Was he REALLY short?

was he REALLY short?

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No. It just comes from British propaganda and the fact that France used a different measuring system at the time. He was average height.

he was really a cake

Actually he was above average for the time.

He comes in at about 5'7" using imperial

Keeping in mind the average height when he was alive was about 5'5"

his contemporaries called him short

the average man was short, it's why people used to be called middle height instead of average

Yeah he's only holding that baby to make himself look bigger. Cunt.

Don't listen to this revisionist nonsense, he was a puny man bubba.

Is this the Russian version of Ich bin ein Berliner?

Well, I don't remember Napoleon's height but he sure does look smaller than that man who's holding him in the painting.

I laughed

a delicious legacy!

He was actually taller than most people of his era, british propaganda and the fact that he surrounded himself with tall guards

How the fuck did you think this deserved its own thread? You could have spent three seconds on google dispelling this misconception.

the point is it's not a misconception because everyone who met him thought he was short

that he was "average" is the misconception because the average man was short

Andrew Roberts rights about how the (((Little))) Corporal would sit on his wife's lap.
He even looks short, look at those stubby Corsican proportions.

this is just British propaganda and butthurt over his legacy trying to demean him, his height was nothing out of the ordinary in France

You can keep saying this, it doesn't become any more true. What Legacy, the bigger a figure he becomes, the better the UK looks. Easily the most distinguished strategist France has ever produced, perhaps the greatest military mind since antiquity and yet he surrendered to sweet Albion, not once....
>T W I C E !

also, he was short.

then why do all the french biographers who knew him call him short


His personal bodyguard were picked from his best Grenadiers, who are themselves selected based on strength and size, fitting their status as assault troops.

He was often accompanied by a retinue of large burly men, which would probably give him the air of a smaller man in comparison.

Not really. 3 reasons why people think he was

1. British Propaganda
2. French inches are larger than imperial inches
3. His Imperial Guard were really fucking tall for the time (6'1"+)

>Veeky Forums doesn't read primary sources and just quotes wikipedia
why am i not surprised

>the average man was short, it's why people used to be called middle height instead of average
I don't understand.

if you read sources from the middle ages and before "average height" never comes up

you have middle height instead, it's what's used to describe people who are neither shot or tall ie. neither a lanklet or a turbomanlet

so 5' 8"
