Sea Peoples

Who were the Sea Peoples and how did they cause the Bronze Age collapse?

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A coalition of proto-Greeks from the Aegean islands, some bored Anatolian, and maybe some Sicilians or Sardinians.

why is this a question? No records?

Lotta loyalty for some hired Pirates

Mycenaean Greek diaspora after the collapse in 1200 BCE. 70% of them scattered from Greece by 1050 BCE. Mostly across the Aegean, Eastern Med., and into the Balkans.

They were niggers. History repeats itself.

The sea people. Or decendents of Indo-Europeans living in or around the Mediterranean sea, were people of the sea that mastered the sea and attacked from the sea on mighty sea ships. Like Egypt was wrecked.


>how did they cause the Bronze Age collapse?
It's unclear exactly what happened, but the Sea Peoples more likely were a symptom of the collapse rather than the cause itself.

>No records
Pretty much. Turns out when you have just about every major civilization collapsing, records aren't much of a priority. Plus, those that were keeping their shit together enough to have records survive to this day (see the egyptians) didn't exactly care all that much about where these people were from so much as they were with just keeping them away.

It's a question because we don't know who they were, they make some names: Shekelesh, Sherden, Ekwesh, Denyen and we don't know who these people were, we know for ceratin some of them like the Peleset were connected to the Agean and/or Anatolia but that's it.

It's not like we have that many documents from back then, it's so fucking long ago, also it's not like Egyptians had a really good grasp on Geography (though we know from a document mentioning a Mycenean (Danaju) embassy in Syria that they knew of Greece and the cities there), if some of these pirates came from further away or some remote places it's possible they didn't even know their place of origin so the just lebeled as "of the sea", for example Sherden "of the sea".

You don't think it's a little odd and too coincidental that at the same time the trojan war happened and the sea peoples chimped out, the r1b Dorians moved into Greece and the Urnfield culture moved into Italy? Something big happened.

None of the sea people tribes were known as Dorian, but some the Weshesh, have been connected to the Osci/Ausones by some scholars, the Osci were Italic people who most likely moved to Italy in the late bronze age and we know for certain that many of the sea people were connected to the urnfield culture, which was shared by the Osci, for instance they mostly used Naue II type swords, used the wild duck protome symbol, used fibulae a lot and so on.

>bronze age collapse
>sea peoples
>santorini eruption
what the fuck was going on

Santorini eruption was 400 years before this

Most likely, some climatic event caused the a major change in the climates of some populated regions, displacing those that lived there. The displaced peoples started moving to where they knew there were resources - the more prosperous tribes and civilizations. However, in many cases, those places were struggling as well, and themselves collapsed under the weight of the migrations.

What compounded the problem was at some point the tin and copper trade collapsed. As pic related shows, the sources for the ingredients for bronze weren't available everywhere - tin, for example, was most common in Galicia. And it wasn't just the bronze trade that collapsed. Pretty much all trade routes collapsed, and with it went all those tribes and civilizations dependent on them.

As more and more people got displaced by the migrants and raiders, they fled (or set their sights on) those civilizations still standing.

I'm pretty sure I got some details wrong here, but that's the general idea of the collapse.

Were Odysseus and his companions Sea People?

It was definitely a long term climatic event that spanned a few hundred years. I'm guessing that this same climate change lead to the Indus Valley Civilization collapsing. Mediterranean civilizations didn't feel the brunt of it until a few hundred years after.


god this is really disheartening considering contemporary trends mimicking this in a general way.

He mentions raiding egyptlikethe Ekwesh and Denyen did in Egypt

We're far better equipped to handle these problems today then people in the bronze age were, shit's really gonna suck for you if you live in an overpopulated third world nation in an already arid region though. Many people will die.

If you thought fighting wars over oil was bad enough just wait until the wars over water start.

Why would we fight over water?

Current use of water is extremely inefficient and damaging.

Look at California to see the environmental impacts of water intensification. It's a dusty shithole that's always on fire because rivers are rerouted to feed cropland or dammed up for urban uses, absolutely fucking everything from retention of groundwater to precipitation.

Or look at Bolivia to see the corporate effects. The country was nearly torn apart when their water was nationally privatized.

Such a basic resource is at incredible risk because people mishandle and abuse it, ironically thinking it's too basic to ever be at risk.

There are a lot of water distillation technologies and working plants that turn salt water to fresh water. Whole of Israel's water supply was switched to this system few years ago.

