/twg/ - Total War General


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commit seppuku, no content until May, Norsca never ever

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old thread Screenshot sharing and campaignposting greatly encouraged!

Pay respects to Stephen Hawking, he was a trve vnderstander of black hole warfare

Attached: qt bark.png (256x256, 38K)

Other urls found in this thread:



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So what does happen to male magic users in Bretonnia? What do the elves do to them?

Attached: 2-damsel.jpg (1443x1392, 242K)

The foul scent of vermin permeates this place, my lord. Do not risk the undermining of your rule by the Skaven - take steps to reduce their chittered lies spreading among your followers.

Attached: Have some Advice.jpg (196x191, 33K)


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Becomes sex slaves for the damsels and gets sucked dry to death.

Hmmm. Anyway I can become one of these slaves?

I miss the days of this and SAXON STRONK

you mean SAXON SHITS

>be me
>playing Dark Elves
>have two full stacks of Druchii fuccbois at Tiranoc to defend first captured city on the continent against every High Elf faction in the area
>army consisting of a single rank 1 high elf lord lays siege to my garrisoned Morathi stack
>two full stacks come rolling out the nearby gate and attack my other stack
>can't reinforce with my 3000+ garrisoned troops because one man siege
>my outside stack gets wiped because no retreat from gang-bang

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no I don't user

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Rock the boat!

Attached: landship_and_tank.jpg (600x396, 133K)

donut be sad
remember good time
and make more

Attached: tiny little troops for tiny little battles.png (1214x2192, 1.44M)

>tfw was one of the posts in that screencap

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what about this one

Attached: I shitposted so hard, twg discovered an actual exploit.png (800x1400, 463K)

not that one desu

Would anyone happen to still have an old oil painting filtered Rome 2 screenshot of a lone dejected soldier wandering a city alone? It used to get posted a bit a few years ago but I never ended up saving it apparently

Attached: cato.jpg (220x221, 11K)

me im searching for months about one image an user one posted of a smug victorious roman sitting with an egyptian girl and a greek girl at his feet

Attached: shogun.png (676x988, 717K)

this one?

Attached: lewd roman bdsm.jpg (900x610, 214K)

Attached: rome.jpg (1412x1290, 851K)

no , it was a roman guy in centurion armor with only two girls at his feet , tought i do apreciate this image , thanks for posting it

Attached: medieval.png (1574x1154, 2.6M)

I've got it~

Attached: the sheildbearer.jpg (1920x1080, 958K)

Attached: medieval 2.jpg (1072x690, 264K)

Fucking hell you guys come through fast. Thanks user

these are some good posting hours

That looks nice. Didn't people here did requests for that stuff?

Yeah there were whole threads dedicated to it. That one was one of the better ones made.

Attached: empires.png (1268x1154, 1.12M)

yeah, but then everyone started installing photosketcher and filtering every screenshot to the point where it became spam

Attached: mglpr tactic 100 garuanteed to work.png (1837x610, 55K)

Attached: napoleon.png (273x566, 151K)

another one of the more popular images that got posted repeatedly

Attached: 1380354758592.jpg (1903x1080, 1.99M)

Attached: shogun 2.png (1147x854, 216K)

Best total war game for someone new to the series? What’s your favorite?

Attached: rome 2.jpg (1328x2132, 603K)

>the bugged out pikemen standing like toy soldiers
Fucking hell that 2013 launch man. I've seen some bad launches before and since, but nothing compared to that shitstorm.

I could do with bugs like this in WH2

Attached: LANDSHIPS.jpg (1920x1080, 647K)

Attached: attila.jpg (3234x8117, 2.87M)

Attached: warhammer 1.jpg (1389x1597, 821K)

you whipersnappers are all spoiled with your games that actually work on launch

Attached: Gaius and the fishmen.png (1680x1050, 2.59M)

Attached: warhammer 2 ME.jpg (992x1428, 545K)

>game keeps freezing when trying to board a ship on Empire:TW

Attached: warhammer 2 vortex.jpg (1272x1132, 424K)

trying to figure out the culture of some of those slaves , cant tell what the two at the bottom are really

Attached: 1521006146046.jpg (900x610, 259K)

>that crooked moon agent that has a 5820% chance of success assassinating whoever he wants

Attached: 1520615719047.png (466x492, 187K)

brown one is probably Nubian, maybe the grey-haired one is carthaginian?
the slav(?) one looks like Belle from the animated Beauty and the Beast film, maybe its a german and the red-haired one is irish/scottish
the one on the floor front right? no fucking clue, looks like a Bretonnian Lady that got lost on her way through the warp

Rolling for fun campaign


Attached: Bundesarchiv_Bild_102-17049,_Joseph_Goebbels_spricht.jpg (557x797, 197K)

Have fun as Roxolani, deer

Why the fuck does TWWH2 tank my fps like a cunt
My pc sounds like a jet engine
Whats a good setup for i7 & 1080?

Attached: 12311112.png (420x427, 15K)

you right the one behind the pillar is probably pict/british isles and i think maybe the blonde one with a fur cape is the germanic one ? but her diadem seem greek

could the "slav?" be dacian?


Attached: Abhorash.jpg (300x454, 48K)

Lads, I'm gonna play as Kroq and I need a list of the races that are in and those that are out of the Old Ones' plans

Attached: 1489573252865.png (493x373, 58K)

Damn Mongols, and damn Sicily too. And here I was wondering why the campaign had been easy so far.

