Needy NEET Guide improvement

I made a guide around a year or two ago for helping NEETs get back on their feet.

I've neglected it.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to improve it? or is it too archiac?

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This is good of you user for making this

I hope it helped some NEETS

kek, fuck off faggot

im going all in on posw and xrp with my remaining $30

>--You never want to become involved with a multi-level marketing company.

Lol, I almost got sucked into one. I was working an temp outdoor job when a lady approached me, saying she could help me find a better job and told me to attend a meeting during the weekend at an office building to meet some people. When I got there, there was indeed a huge meeting. Many people were dressed in suits, etc. We listened to a guy giving a speech about the need to adapt and change, etc. without giving specific details. It wasn't until the end when they asked me to pay them money for a background check that I realized it was all bullshit.

Anyway, it's good that you have Craiglist on the list. It is a good place to find jobs. I both got my first job (since many years as a NEET), my second job, and my current job (salaried job from craigslist). People complaining about not being able to find any jobs (especially in a city) are either lazy and/or picky.


>get sleep sechedule
this is why normies are poor they dont realize time is money and you need to earn money instead of normie sleeping.

The sad part is the people who fall for that are usually the people with the least money.
I went to an investment thing that was advertised all over the radio and it was just basic candlestick chart analysis for like $500, so I got up and left half way but there were a bunch of obviously poor people getting super excited. They even had a discounted sign up if you did it half way through the presentation, and broke ass black dudes were running to get there first. It was very sad to see people taking advantage of ignorance so blatantly.

what did you apply for i want to play a movies solitude type of guy

This is why I work fucking nights lmao
I don't have to "schedule" because my natural sleep cycle is stay awake all night and sleep during the day. I hate that people are forcing themselves to just wake up early at the crack of dawn and sit all day and fuck themselves up at some normie job. I'll take doing some good old human labor over that, humans were not made to sit at desks all day.

Clean your room NEETs.

Great list OP.

Is there a guide that will teach me how to get laid?

i unironically like working out in the corn fields in hot as weather it feels satisfying to be exhausted after doing hard work

This is why so many people are depressed, working at a cubicle job literally drives you insane mentally and does nothing for you physically. All the people who live a long time do labor jobs all their life and continue to work past "retirement" age. If you want an early grave, a normie desk job is the fastest way to the coffin.

>includes number for suicide hotline

Is there a reason the US Armed Welfare Recipients isn't listed as a job?

desu famalam I would remove Mturk and related sites. I've done it, and your time is better spent doing literally anything else.

Will do although Leapforce is legit if they are still hiring.

Used to post on /r9k/

Not sure if NEETs will make the cut.

I go running (5 miles) every other day, a-am I safe?

You're safe, but your knees aren't.

I will make a better guide for all you neet cucks

>steal mommys cc
>buy xrp

what is this "cuck" meme I keep seeing around?

Another source of internships is the Government.
>inb4 guvment hurr durr
You can do an internship and get some experience on your resume.

>is it too archiac
It seem fine. I don't know how hard up some neets are, but you can use google books to get some skills to start a small business.

A job you can add to your list for Mac users. Apple does hire for at home workers. The pay for (some? all?) of your internet bills, its full time work, the give you equipment to use (iMac, Headset, phone). Have a friend in Seattle that does this full time and makes $17hr.

You wouldn't happen to have a link would you? I'll try to find it, but if you have a verified link I would appreciate it.

Found it:

>tfw circadian rhythm disorder
>tfw sleeping in a different timezone every day
>Relegated to NEETdom forever, can't even work night shift jobs.

The only upside is I can travel around the world without experiencing jetlag.

why would I even want to stop being a NEET?
NEETbux about to become real in two months
also my countries' neetbux will pay extra for having a wife and children so you can enjoy life fully while being a NEET
they only thing I fear is them commies telling me I can't get it if i'm not muslim, which will probably happen and will shatter my dreams and cause me to go on a shooting spree

I have send this guide to my NEET friend. He said he'd rather kill himself.

>not taking coke and meth and trading crypto all night
Never gonna make it

I just hold and use all my meth and coke to attend raves, elrow or any slav-tier parking party

me too user

trying to find work i can do from home in whatever hours i can

>circadian rhythm disorder
fuck off retard you have a discipline disorder