>tfw take two hour-long showers a day because I know it's a temporary luxury

true upper middle-class decadence

>sea peoples

Obviously Illidan's Naga you pleb

>not the glorious queen azshara

>Implying corrupt third world shitholes in the middle East and Africa will be able to adopt this technology

Have you forgotten when Gaza was given back by Israel all the greenhouses (which had been very profitable and were given for free to the Gazans as a good will gesture) were destroyed by mobs looting them for copper wire.

>for pennies a day, you can adopt a thirsty African child and sate them long enough so they die from starvation instead

Lady Vashj > Statue queen

it doesn't matter who they were, what matters was their plan

Vashj looks better than the "beautiful" queen who only wants (((demon lord dick))).

Fine taste there user


>Who were the Sea Peoples
Sea Peoples = Philistines = Veneti = people currently known as Slavs

Makes sense.

Pro-germanic proffesors created image as if "Slavs" didn't have any history before migration period, but it seems they were quite important back in the ancient times.

Maybe that's where Red Sea admixture comes from?

>Maybe that's where Red Sea admixture comes from?
Maybe but I don't think they came from the south to north. It was the other way around

If only there was more info on this.
Now it's all speculations.

>Huge battle in today northern Germany
>exactly at the same time as the sea people

Slavs beating the shit out of Germans.


There were probably multiple groups who joined forces. I believe it wasn't just men, but whole communities of people. Women, craftsmen, etc. I think a major group were refugees from the Trojan war. Not necessarily citizens of the city itself, which fell so famously, but of the surrounding regions that were dependent on them.

Underrated post.

For me, it's pretty much settled that the Peleset were the Philistines spoken of in the biblical stories.

i realy wonder

That sounds about right.

As for specific climatic events, my money is on either warming causing desertification or great floods. Maybe both. A meteor or volcano would be a cool cause, anyone know of anything like that happening around that time?

why not

Yeah just look at Flint or Corpus Christi. It's managable, but what if an entire country didn't have drinking water? That's a very real concern in some developing nations where the infrastructure doesn't even really exist.

>turn salt water to fresh water.
Impractical and expensive for most people.

One of the principal texts of Norse mythology states directly that the ancestors of Scandinavians were refugees from Troy in the Trojan war. Odin, Thor, etc. were real leaders after they dispersed from Anatolia to Eastern Europe until they finally migrated to northern Europe after more waves of migrations pushed them further north.

I wouldn't say they were slavic, but they became slavic, for a time.

this information is wrong and bad.

t. finn

"Sea peoples" in Egyptian (which is where it comes from) probably meant the same to them as "immigrants" means to us in the modern era. They were probably a complex group of people from different regions, but were seen as outsiders and not "Egyptian" so they didn't use exact names for all of them.

Their salt water caused the bronze to rust.

Many years later, jet fuel would melt steel beams.

>Tollensee battle
>warriors' DNA has been tested and they turned out to be genetically same as modern Poles

>in the Bible in chapter about Philistines name "Lehi" appears

>Troy most likely has been founded by Thracians
>Thracian language strangely resemble Slavic language.



>In every place, where Veneti lived (see map ) Slavic-like DNA has been found...

> well as there are a lot of strangely Slavic toponyms (for example in Brittany - pic rel)

In the time of Joseph there was a huge food shortage and all people went to Egypt to buy food which made Egypt rich and powerful.

>One of the principal texts of Norse mythology states directly that the ancestors of Scandinavians were refugees from Troy in the Trojan war.
Plenty of mythologies make that claim. The Romans did it directly with the Aeneid (claiming that they were descended from Trojan refugees), and plenty of ancient cultures had habits of retconning mythology to suit political situations. The Greeks fairly regularly shifted the supposed locations of Heracles' trials to that of far-flung colonies, and even generals like Hannibal had historians working hard to conjure up parallels between his campaigns and that of classical Greek myths.

Realistically it was likely something far more subtle. Something as simple as a drought or subtle change in average temperatures can cause a massive shift in local climates. In fact, the Bronze Age was marked by a cold period that ended around the time of the collapse, and the Eastern Mediterranean was struck by a drought around the same time.

atlanteans..they had better tech. so they kicked the bronze age peoples ass


They were Proto-Slavic.

It's expensive and energy intensive (or else very very slow as to be impractical).

While under Israeli occupation, the greenhouses were protected by trigger-happy Israeli troops. Gaza is an impoverished shithole. I very much doubt the Israelis expected anything other to happen.

Illidan's naga don't fucking do anything, they're not proactive enough to be Sea Peoples.

And if they picked Gaia as their major gods the Egyptians would not be able to use their god powers on their buildings

>tfw there will never be a moive/game or book about world war 0 and the fall of the sea people