League of Legends general /lolg/

Storytime edition!


xth for cuteposting!

Xth for my husbandos Ornn and Tahm. They're strong burly beastmen that don't suck cock like your waifus do.

Should I buy Ziggs or Kassadin

i wish we were all ahri

> Ask an arquitect to make you a beautiful castle
> Tells me the castle is going to be amazing
> You know what, I actually made a really mediocre house with absolutely nothing special on it, with mismatching colors for every room and threw away all the ideas you gave me, but hey, Im not charging you 1 million dollars but 900 thousand dollars ! Oh and there will be no other castle this year
Meanwhile Sivir and Galio mains get absolutely fantastic cheap skins



I wish I was a girl



Don't Awoo


being a weregirl sounds scary

I wanna cuddle Jinx and please her physical, mental, and emotional needs

What are the chances for long time silver who reached gold and is trying really hard now to reach platinum?

why is lulu so popular here?



Reminder, Annie is /lolg/'s offical waifu

define "long time"

she's cute

just carry harder/10

If 5 then pug'maw is the new official waifu

Intense circlejerking from a special few.

why is she so sexy?

Depends if you climbed because you stopped being a retard and play to win now or just spammed games

It's okay, man. We're not supposed to be here to command attention. If we get in for on-topic stuff then some decent conversation can happen.

Last, last shop gave me her SG. More than anything I enjoy the passive, but there is no brighter Janna skin so I was happy to take it until Ardent made it all too boring - really gotta try her now that it's nerfed.


Yes, hugely. He was fine before but people kept playing him like old Swain. If you build burst items on him he's hilariously strong.

7 says I'm the new official waifu

I was up and down silver for 2 years, playing random non meta champions for fun. Now I started to 1trick and actually skipped a tier, playing with Plat border teammates.
I am support, sir.
I started to 1trick, have 70% winrate 3.5 average kda (ap support)

Because she's a lewd girl who needs a father like figure to sex her

Reminder that the Annie we know and love is going to disappear with the rework.


Name my band, /lolg/

Oh, should be easy enough then just note and work on your weaknesses

I hope they at least model a set of toggleable helmets and/or chestplates - adds more to to the mech theme and would allow the theme of each form to come out more

>tfw rerolled Pug'Maw permanent
>tfw rerolled Pug'Maw shard
And now chromas. Oops.

>ugliest skin costs the most

>Behemoth charges at the smaller guy but then just stops without a shred of momentum propelling him forward

Lmao this skin is fucking amazing.
At least its not this hot shit
Seriously why would anybody pick the stupid, ugly ass dog skin over Battlecast, Monarch, or Firecracker?

Until they rebuff donut legs, yes.
t. owner of every Annie skin, future owner of PP Zoe

can i say 'you are a f word' without getting banned? or will enough reports trigger a manual review.

get permad on my main for calling someone a fag and dont want the same on me alt.

What rework?

I have 2 laptops. My old one is an i7-4700MQ, GTX 770M, 16GB RAM, 60Hz refresh. And my newer one is an i7-7700HQ, GTX 1070, 32GB RAM, 120Hz refresh. Both at 1080p. Both have games saved to an SSD. My fps for League is almost identical for them, hovering between 80 and 130, regardless of if the settings are on high or low. The older laptop used to run League at higher framerates like a year or two ago, so is the problem with League or is it an Nvidia thing?


I want Irelia's "lol free stun for being more healthy than me" to actually be a counter instead of a free stun. Of course I'm following some weird logic that more health = more mass and she's using the enemy's weight against them or something, but my point about removing the free stun for being lower health stands.

Won't work. I rolled a 5 for Morgana once in a "decide new waifu" and nothing happened.

Holy shit all of these best skins.
Shame ya got fucked on Poppy's skin, but its fine because its dirt cheap anyway.
Just would be nice to use that savings towards buying her god tier chroma.

Tango Evelynn is the best skin, Shadow is meh.
Too bad it wasn't SG Elise though

They are going to turn the annie from the last cinematic into the one we have right now

Holy shit new Mordekaiser is bonkers

Okay so Irelia cant have a short targeted, but conditional, stun
But Annie can stun everyone who doesnt flash it and Ryze can Root you whenever he wants and also Anivia exists?

Shes never getting a rework, dumbass. Her kit is perfect and adored.

>accurate hitboxes minus one

don't ever use fag outside of this place

The whole point of the support role is stacking 4 teammates on your back and then winning a marathon.

You'll sound like a faggot for saying it like that, but "faggot" is a trigger word that the system auto-detects so if you say it and get reported by even one person, you'll get 2-weeks off the bat. Just do what everyone in high elo does and either insult their intelligence by saying things like "bonobo/boosted animals" or be passive-aggressive with phrases like "yikes" and "wow, this game is unlucky".


Only have 900 RP and I'm not sure what to get, the Jax looks good but 20% feels like nothing

Call them a "smooth brain." It's a Rioter approved insult.

>the condition that people are that bunched up and she has her ultimate
>a root being equal to a stun
>a stun you have to aim and hit

They're all great skins, but under the idea that you're buying due to great deals I'd say only Zombie Nunu is worthwhile and even that is up in the air because who knows what the VGU will make of it. Okay, Draven is pretty good as well under those conditions.

ekko buffs when

>Annie's Ultimate is her only stun
>Annie's Q isn't targeted
>Annie's W isn't AoE


please tell me shes wearing clothes and it's just my imagination.

gib Ashe buff plz

Does ekko need buffs? He seems to be in an okay spot right now, not S tier but definitely viable

Teams that are way too boring should be kicked out of LCS.

