Why did he invade Kuwait? Was it not apparent that he would get his shit kicked in?

Why did he invade Kuwait? Was it not apparent that he would get his shit kicked in?

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something something the department of state said they wouldn't care if he did something something bush administration changed their minds because something something bin Laden was planning to station his troops in KSA

because in the previous year he had spent over 40% of his GDP on the military and he couldn't just let it sit there. Also the Iran-Iraq war had shown that Iraq's extremely narrow access to the persian gulf was vulnerable to being cut off. Kuwait was rich as fuck and could expand Iraq's coastline significantly.

He also had gotten mixed signals from the state department since he was buying tons and tons of weapons from the good ol' USA. They didn't care when he fought a war that was blatantly expansionistic against Iran, why would Kuwait be any different, who even cares about Kuwait why is it even a country?

He also chose Kuwait in particular because they were carved out as a British protectorate, so it scored him imperialist points.

Also, there was some evidence, which Saddam found very convincing, to suggest that the Kuwaitis were slant drilling near the border, meaning that they were taking Iraqi oil. For a country just recovering from war and totally dependent on oil revenues, that was a big fucking deal.

Wasn't the whole thing about Kuwait refusing to repay a loan?

Fuck u america

Kuwait is a meme country created by Britian

So is iraq

reminder that saddam did nothing wrong

nothing at all

Literally every country in the middle east and almost the entirety of africa are meme countries

Except Iran

This includes the detail that Saddam pressed other parliament members into firing squad duties to be carried out on their (until hours before) former collegues

Forgot link ffs

>silly propaganda video
WTF! A dictator does dictator things!

Being a dictator makes this okay?

1. shitton of debt due to Iran-Iraq war
2. OPEC kept overproducing oil, not abiding by the quota because they needed to regain their strong position on the oil market which they lost in 1973
3. Entire economy and infrastructure in ruins after iran-iraq war
4. Iraq had a huge mobilized army, if Saddam demobilized them they would have no economy or jobs to go to and a coupe would be likely
5. Bitch ass Kuwait was stealing oil from Rumaili oil fields
6. U.S. Ambassador to Baghdad basically said, though its disputed, that the US has no interest in the Kuwait-Iraq border disputes and would not intervene
7. Kuwait had historically, during the Ottoman Emipre, belonged to the region of Iraq
8. Invading Kuwait would double Iraq's oil export revenues
9. Iraq would now have access to deep-water portages

Generally speaking though, Saddam didn't have much of a choice

you mad?

No. Not at all.
But being AmericanHeroesChannel demonizing this man while the US supported Saddam to wage war against the very Iran they themselves fucked over with Operation Ajax and later supplying both sides in the war, is a very low blow.

I don't give a fuck about Baathist Iraqis. I do recognize a vile act when I see it though.

The footage speaks for itself. I just grabbed the first clip that wasn't in a 30min+ documentary.

I just wanted the archive footage with a translation. perhaps an oversight to take it from that channel.

Mordern Iraq the State? Yeah
Iraq as a Concept existed since Lakhmids, The Lakhmids Abbasids and Pic Related(Mamluk Dynasty in Iraq) called themselfs the rulers of Iraq . its not a new identity like say Jordanian or Palestinian

What is a "meme country"?

non ethnic state usually created by foreign intervention, so belgium, bosnia, african states, middle east etc.

You forgot America.

I won't apologize for the Iraq War but it's one of the dumbest things we've ever done. Far and away dumber than Vietnam

Not really. America decided its own fate and created itself (yes, with outside help you autistic yuros) and was able to expand naturally

Our idiot bitch ambassador gave him the green light by saying we wouldn't do anything if he invaded.