Post your most aesthetic uniforms, Veeky Forums

post your most aesthetic uniforms, Veeky Forums.

Italians had some pretty good ones, although they also had some pretty awful ones too.



Technically not uniforms but fuck it, sea peoples rule

wouldn't the nose guard be better the other way around? That way you have more of your face covered

Or is it reversible?

posting the most Veeky Forums soldiers


>inb4 hurr durr Hugo Boss designed that
he didn't.

>inb4 weeb


Why are they so well armoured. Why do they have extra weight on their helmets.

Did they wear those to battle? I was under the impression that they were ceremonial.



WW1 had the best uniforms


WWI Brit uniforms were based.

Also, pic related was cool.


>no shoes


from what i understand you lock the noseguard in place so you can lower it or put it higer up, so reversing it would be possible


>because faster without boots

you don't get to bring copains



The french zouvaes

German navy