Draven + Alistar for sure.
The Wukong skin is good, but if you can get Underworld I wouldn't bother. UWWK has the superior recall by miles.

>getting naked to eat a popsicle
Of course she's clothed. You see how fast the pop is melting though? It's super hot, so she's wearing a haltertop + skirt.


He's been buffed twice in the last 3 patches???


Never bully your support!
Honor your support every game!
Why buff Zed and Kayn ;-; ?!

I want to lick Kai'sa's feet!

rip garroshposter
got perma banned
wish he posted here instead and showed these degenerates

>words I didn't say
Annie's ultimate IS NOT a stun. She has to (easily) cast 4 moves to get the stun on her next ability.
You presented a scenario if everyone being bunched up and being ulted by a 4-stacked Annie. That is going to occur much less frequently than Irelia's Equilibrium Strike, especially since it requires the enemy (even a lone opponent) messing up. Irelia? Oh she messes up and is losing the trade? Stun.

Me too, although thankfully I'm sane enough to not become a tranny

Why should that bother you?
Janna already cucks Zed and other assassins in general and they can't do nothing to kill your adc

compensation buffs due to duskblade nerf

don't be mean daddy

kayns forms gimmick was cucking him pretty hard

>Why buff Zed and Kayn
I pity their lane/jungle opponents, but as the support you should be able to handle putting a wrench in their plans, especially since you're often not their primary target.

Now stop crying and start preparing, if you ARE a true support.

>no champion who can create a teamfight

based garithos poster

purge the degenerates

Right but if it wasn;t a conditional stun it would just be... a stun.

Why is it bad that Irelia gets a move buffed by being low health? Personally I would prefer it "Irelia is under half HP" so that it can be a stun even if the opponent is also low health, especially considering how much she heals herself between initiating and trying to back off.
But god forbid the tank who cant get OUT of fights has a form of self peel right

dotas champs look so fun to play but the game is complete trash

>Why buff Zed and Kayn ;-; ?!
Because we've seen what its like without assassins like them since the beginning of Season 7 after lethality was gutted and there've been at least 3 or so methods to disengage these champions easily.

We get Orianna/Maokai/Caitlyn/Janna/Lee picking, farmfests where nothing happens until 40 minutes in. We NEED assassins no matter how fucking cancerous they are because they put spice into this dying piece of shit moba.

I wish I was pugmaw

>scaling meta nearly kills the pro scene
>buff scaling meta
>dont delete ryze

fucking epic ftw XD

coming from an ekko main, he's currently disgustingly op and needs a nerf. people realised he's ridiculously strong with electrocute after klepto got nerfed and now he doesn't need to correctly set up his abilities he can just brute force a kill with e q electrocute and still have

u used to post the uncropped version

*Ruins your entire pro-play*

Do you want tank Ekko to come back?


Except assassins DON'T do their job correctly. Assassins are WEAKEST into teamcomps they're meant to be strongest against? Enemy team is Karma mid Lulu supp Shen top with Kog or some other complete cunt protect the ADC comp? A team comp that has only ONE serious damage dealer and falls the fuck apart if they die? Assassins should be the premiere pick into that comp since they exist to surgically removed one priority target but in reality are 100% useless against it.

Shield spam has literally been AND STILL IS the optimal strategy with no counter SINCE SEASON 2, and assassins are 100% useless against it, the MOST useless against it in fact, despite hypothetically being where they're meant to be an optimal pick.

The primary problem is the mere existence of the enchanter role.

Tank Ekko shouldn't come back but AP ekko should be encouraged.

My favorite is Legion Commander.
>"Literally just walk up to someone and yell 1v1 me bitch": The Ult

Ekko is utter fucking cancer. It's not so much he's OP but it's just so fucking annoying how he has everything in his kit. slows, stuns, 3 hit passive that gives him speed, 2 dashes, a shield and an ultimate that heals him and does crazy damage.

It's just so obnoxious

Grievous Wounds should reduce shield power

>Win ranked. Everyone saying GG to each other
>Bot lane decide to add each other and duo.
>Say "gg Ahri" to myself.
>Nobody says anything else and just leave the lobby.
Why do people hate me even in a video game.

>Right but if it wasn;t a conditional stun it would just be... a stun.
My point is that it shouldn't be a stun at all, not to say that removing CC entirely should be a thing. She can also dash to you/to you via minions, which is much more frequent than a flash.
>how much she heals herself
This is another part of why the stun is ridiculous for 1v1 - of course it's not a guaranteed win, don't get me wrong.
>But god forbid the tank who cant get OUT of fights has a form of self peel right
I'd be fine if it was a stun on the condition of there being multiple people around, like she gores them together for a moment, with the main target being stunned and the other being slowed.

Shields and heals should be conditional instead of point and click. The game is an action strategy game and the support role is stuck in an MMO PvE paradigm.

This is why I think there needs to be a lethality item introduced that reduces shields or does % of its damage to health underneath the shield

If Riot's truly afraid of it, apply the melee only tag as well.

So who are you guys banning these days? I'm banning Brand every game because nothing seems too op, and Brand is a bitch to play against as adc.

Just add BKB and diffusal blade