinline?


>that jawline
how big is the cock?

would you?

>Sion is literally the best champion in the game currently

Sion has a strong and oppressive laning phase because his e hitbox is broken but he is not the strongest champion in the game. If you want to be a support main you should be learning support champions whose relevance is evergreen like Alistair, Tahm Kench and Janna to develop a proper champion pool. Sion support is quite literally a meme because he doesn't function the way any actually good support does because he lacks the supportive utility or teamfight reliability nearly every other support has.

Soft in Wet

i want jinx to BREED me!

>new skinline
Illaoi is part of the battlecast skinline

so is it better to wait for 8.5 to open chests?

>Manaflow Band
>Cooldown is now displayed in the buff bar
I can't believe it took them 5 patches to think that might be a good idea

It's a symbol for resisting Creator Viktor's Battlecast regime

>star guardian janna

They always release icons with champions and skin releases now

Kaisa has one which will probably be linked to missions once purchasing her

knew you were a good slut


Why do junglers always come top?

Zeds not even good.

part of the world yes

>do placements
>get gold 5
>immediately get retards in my next 3 games


people still play him?

im waiting

Im okay with this

Pathing from bot lane leash and least mobile lane to camp

>so is it better to wait for 8.5 to open chests?

Zed is garbage

>when you get two frenchies on your team and they practically int feed a kat to 15/0 before 10

nothing wrong with alt f4'ing, right?

>tfw SG Jinx will never mercilessly milk your cock for all it's worth in order to rejuvenate her star guardian powers

>carry game (seriously, look at damage against towers)
>fucking adc flame me for not build tank as garen
>jg flames me for split instead of group to farm jg (this is low silver. after 30 minutes, everyone goes to jg to farm)
>thresh is the most honor people in your team.

Why no one respect TOP LAME?

What bug?

This game is actually fucked

I've had insane feeders every game I play

I always thought that I could get better at the game if I played a bunch and watched hours and hours of coaching videos and streamers and LCS

every single fucking game someone on my team goes 1/6 in fucking lane it's too hard to fucking carry it

I never go fucking 1/6 in lane how is this ever fair

I don't ever rage, I don't verbally say anything bad to them

but after 30 out of 40 games roughly of just people who go 1/6 and only being able to carry half of them

when I see someone on my team carrying and doing well in lane (which is never) I play around them

I've tried every strategy to carry these homos

splitting, focusing only objectives, doing as much damage and having insane KDA's, OTPing, playing meta heavy champs

This game is too much and I don't even know if I'm coachable

Going to be Gold forever :)

inb4 Veeky Forums gives me some insight on why im bad and doesn't tell me how to do anything

why would you settle for that when Lux, Ahri, Janna and MF exist?

E hitbox is bigger than it should be

just checked you were on NA sorry I am on EUW sorry slut

Does anyone still have that mod that gave most of the LoL girl's models huge tits? Does it even still work nowadays?

how do i get better at jungling?
how do i get better at knowing when to farm my jungle
how do i get better at ganking
i've been playing a lot of full crit yi lately and it's been going pretty great for me but i sure do die a lot more than i need to

I feel the same when I see "Qc" in a club tag or name, only I laugh at them because they're not actually french


that’s not jinx

haha just get good user!

>800 m
>500 m 2 languages

>Turkey get their own server
>Russians basically get their own server
>The UK and the rest of the Eurocucks have to fight amongst themselves and it's non-stop cancer


Dont build shit on yi.
Bloodrazor, botrk, guinsoo, rest tank, deadmanplate and i dunno, spirit visage.

that wasnt the right picture

SA and Brazil are two different servers (mostly because we are the most toxic players in the world and deserve a server filled with niggers as a punishment)

fuck off soyboy i like deleting faggots in 1 sec

Pick malz and press R on her.