/hsg/ - Hearthstone general

Expensive game edition

Compensation packs are out us.account.blizzard.com/gifts/

>Deck lists
hsreplay.net (Buy premium for us)
thelightforge.com/TierList (Arena)

>Open Tournaments


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Delete Priest
Delete Rogue
Delete classes that take 15 minutes per turn to play 20 cards that all cost 0-1


Leave hearthstone to me..

That looks like shit and you should feel bad

So what cards are you actually gonna miss once the rotation hits?

I'm really going to miss the old gods - each one with unique effects that have spawned countless different decks, me being a controlfag will especially miss n'zoth.

What do you do when you know the opponent is saving his polymorphs/hexes/mind control/instant kill cards for you to play key minions in your deck? Just accept defeat? Hope he hasn't drawn them yet? I'm really at a loss on how to play around it other than not playing and giving the enemy full control.

thats the joke

should I do it? ive got the hof cards crafted in gold and I play wild sometimes i guess

Jade idol

looks surprisingly unpolished.

Should I craft golden versions of my Hall of Fame cards?

I crafted n'zoth when the nerfs came a monthish ago, and I haven't regretted it at all.

Yes. Thensell your account and prepare for Artifact

Play quest rogue so he can't decide which one to use them on.

You guys suck at talking about this game, desu.

Also why does a card exist that reduces the turn to 15 seconds. It's really really stupid.

Just play faster.

Sounds dumb.

>draw voidlords on turn 2 and 3
>hit concede

>same things happens the following game
why do I play this

get fucked purple pr*est

This but unironically.

Feels fucking good to see a purple Priest suffer.

What's wrong with fatigue on turn 10?
My evis was the last card. It can't be helped.

Of course it is , it's still closed Alpha.

Simple, just don't play cucklock. You deserve everything horrible that happens to you if you do.

Can someone post a giant hunter list without the dk please?

Threadly reminder that Hearthstone still hasn't been fixed

Is fun possible with little to no investment, or do I have to engage the time-honored tradition of TCG roulette gambling or face merciless curb-stompings just cuz those pay cards bringing the noise and the fuck.

you will have more frustration than fun either way

tfw just beat trapped room without playing any cards

Spiteful Summoner was a mistake.

there you go user

No. There are some cheap decks, but they require an Adventure that is going to rotate next month. If you REALLY want to enter this scamcircle, wait for the next expansion at the beginning of april that will rotate 3 old sets and make the game overall cheaper for a while.

key cards are epic. meme cards are epic. honestly i do not think you can have fun in this game if you start now and are not willing to spend some money

Holy shit I didn't think it was possible to fuck up a card game but by god valve has done it, shits dead on arrival lmao

That’s pretty much how it’s done
Not that I’m advertising Reddit’s annoying Asian
But watch toast do exactly that

at least wait till beta
but yea it looks shit, ofc it would since it's designed by the mtg guy

it was dead on announcement

I don't know shit about Artifact and this may as well be true, but your shilling won't work here, try Reddit or Hearthpwn, they're gullible and less jaded.

Judge for yourself. Also please note, ITS NOT FREE TO PLAY. YOU HAVE TO BUY THE GAME. And then buy packs

>Win 3 games with any class
Haha. I too love to not play HS.

wake me up

this turd has no chance to complete against reynad's card game

Have you tried playing anyway and making up for it by winning more games?

here are the key facts to artifact.

Eh. Fuck it. If they don't care enough about players for a scrappy freepers only league duking it out for the glory of victory with an underdog handicap to slather some of their jowls with what they might be able to do with pro kits, I don't care enough to play and they have poor leg planning. A viable free league could make it an after school darling earning long-term fans. Sure, my friends and I played Magic in high school. Amongst ourselves alone. Because we were private school students and the public school friends we knew could afford to keep up and did drugs or sex instead.

Eh, I'm sure all those expensive Overwatch partnerships and arena rentals were a sound long-term investment enough anyway.

>Wanting to play more HS than you have to in this meta

Has the money corrupted him?

>1 Million Dollar Artifact Tournament

>action phase
I just don't see myself playing a card game that's somewhere between HS and MTG, awkward design.

