Is there any actually historical evidence or account ,other than the Bible...

Is there any actually historical evidence or account ,other than the Bible, of Jesus of Nazareth actually existing and performing miracles?

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what do you need, a liveleak vid?

Looking at the normal picture with the lamb looks weird because I'm so used to seeing the raptor one.

Also, no. There is no evidence of any miracle ever because everything has a physical explanation.

I mean, that would be nice.

Taciturn as well as the aforementioned Josephus.

Jesus Christ and Vespasian are tworking of a select few people who had miracles attributed to them by authors who were witnesses whose accounts have come down to us.

About two yeas ago I heard something about the Vatican possessing an actual eyewitness account of a miracle performed by Jesus. The thing is I haven't been able to find the article so I can't say if it's true or not
Weren't Josephus and Tacitus born after Jesus's death? At the least, they only began writing after he died?

You'd think if the Vatican had an absolutely unfalsifiable eyewitness testimony of Jesus performing a miracle they would be waving that around like they just figured out how to end World Hunger. I would love to see some more information on this though.

>There is no evidence of any miracle ever because everything has a physical explanation
Oh yeah, then explain Mary appearing on a slice of toast!


Jesus of Nazareth was mentioned in some books, but his miracles were never documented.

I think Peter had a Go Pro, might want to check his vlog.

>Taciturn as well as the aforementioned Josephus.
I wonder what it must have felt like to be the worlds most famous cuckolded person. You're raising your wife's son, and said son grown up to be the centre of a huge religion existing for thousands of years.

>It's called the Bible. Maybe you've heard of it.

Literally and figuratively/metaphorically,
No and yes. As far as I know.

The Babylonian Talmud

>There is no evidence of any miracle ever because everything has a physical explanation

You can find depictions of many important people dating back as far as 1400 BC. Busts, carvings, ink on paper paintings, many others. But none of Jesus. The earliest known "depiction" of Jesus is from 214 AD.

Odd, I guess he just wasn't significant or important like Caesar.

so your life faith is based on headwear? Is that what you're saying?

Also, it's a trilby.


By ancient standards that's like a tweet on scene as events are happening. It's more evidence for the existence of Jesus, and attribution of miracles than Socrates or Muhammed.
This Nigga don't know the difference between Joseph and Flavius Josephus.

The Emperors were worshipped as God's as part of a state religion
Why would they spend that on an hermit from an iconoclastic eastern mystery cult which the roman state sometimes persecuted?



>and performing miracles?


Of him existing? yes.
Of him performing miracles? lol. It's called the Bible.

>This Nigga don't know the difference between Joseph and Flavius Josephus.
Caught me red handed

you cant even trust the bible since it has changed so far 5 times....