Hey Byzantiboos, I actually hate all of you. However, I need your help

Hey Byzantiboos, I actually hate all of you. However, I need your help.

I am an Ottoboo and at some point in the near future I will be put in a position where I will have to suggest a way for Constantinople to survive 1453.

Is there any way, or is it as hopeless as I usually imagine?

Give me a timeline that diverges in 1453 where Constantinople stays Byzantine, if only for a decade or so. I just need a way for them to survive Mehmed's siege.

The Venetians don't stab them in the back and send reinforcements.

Is there anything they could actively do instead of just hoping the Venetian Jews stop jewing around?

Keep a better watch on their gates. I seem to remember that the walls weren't actually breeched; someone opened a gate and let the Ottomans in.

>that image
for a minute I thought our beloved sultan had returned

dont trick me like that OP

They didn't really take the Arab threat seriously if I remember right, and chose instead to get involved in a pointless and bloody war against the Sassanids. If the two states hadn't been exhausted by war maybe they would've been able to repel the Rashidun caliphate and continue on later, but it's hard to extrapolate that far into the future.


While this may have happened, their walls were also breached. The Ottomans had giant fucking cannons that knocked the walls down repeatedly, the Byzantines just managed to secure the breaches it caused several times.

By the time the Genoans hightailed it they were done for. They didn't have the manpower to keep holding the walls and it turned into a rout.

Mehmet was really set on taking the Constantinople. It was like owning all of America except Washington D.C. I don't know how the Byzantines could have kept him from attacking.

OP, do you mean Constantinople to survive starting in 1453? How much leeway would one have in the years coming up?

By 1543 the writing was on the wall, if it didn't happen that year it would've happened eventually, unless the west got their head out of their asses and actually realized the Ottomans were a genuine threat.

I think the nearest potential turn-around point would have been if that Hungarian crusade hadn't collasped. IIRC the king of Hungary got killed and it basically routed the crusaders, that could have panned out another way and meant the Ottomans getting kicked out of the Balkans. It probably would have meant an ascendant Hungary rather than Byzantium though.

This and Byzantium was a ghost town.
They weren't reproducing and fell victim to a lot of diseases and etc. Which also lead to a lack of taxes to maintain the city.

Reading into it, I was referring to the Crusade of Varna. I think it was the king of Poland rather than Hungary who was killed.

fourth crusade doesnt happen and the byzantines repay their debts to the venitians
boom, doesnt destabilize horridly and the ottmans have to contend with someone of near equal size by 1453

Ally Poland build galleys

Improve relations with Poland, ally them, Ship your troops to Moldavia and declare war. That's how i'd do it

>blobbing into India and Russia while leaving Roman clay unconquered

he was the king of both countries...

Well then I guess I was right on both counts. Anyway the point was that if he hadn't died things may have panned out differently.

Serbs backstab you at Ankara, worsening your interregnum and stealing your entire treasury.
How's that for a scenario?

Thanks granddad

unrelated but where the fuck is the turk shitposter?

a Emu killed him

pay denbts

he basicly killed himself

>gets told by the white knight that under NO circumstances charge the jannissaries head on until Hunyadi says so
>charges in anyway

and thats how the battle of Varna was lost

How can Janissaries defend against heavy cavalry charge? Arent they light infantry armed with scimitars?

History will show that heavy cavalry in of itself cannot defeat a determined, disciplined infantry formation

Sure, but they also had guns, which were fairly new at the time. Also, they were an Eastern unit, not a Western one, 'heavy cavalry' of the sort you're thinking of just didn't exist in the East, since they had steppe folk to fight with and learn from (and steppe cavalry murder the unholy fuck out of heavy cavalry). So instead of charges, it's all about mobility and harassment, against which you want discipline and heavy ranged weaponry, which the Janissaries brought to the table.

Essentially, consider the Janissaries as an elite unit of musketeers, taking the place of a unit of archers, on a battlefield in which archers are still the preferred ranged troop. Yeah, they'll do fairly well, especially since there are tons of shitty tribal conscript troops handling melee combat duties for them.

>They didn't really take the Arab threat seriously if I remember right

To be fair before they basically ransacked the Persians they were just another group of barbarians, and far from the most urgent one. The Persians were a genuine and immediate threat, as well as barbars in the Balkans.

they have this nasty habit of making barricades (paliside, trenches, poles) and armed not just with guns and scimitars but polearms or spears

the cavalry has no staying power, once boggled down, they are stuck in close combat, charges were meant to be decisive, very often they werent

they were disciplined aswell

this is wrong, polish and hungarian knights were western in all aspects
the light cavalry also existed since it was tradition and it was more effective against ottoman cavalry


That image is fake you dumb fucking moefag

It's a picture that brings me great joy.

There is really nothing they can do. At that point their army was mostly mercenaries. The "empire" was doomed when the Palaiologoi seized power. The only way I can see the Roman Empire surviving the siege is purchasing those cannons from the Hungarian side (with Venetian/Genoan gold of course)

The maps a meme as far as im aware. Some turkish raiders raided the place once hired by some outher kingdom if i remember right.

Iceland and south France. sagreblöö aru a shit troll

That is a disgusting map. When I did a Byzantium run I did it properly. Took back the entirety of Roman clay and reclaimed the title of the Roman Empire. And didn't fucking blob into Russia.

>this is wrong, polish and hungarian knights were western in all aspects

Not in terms of armor. They did have some plate, but not quite the most fully developed Gothic full plate that the best knights in France, etc, had. And even minor differences in gaps in armor can make a huge difference.

-The crusaders didn't buttfuck the city on the 4th crusade
-the church schism never happened
-the west gave a shit to send aid before the siege
-greek fire was heavily used and engineered in big defense systems especially at sea and against ottoman ships
-the byzantines had cannons

All of those could make a difference to various extents.

It's a meme you fucking dipshit.

I'd death march you from Yerevan to fucking Deiz ez-Zor if I had the chance.

>tfw our lovely türkposters are never coming back

They'd already survived for like 50 years longer than they "should" have because of a devastating Ottoman civil war and Timur the Lame's invasion. Nothing was ever certain, even when Byzantium was confined to a bumfuck city of lost glories and the shitty Pelopponese.

No, I'm with you, I think Byzantiboos talking about how they could have survived are retarded.

I just need a semi-non-retarded strategy.

how do you know he's not here..
right now..

>I just need a semi-non-retarded strategy.

There is no strategy other than waiting things out, hoping the Ottomans collapsed and then trying to regain lost territory. Rome had literally a tenth of the manpower with most of it being made up of shitty mercs, and the Ottomans had a powerful semi-professional army. There is no scenario where a battle between them would end in a triumph. It would hinge on the Ottomans either fucking themselves or getting fucked from an outside source, neither were beyond the realm of possibility though. Byzantium had come back from poor odds before, after Manzikert the entirety of Anatolia had been lost, after the Slavic invasions pretty much all of the Balkans were lost for decades.