>2-1 arena opponent just
>BGH'd my bittertide hydra
>go to cast evolve on both his BGH, murmuring elemental, stormpike commando and 0 mana corridor creeper (my mistake for leaving BGH alive)
>gets golden monkey turn 11ish
>the dragon off of my bone drake is temporus
>the 2 legendaries in his hand are precisely blingtron and greenskin, which gives him barely enough damage to kill me in 2 turns when his blingtron gives him arcanite reaper.

> make new game
> show it to the world for the first time
> do not prepare and provide proper screenshots/videos
> instead let some journos take photos of screen with their cells

Because Valve is incompetent and has been for years.

It's not that they are incompetent, they just don't remember how to make actual video games. They turned into a hat marketplace.

Just like that ebin gwent tournament with lifecoach, that surely gave them a playerbase

They have a playerbase in Dota2 and CSGO, now if that playerbase latches onto Artefact is another thing.

add a promo item to pubg if you win 5 matches in artifact
bam, 10 gorillion players

I fucking hate pubg and all the other cancerous shit. Fuck the guy that started H1Z1.

is he dropping gwent too?

Kind of looks like it. Gwent promised to be different but it's beginning to have the same issues as any card game has. Imo card games are a doomed genre.

I really want to try jade shaman with an Ancient mage burn finish but don't want to craft grumble worldshaker

watching the vod now, seems like he dropped it but being polite about it, paraphrasing "great game - not as great as it once was, not interested in it right now"
>yfw when your financially independent friend convinces you to drop the most popular game of the genre for a stillborn digital boardgame and then ditches you
poor jj

how in the fuck do i get out of rank 5
i play paladin i get nothing but warlocks
i play tempo mage i get nothing but paladins
i play warlock i get nothing but steal priests and kingsmill rogues

play spell hunter and have a ~50% matchup vs. all of them and win vs. anything else you queue into

pick one deck and accept the bad match-ups you dolt

Buy more packs


Holy shit, I just dropped an extra 100 bucks on packs and I'm rank 4 now.

What went wrong with Gwent?

He's playing Artifact.

Please just delete priest. Mind Control is for fags.

That pic triggered me

I agree, but what were YOU playing user? Because a Mind Control on a Voidlord is just divine retribution and a cancer beating a even greater cancer, you know.

>decide to keep track of packs until i get a leggo
>38 packs in
s-sorry ben

what's a deck that fucks with cubelock the most? is there even any?
I've played some that can tolerate it and beat it occasionally, but it feels like there is nothing that genuinely fucks them over badly

would you kill a priest player if it meant two more priest players spawning?

I don't play but from what I know they added a mechanic similar to Discover

Don't mind control void lords, it's not nice, pld player.

Why do you play this game?

Sunk cost fallacy

REEEEEE I'm the only one on the planet that really wants Temporus but Brode won't give it to me. Maybe they can detect my deep desire for it and sense that I haven't spent enough money.

I'm a slave to dailies

I don't know honestly

dude just discover him he's a class card

I want him for collection purposes

anyone? I suppose priest does well? but I lack a lot of the cards

Secret mage with double potion of polymorph and a spell breaker I guess

Miracle rogue with ooze.
Abandon hope vs. paladin but you can beat every anti paladin deck.

eh I guess that would help a bit, true

DK Rexxar is so great. I love taking a million years to make two decisions every turn! The only thing that's more fun is waiting for the opponent to do it!

Shaman has the most polys and AoEs to easily deal with their DK and N'Zoth, after that it's just a matter of weapon removal, draw, heals and jades.

Summoning Voirlords on 5, duping them and then ressing them (twice) is not nice either. It's so little nice that you deserve everything horrible happens to you both in game and IRL, actually.

quest rogue


Pretty much this. I also thought Jade, with the exception of Jade Idol, was an actually pretty cool mechanic even though it was costed poorly.


>Barnes forever

No worries, we giantslock forever now

>have 2 of the best standard decks including the best deck and the best wild deck
>waste time playing brann buff paladin and secret hunter with putricide
Why can't I stop having fun to win?

Unironically excited, since HS started as a mess with potential, and ended up as a horrible mess. Now I only play out of habit, and no more than 20ish games per week.