Attached: 20180314012325_1.jpg (1440x900, 448K)

>races that are out of the Old Ones' plans

Attached: 1415378432943.gif (280x301, 2.89M)

>implying even the Slanns know

they literraly attack anyone cause they decide : "shit that vision i just had say we must kill those peoples im sure of it !"

How the fuck do I play Aizu?

>expensive line infantry
>they don't even start with a traditional dojo
>huge tracts of empty land to cross
>can't push in either direction without people start shit and attacking my undefended castles

Neat mod for Attila, too bad it's not for the grand campaign, but guess we'll have to wait for MK to get that.

Attached: 20180313191644_1.jpg (1920x1080, 564K)

at least it's not that artstudio dudes mod

That bannerman helmet looks untextured.


maybe shogun 2?

Shogun 2 is easily my favorite, NTW is 2nd I guess.

Shogun two it is. Thanks lads.

Rome 1 or Shogun 2. TWW can also be a good starter.

Shogun 2. Good regular campaign, and great FOTS gunpowder era campaign.
Med 2 is a bit dated, but I still like it from time to time for deus vulting.
TWW great if you're more into the spectacle of battle, along with fantasy elements(magic, monsters).
Attila is good too, but maybe not for starting.
Rome 1 was great for its time and still is if you look past the dated graphics and UI. Rome 2 isn't quite as good for its time as the others, but it's nice if you're in it for the time period.

My personal preference by order(top to bottom). Forgot to mention that.

Playing as peasants is fun but I just don't understand my end goal here. Is it to become the peasant monk shogun or destroy the shogunate and install buddhist communism?

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Basically destroy the current cast system


Attached: Advisor-sensei.png (121x115, 37K)

The Arverni essentially committed suicide by attacking me right as I had built a big army for expanding through rebel provinces. I wrecked them hard, but lost valuable time in which some other factions gained control over some parts of Gaul.

Now I gotta figure out what to do from here on. The Lusitanians attacked me for no good reason (we never even shared a border) at one point. This resulted in me allying with the Arevaci, who decided to act very uncharacteristic for the AI and actually sent some dudes to help take out the invasion force. In other words, Celtiberians are pretty cool guys who don't deserve to be invaded any time soon.
The Boii surprised me by suddenly appearing in Switzerland. Based on their map info, they've expanded hard and fast, they're getting rather threatening.
The Sweboz meanwhile are in the process of shitting all over the Lugiones. Knowing how they tend to behave, they're an inch away from declaring war on someone else as well.
Oh, and the Pritanoi nabbed a Belgian village from under my nose. I think if I don't get attacked soon I'm going to punish them for going where they clearly don't belong.

Then there's Rome, but they're rather preoccupied with a Punic war. At least I hope they are. Romans in EB are rather scary.

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>he doesn't behead his enemies is the name of Prophet

what are you ? some sort of deus cuck ?

who /here/ ready to payback some grudges ?



Attached: G O B L I N S.jpg (1440x900, 227K)

I'll be your vision

Races that aren't part of the plan:
Skaven, Chaos, Greenskins (sorta canon for these 3, anyway)
additionally unnecessary:
Southern Realms, Bretonnia, Vampires, Tomb Kings, Dwarfs, Dark Elves, other Lizardmen that refuse to see your way, even Mazdamundi himself

Races that are in:
-Empire (gotta help your future boss out)
-Karak Eight Peaks
-Wood Elves
-High Elves

By the time Kroq-Gar realy gets to the world diplomacy state, everyone will basically be the player confederators with Karak and southern realms gone, and Brets barely hanging on
Also Tomb Kings get in your way of expansion the entire time

>Pay respects to Stephen Hawking, he was a trve vnderstander of black hole warfare

coming back after a few months, have they fixed the balance in Mortal Empires yet or is it still dwarfblob every campaign?

I purchased WH2 yesterday and have been playing Lizardmen. I've noticed that enemies keep routing and just coming back for ever and ever, it's extremely tough to just annihilate a unit like how I remember it from previous games.

Am I doing something wrong? I've just been fighting Skaven so far, if that makes a difference.

now it's greenskins blob

oh that sounds fun as fuck

>he doesn't LARP as a strong black shemale general, leading Kush armies to remove and kill all the white supremacist

missing out anons

that's the skaven gimmick, they are annoying cunts that run and come back faster than most factions would
but there's a bug in WH2 where melee units can't attack routing units, you shouldn't send in anything but cav and missles against routing units
also sometimes routing units glitch out and can attack while fleeing

It runs worse than WH1 for me, similar setup. The main thing that bothers me is the awful aliasing. FXAA helps a little by blurring the shit out of it, MSAA is better but molests my rig. Even 4k downsampling isnt that amazing - Rome 2 looks much sharper at 4k.

what a mess and I only had 50% of my army because of agents shit

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Every single day I wonder if we'll soon get some new TWWH2 stuff and then I remember

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Do you rename stuntie fur-face cities when you capture them as Greenskins/Skaven?

Been away for awhile. Any leaks about future tww2 content? Are we getting anything before Norsca?

oh yes

read the op, it's updated

I was pissed that MIGHTY QUEEK HEADTAKER was starting in Karak something.

It is Headtaker's Lair now until I think of a better name.


>no content till may
So CA jews want us to buy ToB that badly, eh?

RP campaigns are massively comfy
>Playing as the ASRAI
>listening to the night elf OST from WoW and WC3
>saving the Oak of ages from the depredations of chaos by fighting in the frozen fields of kislev.

Attached: Orion killing chaos fucking shits (painting).jpg (1920x1080, 854K)

hm, are there any mods to give wood elves purple skin?

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