Why are women less likely to follow abstract ideas/virtues/ethics than men are?

Why are women less likely to follow abstract ideas/virtues/ethics than men are?

It seems to be that women are "egoists" in social interaction because they always value what gives them more personal gain in any given situation than what is "right".

Example: Truth is an abstract idea that people follow because they themselves would not like to be lied to. A man will tell you that your shoes are ugly because he himself would not like to be lied to about his own shoes. He would prefer the truth so that he can change if need be. But a woman would lie and say that the shoes look good because she values the social connection of affirming another's sense of style than actually telling the truth.

Obviously this is an extreme generalization, but this general trend seems fairly prevalent in my own social world.

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Might as well ask why women give birth.

>in my own social world

If you associate with virtueless bitches, it's only natural that you'd expect all women to be virtueless bitches. The problem is not women but the women you associate with.

I feel as though biology is only one component to this. What have we done to socialize women to act this in this manner? Or are you implying it's entirely innate?

In this generation, being virtueless seems to be the norm amongst both gender. So I would say it's just cultural shit.

What I meant by that is women I've been exposed to, or are exposed to on a regular basis. I can't speak for the women in Tunisia for example, they could be paragons of virtue for all I know. But the women in mid-west American seem to follow this social trend.

I believe it has to do mainly with how women are raised, and whatever models they are encouraged to emulate.
I think that it is very difficult to argue that the expectations for women are different then those set for men.
I don't mean this in a positive or negative way, but the fact is different methods of cultivation produce different results.

To say this is a sort of biological mechanism is unconvincing to myself, as it asserts a closed off model that asserts that all life is the exact sum of its parts.

Also, when a man tells you your shoes are ugly, he isn't likely doing so out of a sense of virtue, or some form of platonic truth.

Most idealized males are straight-talking.
Most idealized females are meant to be 'caring', which often translates into flattery and white-lies.

Because that's their survival strategy. All a man has to do to pass on his genes - essentially - is to spend a few minutes knocking up a fertile woman. After that he's in a support role and if he dies or leaves or whatever (perhaps in service to an abstract idea, such as "muh land" or "muh rights") the woman is still stuck with the kid and to ensure her success in this (and even when the male sticks around) she is utterly ruthless. Abstractions are a male indulgence; women can't afford to be distracted from their biology but men can and these distractions are often extremely profitable in the long run but women have a hard time seeing the value in them because they have little value in what is to them a meaningful timeframe, namely their fertile period. A woman might see the abstract value in men fighting a war for better pasture or spending their lives doing aerospace research but at the same time it is a waste for her to indulge in such pursuits when she has maybe 15 good years to bear children and then has to spend another 15 raising them. Her time is much better spent finding the best mate possible and procuring his genes and support through whatever means necessary.

>It seems to be that women are "egoists" in social interaction because they always value what gives them more personal gain in any given situation than what is "right".
Lovely sources.

Women have a tendency to operate via consensus, they follow the herd more than men tend to.


it's honestly just basic human behavior, the females of their species are generally predisposed to defer to majority opinion.

>they follow the herd more than men tend to.
Dear Lord...

I wouldn't say this is quite true. They depend on outside validation more than men do, but I don't think that they operate on consensus, just convenience.

I mean look at feminism. Many women who consider themselves feminists are not well read in feminist theory but simply parrot basic feminist "memes" and concepts. Why would someone who doesn't understand something support it? It's not just because other women are, but because it gives them social power. It's convenient for them to be feminists because it gives them a barrier against people calling out their own inward and selfish behavior and instantly elevates them against non-feminist women and men. Purely egoist, zero virtue.

>he thinks men lie less
>Subsequent to controlling for various demographic variables, no statistically significant sex differences were found in terms of the extent of lying (men = 1.93 lies; women = 1.39 lies).

>Many men who consider themselves fascist/Nazis/alt-right are not well read in fascist/Nazis/alt-right theory but simply parrot basic fascist/Nazis/alt-right "memes" and concepts. Why would someone who doesn't understand something support it? It's not just because other men are, but because it gives them social power. It's convenient for them to be fascist/Nazis/alt-right because it gives them a barrier against people calling out their own inward and selfish behavior and instantly elevates them against non-fascist/Nazis/alt-right women and men. Purely egoist, zero virtue.
Looks it fucking works for nearly everything

t. woman


fake news

I can tell you're a woman.

Do you want to know how?

They are overly empathetic to a fault when it comes to framing their political thought, which is kind of dangerous

Except I'm not user

If anything, women tends to get indoctrinate into feminine light ideologies pretty early.
And that usually takes a social slot, so if they end up following more, there is only so so many slots.

Beyond that, a lot of early 1900 writing stems from a time when Men and Women where segregated.
You see a lot of traces in this in Heinleins, Tolkien, and a lot of writers work. Segregated women simply commanded more respect because they got indoctrinated far earlier than men, in the arts of how society actually worked.



Well /pol/-tier "right wing" fags are just as mentally crippled and collective as feminists so it makes sense. But I don't think it works for everything my dear.

Nice source faggot

Well in that specific situation it's probably just because women tend to be less courageous and more caring and nurturing, hence they wouldn't want to hurt another's feelings with honest criticism or risk a hostile reaction.
That's just an assumption based off common stereotypes though.